Reviews for When We Shed Our Skins
Skyboy91 chapter 1 . 4/2
I really enjoyed this! Your Fflewddur (and Llyan) are dead on perfect in character, and the whole tale is so good, the prose and descriptions so crisp; it feels like LA himself could have written it. I don’t know for sure if he woman is real or just a dream; but I expect she is real, and Fflewwdur will be dreaming of her for a while. Just a sweet; well written, perfect Prydain story.

I am a big Fflewddur fan; and I’m really looking forward to your longer Fflewddur tale!
LMSharp chapter 1 . 11/6/2019
Mmm. I don't have context either from the Mabinogion or from your larger fic, but in the line of the old tales, Fflewddur has either just been very blessed or in very great danger. Because he is kin to the Sons of Don, I suppose his danger from otherworldly beings is not as great as it might be for Taran or Coll, for example. He is descended from gods or godlike beings himself. Your otherworldly woman seems benign, but I can't help but think of darker explanations. Your writing is fluid and haunting here, though. I did enjoy.

CompanionWanderer chapter 1 . 11/3/2019
*flails wildly with excitement*

So, being privy to some of the backstory ideas here, I don’t want to give anything away by eagerly babbling about this dream-woman but I do love how she’s described, especially knowing what I know, and I can’t WAIT for that longer story you’re working on.

As usual I’m totally impressed by the sensory richness of your settings and the perfectly in-character portrayal of the bard...both his comic humor and the underlying pathos we only get glimpses of. This is absolutely the Fflewddur I adore and I just...ack...I’m so looking forward to...argh! Can’t post spoilers! DRAT!

I’m as impatient as Llyan waiting on a song.