Reviews for TMV in the 2nd Degree
UntiedHeartbeat chapter 1 . 3/30
This! Bella stealing his car is the best thing ever.
Kmpcarter chapter 3 . 1/11
I hope there is more.
kouga's older woman chapter 3 . 8/3/2019
Love it!
Jane chapter 3 . 7/21/2019
Great start. I've always liked the Paul/Bella pairing, and I'm interested to see where you take this.
SheWolfMedjai chapter 3 . 7/22/2019
Hahaha that was perfect! Poor Billy I won't even switch places with him. Please continue!
SheWolfMedjai chapter 2 . 7/22/2019
Hahaha I love it! Brilliant! Smug little bastard!
momma2fan chapter 2 . 7/11/2019
I like it. Definitely different from how they start out in others I've read. Can't wait for more.
Ashatan87 chapter 3 . 7/1/2019
I'd like to see where you go with Paul and Bella from here! This is definitely a different way for them to start out rocky compared to other stories I've read of Paul automatically rejecting Bella or Bella rejecting Paul. Or both just denying the Imprint and pretending like nothing happened lol
tinkermist99 chapter 3 . 6/14/2019
plz update
orchidluv chapter 3 . 6/4/2019
Gah! I need more, faster! I love this so much
Whishymae chapter 3 . 6/3/2019
Loove this story! Cant wait for updates. Bella has so much spunk love how you are writing her!
Taylor9901 chapter 3 . 5/23/2019
He does care. They need to just fuck and get it over with
Psej chapter 3 . 5/20/2019
Aww Paul tryin to help! Update again soon, I am really enjoying this so far!
The Original Miss Darling chapter 3 . 5/21/2019
Awe I like them together. I feel like I say that about every pairing you write. but you do do a good job at what you write and how you write it. I love how Paul went and spoke for her and how she is starting to care.
YankeeGirlNJ chapter 3 . 5/21/2019
Maybe a little talk will do them good.?

Glad to see an update
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