Reviews for To the Victor Go the Spoils
I know okay chapter 2 . 3/30
I wouldn't have wanted to work under someone like that either. I hope everything works out for them.
I know okay chapter 1 . 3/30
I'm not surprised he'd forget his birthday when he never really had one growing up and was just too busy.
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 2 . 2/29
Hemlockconium chapter 2 . 12/30/2019
I feel so bad for Draco, but he deserves better and it’s so good to see him going after it. You depicted Draco and Narcissa’s relationship beautiful even in such a short scene. I love the name you chose for Blaise’s mother; it’s very fitting in more ways than one. “He knew those footsteps like he knew his own heartbeat.” is such a beautiful line. I can only imagine how the conversation went down when Harry showed Draco the Marauders’ Map and told him what he’d used it for!
Hemlockconium chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
Another brilliantly written story! I love how well Draco knows Harry that he fibbed about when the reservation was for, and I never realised how funny a drunk Harry would be!
thereviewer chapter 3 . 12/22/2019
I surprisingly liked this, "surprisingly" meaning that I've never cared for Harry/Draco fics. It reads smoothly with no SPaG mistakes (which for me is the most vital part of engaging in a story) and I like your writing style. Only quibble is that I would suggest a reduction of the swearing, which is a little off putting. That being said, if you're doing one-shots from here on out, I'd like to see your perspective on other characters as well. :)