Reviews for Ubi Concordia, Ibi Victoria
xxPercyRoxxx chapter 1 . 10/12/2018
Update soon please
david.teague.3950 chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
Not sure what to wait I do have some stuff to say. First off interesting start I suppose, however you do have other stories to do like that Harry Potter Green Lantern story of yours Seven Lights I believe it's called, as well as Genie of House Potter. So I guess I have to say or rather ask, why are you making more stories when you have others that haven't been updated in a while?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22/2018

Still two options for Daphne to join anyway.

A) What has Padfoot done with the Black Lordship?

And could this set the fox in the henhouse as to how he was able to pass it to Harry, if he's supposed to be a "convicted felon" and stripped of his rights?

B) If Daph and Tori have no male siblings, than a Consort/Line Continuance Contract is possible to ensure the Greengrass name continues.

Not as if Harry cares about politics and wouldn't simply rubber stamp whatever Daphne wants with regards to House Greengtass.

So that's just as viable a route.
EroSlackerMicha chapter 1 . 8/23/2018
interesting start. eager to see more
Araytigre chapter 1 . 8/23/2018
This is going to be Fun, and I take it that the future Lady Potter role will be filled by none other than a certain Tamaranian Princess (and eventual Queen) Starfire (sorry Dick, you can't have this one). Obviously the glamour that he had was a Very Good one for it to last this long. My only question is, with everything that has happened to him up to this point in time (canonically), why is he just now showing his true nature? I can think of several things that could have kick off some of his Tamaranian abilities even by accident (and for survivals sake). Then there is the secret about Tracey, is she a Potter, or a Davis, being as she is his Sister? I look forward to more. Thank You. TTFN
TimothyB chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
Love the story. Only thing is everything is going fast so we aren't getting any explanations to what is happening. Kind of confused to what is going on.
Hikari Nova chapter 1 . 8/21/2018
been awhile since I last saw you update or post a new fic on here Dalkon
Akasha Drake chapter 1 . 8/21/2018
Definitely need you to write more of this.

Which also means that Tracy is the actual child of James and Lily Potter.

And that Snape is completely FUBAR’d, as is Moldyshorts.

So who is the future Lady Potter? The famous Titan, or her sister?
Penny is wise chapter 1 . 8/21/2018
Awesome first chapter.