Reviews for An Incredible Family
Guest chapter 3 . 8/15/2018
Jack-Jack Attack: The Sequel
RTVfan chapter 1 . 8/14/2018
Good start. Definitely following this fic.

I like the angle that you're going into the past and introducing the Parr kids one by one, because this was a really cute chapter, and overall, your premise is rife with possibilities! Frankly, I never pictured what the early years of Bob and Helen's marriage was like, but you make it just as much fun as the movies. You've captured the voices of the characters better than I thought you would, and the way you introduced Violet's invisibility powers was so simple yet so satisfying and clever at the same time.
lonelycatfs chapter 3 . 7/18/2018
Haha, I love it! Post soon x]
Guest chapter 3 . 7/14/2018
Yeah baby!
Shian1998 chapter 3 . 7/10/2018
Loved this collection of 'Incredibles' one-shots! Enjoyed reading them. Good job with writing each of the characters in character. Helen's and later Bob's panic over how to keep track of an invisible baby was completely understandable. Glad that Violet tried to help Dash ease his worries about the fight. Especially loved this last one-shot, with Violet and Dash trying to contain Jack-Jack and his out-of-control powers.

As for suggestions, could you maybe do one set after things settle down after the climax of the first movie, where Violet and Dash finally process the fact that they killed people on that island. While it's understandable for Bob and Helen to find this easier to deal with, as they're adults and there's a decent chance they'd killed criminals before, Dash and Violet had never fought before and are just kids, so realistically, no matter how justified they're actions were, they should initially have a hard time dealing with that once they start to think about it.

Great job so far! Looking forward to the next one! :)
Incrediable Fan chapter 3 . 7/5/2018
Hehe. This is super funny.
CosmeFulanita1 chapter 3 . 7/3/2018
Awesome! I need more of this!
Prince Pondincherry chapter 3 . 7/3/2018
This was pretty entertaining. I didn't think anybody would get more mileage out of the "Jack-Jack destroys things" plot, but you sure did.
RedHood001 chapter 3 . 7/3/2018
Violet and Dash got a 'Kari' situation there. Super baby and super babysitters. Awesome and funny!

Oh, you do AU one-shots too? I have an idea!

So. Younger Buddy Pine, 15 years old, smartest in school (I mean he made rocket boots when he was a kid in the movie, albeit prototype), big hero nerd/geek, bullied (I mean, he had to be, that's usually how it goes with geeks and nerds and he is both), enthusiastically befriends Violet since she's a semi outcast (more of the invicible girl in school which fits the bill), sees the Incredibles family, geeks out, do some psycho analysis, junior detective work, realizes the identities...BAM! Nerds out! Shout it to Violet, luckily in private, and...I don't know what happens after that! XD

You are awesome! Talented writer definitely! I look forward to more of your work! Have a wonderful day and a lovely night! Thank you for this one shot stories! :D
lemonout chapter 2 . 7/2/2018
Liking this, keep it up!
RedHood001 chapter 2 . 7/1/2018
Oooh, interesting set of one-shots. I like that this is filling in the gaps between what happened in the movie. I wonder if you'll do a sort of one shots but kind of like episodes, like part 1 and part 2? That would be interesting.

Ooh, how about this. Voyd clearly looks up to Elastigirl, which is basically a parallel to Syndrome, formerly Incrediboy, and Mr. Incredible. I wonder how Bob would react to that. Would he feel worried? Or sad because he imagined with what Buddy could do and what he was capable of, he would've been someone great. But because of Bob's harsh rejection, he turned bad.
SpiritFighter208 chapter 1 . 6/30/2018
This is literally me and my other five siblings and I'm the oldest. I'd love to see more family fluff or concern for each other like during a battle. Keep up the great work!
SoftballSuperhero chapter 2 . 6/30/2018
This is great! I love these one shots, you’re one of the few authors that do the incredibles justice. I’d love to see Dash as a baby/toddler or Violet and Dash when they were younger! Since Jack-Jack is “not like the other kids”, I’d like to see what their childhoods were like when developing powers.
Lakeshoredrive75 chapter 2 . 6/29/2018
I'm really enjoying these so far! You've captured the characters' personalities very well, I love that! Really enjoying the whole sibling dynamic in this one and can't wait to see more of it in the future! Can't wait for more
Guest chapter 2 . 6/29/2018
This is really great! It delivers that Incredibles kick I've been needing lately. You seem to have a great sense of the characters!

Maybe you could do a chapter on how Bob and Helen reacted to Jack-Jack being normal? I imagine that would give them some mixed emotions. Or maybe when Dash or Violet learn about the adventures of Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl? Really, though, I'm just glad someone is writing the Incredibles well. Just keep writing, and I'll be happy.
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