Reviews for The Demon and his Knights
R.R. Blaze chapter 9 . 7/25
If you are planning to do things differently then may I suggest some ideas? You can make Clovis a major villain, almost like Cornelia. Bring in the Black King. Keep Katase alive and turn him, the High Eunuchs and Atsushi Sawazaki into major villains. You could also keep Kusakabe alive and make him a major villain. Most importantly you could add battles of your own in this fanfic never mentioned in the canon for more suspense and excitement. You could destroy Japan. Allow Lelouch to succeed this in the First Black Rebellion and every battle he fights. As for Euphemia, Suzaku and Cornelia, kill them. I always thought Cornelia is a very major villain who deserves to die and the same goes for Suzaku. As for Euphie, I think her death is a little necessary. I know she is a good person, but her death is what partly caused Suzaku to break his friendship with Lelouch and stay slavishly loyal to Britannia to the point of becoming a villain. But, more importantly, her naive ideals and views have the potential of causing major events which can upset the goals of both the Britannians and the Black Knights, the most important one being the SAZ. I still wonder what would have happened if Euphie was able to move forward with her plans for the SAZ. Perhaps you should show what would happen if the SAZ was allowed to exist, before adding the SAZ Massacre. If possible, ensure Euphie isn't killed by Lelouch, at least not directly.
MosesArk Reborn2000 chapter 9 . 6/14
Things are really heating up with his plans. He's already not making the same decision as cannon as he has told his closest allies about his powers and even shown them how it works, which means he has more room for testing the improvement as he had to do that by himself and under the radar in cannon.

Kallen doesn't seem like she'll really show-up on his radar for a while, like not until she proves herself as a capable pilot with the Guren as he already has suitable pilots that may not be at her level but they are certainly better equipped with those customized Alexanders. On the other hand, the dude's building a following of young and beautiful women and he doesnt even realise it. Maybe's that's why his old man had 107 wives at one point, even Schneizel had that attraction to him but he seems to know about it but never actively pursue it.
Sure he be loyal to Marirosa but as things are going, more are going to join, like Benio who he literally saved like a knight in shining armour. Same with Ayane as she seems to be quite infatuated with him.

With Clovis also still alive and in play, it makes the situation far more intriguing as Cornelia or anyone wont came into play for a while now, till he either is removed by his father or his killed at a later time.

I've already voted on the girls you posted earlier in the year but I do wonder how you plan to add in Leila since she's by far the most popular of the choices despite them not being allies at this time.
Percy chapter 9 . 5/28
Is shirley still worth it . I hope is not because she the reason held lelouch back in both seasons but marrisrosa will not held him back
F-14 Tomcat Lover chapter 1 . 5/28
Seph, check PM Inbox please.
Percy chapter 9 . 5/18
Hey where the update bro what will happen in zero debut and when will oldrin meet lelouch
lonesome silence chapter 9 . 5/13
When I started reading this story I thought eh what the hell I'll check it out. Now I think fuck this is an awesome story I can't wait to read more when it uploads more. ) ) )
Blackholelord chapter 9 . 5/6
Okay I am liking the story you have written so far. I looking forward for the next update, and where you will take the story.
Jakomaru chapter 9 . 5/4
When will lelouch and oldrin meet
kyuranger chapter 9 . 5/2
hey author update whats gonna happen in zeros debut
M2R chapter 6 . 4/29
I suggest you have an editor or beta reader for this? some grammar mistakes and repeated information which kind of waste? though the story is quite good
Issei chapter 9 . 4/22
What will lelouch do to suzaku if the moron decided to return to brits , if that happen lelouch need to rationalize things first and he needed to upgrade his alexander chattiment to combat if the lancelot gotten more dangerous . What will the reaction of oldrin once she meets lelouch in zero custom and mask saving the moron and future inferior minions .
Neo Infinity chapter 9 . 4/22
Thanks for the great chapter I saw the poll and was shocked not many voted for milly or even miya who have similar over curvy body and some potentials.
Luckenhaft chapter 9 . 4/21
Today on Demon Emperor Lulu and his Better Minions's Adventures...

Lulu tests out his new Geass to figure out what it can do.

Marrirosa contemplates the possibilty of Lulu having a harem amongst other things whilst being glad she doesn't have to worry about any rivals from the Britannian side of things.

Cue the Waifu Brigade with Professor Crackpot trying to figure out what big ass gun hurt his baby.

Back at school Lulu has a different encounter than canon with Kallen (No shower scene and Embarassed Kallen unfortunately.) where he uses his Geass on her and then has Zero speak with her again.

And as set up for the next chapter, Lulu's got to save his Inferior Minions and Suzaku.

Clovis: Who could possibly stop me from executing these Elevens and pinning the Shinjuku Massacre on them?

Lelouch: I'm about to end this man's whole career.

I a
OBSERVER01 chapter 9 . 4/21
All hail Lelouch!
tf330129 chapter 9 . 4/21
Keep it up :)
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