Reviews for Just Another Boring Day Saving The Universe
STARWARZMYLIFE chapter 1 . 8/15
Ok, Season seven hurt, am I right? I will NEVER WATCH THE FINALE AGAIN! I love this, peace is restored to my soul :)
Reader chapter 1 . 8/10
I swear I died laughing reading this. It was incredibly funny, and in fact really similar to a story concept I came up with once... Great minds think alike! ;) Every bit of it was amazing, but I think the password attempts were the best part. Or maybe the happy ending. (Anakin would've whined a lot! HA!) Anyway, this was hilarious, and was probably one of the best one shots ever.
KarajeJinsta chapter 1 . 6/20
Oh my gosh! I read this and CRACKED UP! This is so funny! My favorite part was them just deleting order 66, and copying and pasting order 65. PRICELESS :)
Lovingh3art chapter 1 . 5/24
That was both satisfying and funny as hell. A job well done!
124gp96cdx5 chapter 1 . 5/7
EYESSSS! I love these stories, when everything turns out ok. The fact that it was Echo and Fives made it even better.
Cody Lurk chapter 1 . 5/4
it was bloody beautiful. the story, you have wrote. may the 4th be with you
Rogue Skywalker chapter 1 . 5/4
Oh my gosh yes! Season 7 is breaking my heart too! but you're helping me heal!
NaomiBlue chapter 1 . 5/2
Love it. Hysterical.
Agent N chapter 1 . 5/2
This is GOLD! Fives & Echo became the greatest heroes in the galaxy!

Palpatine/Sidious got what he deserves, love the Jedi Order changes the rules(and accepting Anakin's marriage), the Clones were disbanded or retired after the war and Ahsoka's reunion with Anakin was a perfect ending. Nice job.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1
Loved this, I’m just confused by several things. Like why is Rex a rookie, while echo and fives are arc troopers? Also is this supposed to be after ahsoka left? Because echo died before she left the order?
Above the Winter Moonlight chapter 1 . 5/1
This is hilarious, and definitely the laugh I need after Season 7 Episode 11. The feels from "Shattered"! So I need this laugh. Thank you!
ProfitableSunrise12 chapter 1 . 5/1
Echo and Fives have the very boredom of everyone during quarantine at the moment. A very entertaining story which helped save the galaxy. Similar to my story, the discovery of the chips and it's full purposes saved the galaxy and changed the Jedi Order.
weird clone wars fangirl chapter 1 . 5/1
As always a great fanfiction. Shattered literally killed me, but that’s okAy. The ‘senatoralmidalaishot’ thing was hilarious! Great job!