Reviews for Don't look back, Uzumaki
Men behind the Mask chapter 13 . 4/27
Liking the story, can't wait to see Naruto fight Kuyou, maybe he'll go into tailed mode to fight him. Anyways, great story, can't wait to see how it goes.
Issexwithyourcloneincest chapter 2 . 3/25
It's been interesting so far, but I think you're nerfing the Narutoverse a lot. Yugao seems a bit abrasive to him. A partner who acts like her only concern is that he's alive and keeps away from trouble isn't much of a partner and eventually, Naruto might end up ditching her
Xerox0928 chapter 13 . 3/19
If I think about correctly about Jiraiya's contact, then I think that certain Weasel will be mentioned. Keep the good job goin, I have fun reading this
Fuyuriku chapter 13 . 3/19
Thank you for the read.
Guest chapter 13 . 3/19
nice chapter
Ariadne Venegas chapter 13 . 3/18
At least in quarantine one have a lot of time or if you are working from home you at least save the go to witch is a lot of time.

I would love to see the Kuyo arc with Naruto! But why Yugao went away? I think Naruto need her, I wonder who will send in replacement?

Also Naruto Mizore is a good girl and she will need you a lot, so give her a chance!
GunBlade2020 chapter 13 . 3/18
Hi there

I hope you are keeping safe regarding the outbreak.

Anyway, with regards to this chapter, things are heating up, and Yugao really left in the best/worse time!

Anyway, keep up the great writing!
Luciendar chapter 12 . 1/30
Well, i have this story a fair shake but it's just too boring for me. Not enough really going on and the power scaling kind of rubs me the wrong way. Not to mention that i have a pet peeve about fics that just pile abuse of any form on Naruto and for him to just take it. This story would've probably gone smoother without Yugao. I love her character, you simply aren't developing her and she's coming off as being a bit against Naruto. Living with someone like her would just drive Naruto back into his shell that he started coming out of in Shippuden. Now, if say you'd had her as one of his guardian Anbu when he was a child then maybe you could've made it better. The two could've had a pre-existing connection, at least on her part, and his presence would've done more to help her.
Luciendar chapter 1 . 1/30
Honestly, i think Naruto went along with things a bit too easily. You could've made him much more petulant and it would've been believable. I mean, he does all that training to get stronger and bring his friend back only to be told to leave.

Is Yugao replacing ruby? I'm not sure i see the point in sending her.
Killjoy3000 chapter 12 . 1/8
Love the fic really good
Theterminator5 chapter 5 . 12/27/2019
As some advice and not a flame if you really plan on writing this story from start of shipudden to the end of it you may want to break this story down into different parts. I have seen plenty of authors write stories with 100 chapters your length and get burned out with writing their story. But other than that like the direction the story is going so far.
Guest chapter 12 . 11/19/2019
Same guest
Lol one last thing forgot to say.

This is a excelent story. So far it is the best crossover fic of these two stories ive seen so far. Every other one usees naruto when he is too old therefore plotarmored to the point of ridiculousness.
U choice the perfect time.
Two u havent fallen into the hole of using him as a replacement to tuskune. Please just have him not do everything and this will be amazing.

Please please please dont stop this story. Its giving me hope to see actually unbiased apreciation for both sides of the bar.

Usually with these two stories crossovers are biased. Particularly on the side of naruto..

Anyways keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 12 . 11/19/2019
Same guest.
Forgot to mention. In previous post.
Nice reference to elder scrolls with lamea.

I plan on a skyrim rosario cross. Been outlining for years.

Ive been struggling with writers block on one key spot and it actually has to do with lamea beolfang.

How to differentiate the rosario vamps
With the numerous species in elderscrolls...

The biggest differences are obviously r/v vamps are living not undead. And the sunlight issue
Guest chapter 12 . 11/19/2019
Same guest.
... Damn i should make aaccount it would be simpler.

This latest ch. Was absolutley marvelous. Naruto is beginning to be thrown into reality. And him meating kahlua brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. The rest of mokas insane family would terrify him. If hes scared of moka the rest would traumatize him. Particulary akuha.
From what im seeing u had kahlua right. Time will tell.

Some tips.
Kahlua hides her depression and saddness of her mothers madness behind a false smile. Her ditsyness is probably in part of this. (This is perfect for luring naruto into a false sense of security)

Kahlua from what ive seen of her. She probably has a severe love hate relationship with moka.

With both rosario ear rings on shes peaceful.
We all know she cries when she kills. Because she hates it. This is typicaly wat we see.

With both removed she seems to hate moka.
When she found moka in the hanging garden after gyokuro fused with alucard she told moka she was happy to be the one to kill her.
She also has a strong desire to die. She doesnt feel like shes alive and abhores being used as a killer.
She also pitys her mothers depravity. She told kokoa that her mother wanted her family back. How this translates to moka is questionable.
Kahlua is oneof the best characters in rosario i cant blame u for having difficulty with her tho.
Her character can be defined as a tool. With alot in comon with haku. U could use this.
She doesnt have a lot of fluff. The times we see her is usually as a pivot for moka and kokoa as development. Her development is in her mothers brainwashing.

Id say u have some room to play here with her. But as long as u keep those extremes.

As for scaling. I do think at this stage in narutos power i think most of the upper echelon of r/v would wreck him with anything short of a tailed beast cloak especialy shtail characters
Again id like to see the rosario group to learn some skills.

Anyways id say this was the most interesting ch. Thus far.
thor94 chapter 12 . 11/16/2019
fun chapter.
But hope you will finally give naruto real interesting mission, with him doing the killing, the infiltration, etc , when the teammate just waiting.
And not have him just hanging around when the others do the job
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