Reviews for Pink
Guest chapter 1 . 6/10
While I like the idea of this story, I am disappointed that you rated this a T when it should clearly be M. A “fade to black” scene is more appropriate for a T rating, not a full on sexual scene. It’s a shame many writers use lower ratings just for the sake of getting views.
Yolotsin Xochitl chapter 22 . 6/10
It take me time to decide to read this, and when I finally do I love It. Then It take me time ti decide to read the last chapter because I wasn't ready to this to end. This is beautiful, I even cry a little at some point. I will read índigo.
Perfectly Flawwed chapter 1 . 6/5
I read this story last week and apparently forgot to leave a review.

First, I’d like to say that I’ve been following your profile for updates information and I think you deserve some acknowledgement for standing up for what’s right! Many people remain silent on the topic of #BlackLivesMatter and it’s truly sick. So, thank you for making a stand!

I really did enjoy this story and have been impatiently waiting for the sequel to be released. I’m excited to see what life has in store for my favorite couple.
PaintedAurora chapter 22 . 5/21
I'm so glad I found this story. It's wonderful to see how a real "happily-ever-after" plays out. It's never like the movies and I really appreciate that you wrote this in a way that is authentic to the human experience. You brought out the beauty of hardship and sacrifice.

I also want to congratulate you on finishing your first story! As one who struggles to complete anything-currently attempting to write my own JN fic and taking advantage of staying at home-I can only imagine the relief and sense of fulfillment you must feel. There is so much to craft and so many avenues in which to do so. I love fan fiction for that reason. It creates a playground for experimenting with any writing tools you wish to dabble in. I love that. And as the story progressed, I noticed a growth in the conviction of your narrative voice. It gained so much character and really began to explore structure and onomatopoeia. Not only did the words express an idea, but the poetic language-its sound, pacing, and metaphor- began to speak to the narrative equally. I am following you and greatly look forward to the next volume of this saga! I hope you were able to take a moment to appreciate your work, before diving right in! (but I'm certain you've been considering the second part far before this moment).

Stay safe and healthy,
DistrictThirteenTribute chapter 22 . 5/9

A big congratulations not just to the gang and their fellow classmates, but for you as well. Completing your first story is a huge accomplishment that is not easy to do. And in a story like this, with its character growth and depth and attention to detail, it's amazing what you've done. You've taken us all on these first steps of this incredible journey and I cannot wait to see where we'll go next. You should be so proud.

I have a LOT of emotions over this final chapter. I forgot to check the time when i started but I'm pretty sure it took me twice as long as average because I had to keep fanning myself to calm down. This was so completely wholesome in so many ways. I really can't say anything more positive about it. It's also such a great way to end the story that's technically the end of the beginning. It's almost funny how a graduation, which follows the timeline you set for the story anyway, is just that: The end of one era of life and start of another.

The conversation Cindy had with a certain someone in the bathroom. WOW. Just wow. That is all I'm going to say about that for now. You know where to find me.

In regards to that development in someones' relationship..: I smiled so damn much. If I had been there in person, I 100 percent would have stopped, watched, and cheered. Ugh, can I just be in their friend group?

I don't want this to drag on too long since you and I both know this will not be the last review you get from me in the Pink series. I, now probably more than ever, absolutely cannot wait for what's next, especially because of what happened in the two above paragraphs. Phew. So ready.

Great job and congrats once again!
Ogreking94 chapter 22 . 5/8
This was a well put together story & I enjoyed this tremendously. I look forward to reading more of your writings & am sure to enjoy the experiences of the characters. Keep up the good work!
Aniikii chapter 22 . 5/8
I’m so sad this is over. I cannot wait for the sequel. Not to be over dramatic but I genuinely feel like there’s an empty hole in my chest now that this portion has concluded. Thank you so much for giving me something to look forward to.
meerturtle chapter 22 . 5/8
This was amazing. It’s been a long time since I’ve read a story like this. Your writing is spectacular and I’m so glad I’m here, right now, and able to read this. I can’t wait to see what stories you tell in Indigo!
Yolotsin Xochitl chapter 21 . 5/6
OMG! This is so fucking cute. But at the same time, poor Cindy. I hope things go ok with her health because this is only begining to them. I will be waiting for the last chapter. Great work!
Guest chapter 21 . 5/3
You need a critic
Forger chapter 9 . 5/3
Man this is like one of the most cliches i hate in these fics, i feel like their internal monologue is lacking, like the sudden realization, they didn't just believed betty did they? They did. They fucking did. That's not how it works, so all I'm trying to say is this chapter is bland.
Aniikii chapter 21 . 4/25
It’s been a really long time since I’ve been this invested in a FanFiction. I’m almost sad to see it come to an end, but I’m glad you’ll be continuing it in other works! Your style is lovely and I’m so happy that if anyone is gonna keep this fandom alive it’s someone like you!
DistrictThirteenTribute chapter 21 . 4/25
I don't even know where to began. This felt shorter than it actually is and I don't know if it is because the emotions are so heightened. I really appreciated that you did a flashback and back and forth thing in this one because it definitely increased the tension. Lots of different feelings going around and not just because of the birth and what happened to Cindy. It's been a very productive 4-5 hours for them, that's for sure. I almost can't believe this is the penultimate chapter because even though mother and child are out of harm's way (I assume), I feel there's still a lot to go. But that's probably just my impatience at waiting for the sequel talking.

I for one am so glad to have gotten a "when they first met" scene I always feel that fandoms that don't show when and how the main ship of it met just screams fanfiction. And in this fandom in particular, it's so nice to read (and write). It's so fitting for them and it was so good to have it in this chapter because my God, look at how they ended up! Also, I can't believe a conversation about the Jonas Brothers indirectly caused her to almost die. I mean, damn.

But to be totally honest, the most surprising part of this chapter was Miles saying his daughter is also named Melanie. I'm just sitting here and I had to put my computer aside for a couple of minutes because I was so mind-effed. He already seemed to have so much in common with Jimmy that I'm just like, "HUH?" I'm theorizing like crazy here. This CANNOT just be a coincidence, right? *sighs* I don't know, but that part was great. And it looks like we're heading to MIT so that's good!

I'm just glad no one died. In the beginning of the chapter when I read that Cindy was dying I immediately thought to everything we've talked about regarding the next 2 stories and I was like, "did she lie?!" This chapter definitely was a roller coaster of emotions but it sure was worth it.

Incredible job. You should be so, so proud of yourself.
Ahh chapter 6 . 4/25
“I got an A in Anatomy”

I am deceased this is my favorite thing in the universe
DistrictThirteenTribute chapter 20 . 4/17
...And the emotions! Very sweet chapter and I did not expect that time jump! We're getting really close now and with what you said about Liam and his pending return *whispers* or not, it's getting me more and more nervous. I also did not expect this tattoo storyline. I love that it was in dedication to his past and the gang's childhood and friendship. It's brave as hell of him to take it for almost 3 hours since it's his first one but I probably shouldn't be saying anything seeing since I don't even have one. That surprise Sheen, Libby, and Carl had? So SO good. They truly are the greatest friends. That bit when Jimmy said Libby was like a sister to him? Love that because yes, they don't have a lot of scenes together on the show (which makes sense) but assuming their friendship would develop like this, it's such a nice way to put it.

This definitely sounds like you're close to wrapping things up. Fingers crossed that it goes well. Can't wait to see what's next!
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