Reviews for Agent Whiskers of SHIELD
jordanelow chapter 20 . 9/6
Update please
thegrison chapter 2 . 8/31
Just a poor start to the story. It could have been so much better. So to me it kinda fails there. I could not keep reading due to it just not been well written. Good luck.
alec-potter chapter 20 . 8/1
Nice chapter. Look forward to more.
Stay safe.
Shadow chapter 20 . 7/29
loved it!
TheForgottenSuns75 chapter 20 . 7/30
Keep up the great work
GunBlade2020 chapter 20 . 7/30
Hi there

Nice fight, but I think that Naruto knows that the longer a fight goes on, that the Hulk will win.

Anyway, keep up the great writing and stay safe!
Darth revan1998 chapter 20 . 7/29
Can't wait to read more
OgFrosty chapter 20 . 7/29
my review earlier was way too harsh, i was frustrated earlier but reading the rest of this helped me out. i really enjoy it. thanks and sorry abt my other review
OgFrosty chapter 16 . 7/29
i like this story but the grammar sucks and you changed winter soldier to ws in the middle of the chapter. what the fuck kind of lazy bs is that
NinjaFang1331 chapter 20 . 7/29
Nice work
Druto chapter 20 . 7/29
Great update thanks
Samuel Santillan chapter 20 . 7/29
me gusta asi que naruto es fuerte pero no esta acostumbrado a usar tanta fuerza
Jebest4781 chapter 20 . 7/29
Pretty good here
demon87 chapter 20 . 7/29
NoXVZhuusox chapter 5 . 7/28
Most powerful being in the universe? That is a tad arrogant of Kurama.
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