Reviews for Warp to thrill, Swing to kill
Guest chapter 3 . 6/26/2019
I'm actually getting more and more annoyed reading this, because this isn't percy. Percy isn't some cowering little bitch who can't do shit. If you had made him weak yet he still tried his best, if he would still have some courage and stand his ground, that would be a better read, but this is just some bitchass kid with the same name who I actually want to see get axed off.
Guest chapter 9 . 12/21/2018
Uuupppppdatttteeee. Mah boi sporadic we need a update man. U alive at least?!
Guest chapter 9 . 7/29/2018
Wow, This chapters a heartbreaker. I almost cried.
Bring him back please ._.
Btw what is Percy's father the god of anyway? Is it like Teleportation and Storages like Chiron said?
Guest chapter 8 . 7/29/2018
"Of course not, but I'd rather hear Novacaine before what could be my very last battle." Phoebe snickered quietly, Bianca turned to her fellow Huntress in mock anger.

Wtf, Novocaine is a good song, Sadly its underrated af.
Guest chapter 6 . 7/29/2018
Jeez this chapter is filled with the feels
Guest chapter 6 . 7/29/2018
That's it, yeah?" Thalia slurped loudly from her slushie. "So-"Bianca sipped the glass of pomegranate juice thoughtfully.
A daughter of Hades drinking Pomegranate flavored juice? Coincidence?
Guest chapter 6 . 7/29/2018
I don't like the dark."

Uh what? Bianca doesn't like the dark? Looks like we got another Thalia on our hands.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/8/2018
Is this it?
v.boss101101 chapter 9 . 7/2/2018
So this thing will continue right? I’m kinda stumped
AllAboutThoseMyths chapter 9 . 6/17/2018
Wait wait wait wait
This story isn’t over is it?! Because if it is then I’ll actually cry. But if it’s not! Then I’ll still probably cry... but in joy!
Anyways. I really really really hope it’s not over! Because it’s really nice to have a weak Percy and not a super powerhouse... anyways, great story!
unusualbanana chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
I legit just cried, why you fuckin with my heart like that
Guest chapter 9 . 6/12/2018
Menaphite chapter 2 . 6/8/2018
Not just for grammar, but to make sure your writing makes sense, for example:

When Percy wakes from the tree he notes he had time to clear his mind and it was a peaceful night, but then two lines later is irritated about his sleepless night
Menaphite chapter 1 . 6/8/2018
I like the feel of this story so far, nice mix between the original series and Harry from the Dresden Files. Really shows some potential.

But for the love of god man proof read your work - I wanted to gouge my eyes out at parts.
I've never beta'd before but I enjoy proof reading essays and offering ideas, maybe you'd like someone to give it a thorough look over before you upload? If only for spelling and punctuation errors.

Also to make some minor changes like 'dusty imprints of sandal in the dust,' pretty weak line
Crafty chapter 9 . 6/8/2018
WOW does he come back? Hope so, maybe nico comes in the dead of night and raises him from the dead? Maybe he prays to hades?
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