Reviews for Brand New Day, Brand New World
Corsair175 chapter 12 . 1h
Loving the story so far! Please keep it up as much as you can.
Just don't burn yourself out.
kingnarutoxqueenkushina chapter 12 . 9/1
I just found this story and i have already been though all 12 page, keep up the good work
Jerrend chapter 12 . 8/31
Yeah get sone Leon!
Thunderwolf7226 chapter 11 . 6/18
This is good.
KyuubiMakai009 chapter 1 . 5/3
"Scanning" "Transfer" "Virtualization"
Was that a f# &ing Code Lyoko reference?!
Thunderwolf7226 chapter 10 . 4/28
These chapters we're great!
JustAShadow4 chapter 7 . 3/15
Thunderwolf7226 chapter 6 . 2/29
I love beacons antics. Keep up the great writing.
Thunderwolf7226 chapter 5 . 2/24
Beware the dancing Alpha Fluff. This was awesome I love Zoey, and the battle was amazing.
david.teague.3950 chapter 4 . 2/17
I'm not all that sure about this, it's cute so far and the possibility of a potential relationship with a female Gardevoir it's one of the cutest Pokémon in the series, and one of my favorites. My Top is Lucario, followed by Gardevoir(preferably female), Latias(I blame that movie that had Latias and Latios it gave me the idea of shipping a Latias with a Human), and Mew.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/28
This seems to me like it’s gonna be a good story. Keep going, can’t wait to read more.
Thunderwolf7226 chapter 3 . 1/27
This is good. Keep on writing and ignore those two they are trolls.
Blades of Chance chapter 1 . 1/21
[Your first chapter should involve more than one character tediously filling out another even more fictional character sheet.]

Yeah np this is bullcrap.
Farla chapter 1 . 1/21
Your first chapter should involve more than one character tediously filling out another even more fictional character sheet.