Reviews for Thanos Comes to Kingdom Hearts
Luckenhaft chapter 4 . 2/27/2019
Well on the bright side, at least Aerith didn't die again.

Aerith: That doesn't make it better you ass!

And with that I shall close this review like I always do. With my usual eccentrically stupid, uppercase I and lowercase a.

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Luckenhaft chapter 1 . 2/22/2019
So I'm not the only one making these sorts of jokes.

Sora is the greatest Marvel Superhero because when Thanos snapped, only Sora turned to dust instead of the the universe.

Because Sora willed it so with his Allmighty Power of Friendship that was able to overcome Xehanort's X-Blade which was pretty much the Kingdom Hearts equivalent of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Heck Sora died three times within the span of a few hours (from the player's perspective.) and came back each time towards the end of Kingdom Hearts III.

Just like a comic book Superhero.

Anyway I look forward to seeing who gets turned to dust next chapter. Thanos better hope he gets Terra or else Lingering Will is going to wreck his shit.

In my opinion Sora is the greatest Marvel superhero in Kingdom Hearts, but Lingering Will is a strong contender as the strongest fighter due to spending over a decade training in the Keyblade Graveyard whilst thinking up new forms for his Keyblade to take to best lay the smackdown on Xehanort. And that's not even considering the fact Lingering Will's power hasn't been amplified too even more insane levels like Sora's is via gaining the Power of Friendship.

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