Reviews for Second Bite at the Cherry
Guest chapter 79 . 7/10
That last scene was everything Sasuke and Sakura’s relationship should have been. Your treatment of Sasukes trauma is really well done as I felt like the manga kind just had everyone be like “You gotta come back!” Excellent story, I’m so invested in this world!
ColorfulRandomness chapter 79 . 7/7
Damn I just read this all in the last two days, and I just want to say THANK GOD I FOUND THIS. I’ve read so many Sakura centric fanfics already, and to find one that I haven’t already read and that’s so unique- *chef’s kiss* I love that you haven’t changed Sakura’s core personality, and the fact that her growth was natural is even more of a bonus! Also ngl, when I read about her interactions with Gaara, I was expecting to cringe a bit... However, you have really proved me wrong! Their interactions are so wholesome! You really made me see a version of Gaara that I’ve never really seen before (bold move not having him become kazekage too!). Sai, as well, he brings a certain balance to Sakura’s and Gaara’s relationship. In addition, like I pointed out before with Gaara, I absolutely dig the way you took canon and smashed it to pieces. You really weren’t afraid to take your own path, and I love that! The part with Jashin especially was unexpected but very much appreciated. Foreshadowing on point!
Precarious Obsessions chapter 20 . 7/2
Haha the vegetables bit was hilarious!
Precarious Obsessions chapter 13 . 7/2
Loving Gaara and Sakura’s teamwork!
Precarious Obsessions chapter 9 . 7/1
Kakashi is catching onto the underneath to Sakura’s plan! It’s also nice how your showing Sakura’s growth and shortcomings so it’s not like some sorta instant power trip
TeenageCrisis chapter 79 . 6/29
Damn..hope itachi and sasuke can talk it out before sakura can do her voodoo healing on itachi lol
cherryblossomszahime chapter 79 . 6/28
This was so good!
darth-sakura chapter 79 . 6/28
Glad Deidara survived...but the last scene made me test up dang.
knetterzak chapter 79 . 6/28
First I was like 'Deidera, no!', then 'Deidera yes!' and then back to 'Deidera, no!, haha. I'm wondering what he will do next. Sakura and Sasuke's moment is pretty touching and it shows how much they have grown and changed since they left the village. As for Orochimaru, with his arms back in business he should have way more options for getting a work-around for his crippled state. I am curious what he will come up with. Looking forward to the next chapter!
BONED chapter 79 . 6/27
Damn, I don't know how you did it, but the last thing Sasuke said actually made me tear up a bit. You captured the emotion in that moment so well! Great chapter. Can't wait for the next update. There's so many things to look forward to!
Cruisegirl86 chapter 79 . 6/27
great great great chapter! millionth time! love you!
Esellyn chapter 79 . 6/27
Oh cubling. We don't know why. and we have no freaking clue where 'tachi went.
Guest chapter 78 . 6/19
This is BEAUTIFUL, thank you. You beautiful person. :D
cherryblossomszahime chapter 78 . 6/10
This was a great chapter! Thank you for the update. Hope you are doing well and have a good day :).
Guest chapter 78 . 6/9
Interesting. Loved the chapter!
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