Reviews for A Different Future
atrum nemus chapter 7 . 8/24
I am so sad you aren't continuos this, recently I find this and I like so much this history, please continuos writing.
Cece chapter 7 . 7/24
Noooo this is super good. But I respect ur wishes...
Akuma no Hono chapter 7 . 3/18
I am a little sad to see that you lost the inspiration for this story.
I found it today and really enjoyed it.
But I wish you luck with your other projects, and I do hope you get back to this story one day.
doffygirl90 chapter 7 . 3/11
I would like to say that I have greatly enjoyed this story and am sad to see you end it but I do understand why you stopped. I will be reading your other story and I am looking forward to it.
Monxu Aki chapter 7 . 1/14
I hope that your new story about this One Piece world you created Will be posted soon i liked that story!
Shiho-Akemi chapter 7 . 1/12
Sabes lo horrible que fue leer la parte de abandonado en la sipnosis?
Especialmente cuando no hice caso a mis instintos y simplemente me lancé a leer los 7 capítulos que hay disponibles, no lo traduzco porque estoy media enojada media triste, eso byebye, espero que algún día lo continues~
DarthGhengis chapter 7 . 1/5
While I'm sad to hear it, since it seems to happen to a lot of time-travel fics, I appreciate the fact that you let everyone know it's abandoned (since some authors just abandon something yet never bother to say it). Will be keeping an eye on your profile for anything new though!
Guest chapter 7 . 1/4
I really like that you personaly say that you say that you abandon the fic yourself, other just leave their viewers waiting for the update that will never come
FullMoonVamp chapter 7 . 1/4
I really love this story and would love to read more so please update as soon as you can
Unlucky Alis chapter 7 . 1/4
Thank you for writing the story at all! You shouldn’t have to force yourself to write if you aren’t enjoying it, so no need to apologize. I’m really glad I was able to read what you did write, and I hope things are good for you going forward :D
nessa11997 chapter 7 . 1/4
First of all, thank you for writing this story. I really enjoyed it. And it's good that you feel you can't continue it. It's your story and you're supposed to enjoy telling it xD. Thank you very much for sharing
Dabi Soen chapter 6 . 12/9/2019
please update i qould like to see more
twilightromance4ever chapter 6 . 11/23/2019
I love this story! And I love the ideas for the future allies you have. Keep it up:)
Guest chapter 6 . 10/29/2019
Hi, I love the story so far, I do hope you will continue to update
BlackGryphon101 chapter 6 . 10/11/2019
Just wanted to tell you that both chapter 5 and 6 are both the same. I’m not sure if it was intentional or not but I figured you’d want to know. The said I really enjoyed reading this story today especially because it’s pretty rare finding a fic where Marco and Law were the ones joining Luffy on his time traveling adventure. I also really love the fact that Marco is acting like the big brother he is to the two younger travelers. Law and especially Luffy are also taking great pains to live up to the annoying younger siblings trope aren’t they. That said Marco generally doesn’t mind since he’s got over 1,600 younger siblings already, but Luffy seems to be on a different level than most, since I don’t think Marco would take it so well if anyone else sicced Shanks on him like Luffy did in this story. It’s probably got something to do with how they first met during Marineford, how young Luffy was at the time (experience wise), coupled with the trauma of losing Ace and Whitebeards and Marco and the rest of the Whitebeards staunch refusal to let Luffy die.
I also really love Law in this fic especially his relationship with Cora-san it is a nice change from canon. I just can’t get enough of those twos parental bonds. Although, I also love how true to canon you are with the now familial relationship between Law and Luffy especially when Luffy is being a little bundle of energy, Law always seems to know how to handle his younger sibling while avoiding getting completely bulldozed over by what ever Luffy ends up planning. I also love how Law low key plays the obnoxious little kid/brother to Marco let when he ‘accidentally’ forgot to give Marco a heads up with what Luffy was planning with Whitebeard, and when he also neglected to point out that Luffy deliberately ‘forgot’ to get Shanks number because he thought Marco dealing with Shanks is hilarious (and of course he did because it is hilarious). That said my favorite part with Law in had to be when he interrupted Sengoku and Cora-san’s den den call, first because of he involuntary response when Garp barged into the ’private’ conversation, then when Law successively distracted Sengoku. Before the latter was able to wonder just how Law was able to have meet either Luffy or Garp by cheerfully taking a leaf out of Luffy’s book, and pointing out so ’happily’ to his Grandpa that Sengoku is now related to GARP to the former rather justified horror. And of course just as Law planned Garp butted in and finished the job of distracting Sengoku due to the latter now trying to kill him.
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