Reviews for In The Ruins Of Our Glory
Impatient reader chapter 5 . 8/23
I hope you update soon, I enjoy crossover stories such as this one a lot
liveoninmemory chapter 5 . 8/19
I love this, I can't wait for the next chapter! Please update soon!
Almecestris chapter 5 . 8/12
Been enjoying your stories. Thanks for sharing and I hope for more to come!
ReadLikeHermione chapter 5 . 8/11
Thanks so much for the update. Can't wait for the next one.
Shadow Wolf 15846 chapter 5 . 8/11
Darling Nova chapter 4 . 8/9
Wow, I'm reading this chapter again and I did not remember being this emotional. I cried twice and it was a bit hard to hide it when you're in a packed car. I'm not familiar with Game of Thrones but you still managed to give life to the characters, making Google searches unecessary. Those HP/GoT are so well written, I can't believe I'm reading them for free on the internet. Thank you so much 3
Caver Floyd chapter 5 . 8/4
Oberyn’s first daughter with Ellaria should be his fifth daughter, you are forgetting about Sarella. Though I would understand why she would not appear in the water gardens scene, she was probably holed up in a corner with a book.
Kiochii chapter 5 . 8/4
I’m looking forward to when Rhaenys and Oberyn finally meet and the dragon! The reaction to Norbert (which I hope she changes her name) is going to be great.
I loved the little flashes of Aegon. I love the sibling bonding you foreshadowed in the dreams she was having as well.
I really looking forward to the next installment. Also when she runs is it just her wand, the dragon and her cloths on her back she takes with her or does she take anything else like a certain cloak of invisibility? What about Sirius and Remus do they sooner or later follow her to that world? I can’t see Sirius sitting by idle if he is still her godfather in this story.
Adamantium Stripes chapter 5 . 8/3

What will happen to the horcrux when she returns home? Will she still be able to speak to snakes? Will she be able to do any water magic? How will her new family react when they realize she been abused all her life?

Guest chapter 5 . 8/3
Oh can't wait for the next update! She and the dragon will just adore one another! Can't wait for her to meet her uncle and have a happy family!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/2
So if Rhaenys will be returning to Westeros with Norbert/Norberta in her first year, how will this affect her scar and Voldemort? Is her scar a horcrux or not? And if it is, will Rhaenys being transported to an entirely different world "kill" the horcrux? I know she won't be on Earth to know what happens to Voldemort anyway, but when Dumbledore gets off his ass and starts destroying horcruxes because his ace-in-the-hole is gone, will Voldemort be mortal once he destroys the diary, the locket, the ring, the cup, the diadem, and Nagini? Or will he be kept alive by Rhaenys even though she's not on Earth? I guess it doesn't really matter for the purpose of this story if she's going to be in Westeros, but I'm still curious!

And whether her scar is a horcrux or not, will she remain a parselmouth? It would be cool if that ability allowed her to speak to dragons! And even if it didn't, the ability to speak to snakes would be *very* useful in a cutthroat place like Westeros...snakes would be the perfect spies! No one would ever think that a harmless garden snake in the bushes would be listening and understanding. No one would even *see* a snake slithering in the hidden passageways of the Red Keep! Rhaenys could be her very own Mistress of Whispers! Or Mistress of Hisses. And it would be appropriate because Oberyn is the Red Viper and his daughters are the Sand Snakes. Just a thought!

Although...I wonder what Oberyn's (and Doran's) reactions will be when Rhaenys tells them about her dreams...they'll be thrilled about Aegon, but how will they react to Jaehaerys/Jon's existence? Will they be okay with him because he's an innocent child? Will they be offended that Ned allows him to be treated poorly as a bastard? Will they want him dead so he's not a threat to Aegon? Will Doran scheme to marry him to Arianne to neutralize any threat to Aegon while keeping him alive and close? Will they seek him out before Robert Baratheon comes and before Ned leaving has Catelyn telling him Jon can't remain in Winterfell? Aegon would be easier to seek out. Actually, since it seems you're including all of the Sand Snakes and their actual appearances and personalities instead of the half-assed mess D&D did, will you be focusing on Arianne and Quentyn too or just Trystane?

And I really liked what one reviewer mentioned about if Rhaenys would also develop the ability to use Rhoynish water magic! But since she'll be coming to Westeros so early into her magical education, will she be able to continue to learn? Will she figure out how to apparate? Will she work to become an animagus? Will she learn how to create her own spells if she doesn't know the Latin-based ones for everything? So may questions! Very much looking forward to more!
lostnfinding chapter 5 . 8/2
another great chapter. can't wait for rhaenys to finally make it to the ASOIAF universe
miss-beauty-world chapter 5 . 8/2
Aww rhae is sad now the dragons are dying out
Hadrian.Caeser chapter 5 . 8/2
AugustRrush chapter 5 . 8/1
This was such a great chapter and I can't wait for the next one.
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