Reviews for The FT Anthology
Pinky Ziel chapter 28 . 7/20
Oh! I know that movie! I just recently watched it and it was so cute! I love how you gave it a twist and made it a Nalu pairing. Now I'm imagining the whole movie with them as characters. Well, I hope you're not troubled about the reviews I left but, I just can't help it if the story just cat hes my eyes. You're seriously a talented writer! Don't waste that! Hope to read more from you!
Pinky Ziel chapter 27 . 7/20
Awww so cuteee!
Pinky Ziel chapter 18 . 7/20
You know, with every word I read in this, I felt my chest tightened. It was so heartbreaking, and I don't know, I felt like I sympathize with him just then. But really, I can't believe you wrote than in less than half an hour. Dude, you're awesome (I'll say this a milllion times to you, but it's true, so yeah).
Pinky Ziel chapter 16 . 7/20
This is too tragic to end here. I'll wait for that happy ending. You are really the best!
Pinky Ziel chapter 15 . 7/20
Lol! I can totally see Natsu doing that. Poor Clair, and all those other Jeweler before. And maybe Gajeel just might help.
Pinky Ziel chapter 13 . 7/20
That... should really be continued
Pinky Ziel chapter 12 . 7/20
Wow, you just gave justice to Natsu. I hope that you'll continue this. This is amazing. Good job!
Pinky Ziel chapter 8 . 7/20
I don't know what to say but it's cute.
Pinky Ziel chapter 7 . 7/20
A tear. A tear is my answer. You wrote his character so perfectly.
Pinky Ziel chapter 4 . 7/20
That second and third one made me laugh and squeal at the same time! You're really good!
Pinky Ziel chapter 3 . 7/20
Well, this is hot. I think Natsu's wish on having a family might come true!
Pinky Ziel chapter 2 . 7/20
Oh, Lucy you're really lucky! Short but cute! Lovee~
Pinky Ziel chapter 1 . 7/20
An unexpected turn of events and I like it!
MillennialStargazer chapter 28 . 6/25
Great job on this Mira!
KYAAAA chapter 28 . 6/25
That's pretty epic
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