Reviews for The Hook Up
ShadowJ95 chapter 10 . 9/4/2019
I love it. Were do I read "the night off"? I can't find it on your profile or fanfiction
ShadowJ95 chapter 8 . 9/3/2019
Wow two chapters in a night, I like it. Just don't take a year to update again please :)
breakyourselffool chapter 6 . 8/23/2019
Got really excited when I saw the new chapter! Love the story so far!
SubjectDeltaBubz chapter 6 . 8/23/2019
Love this fic so far, still one of the best Zuki writers on the site!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/9/2019
I was grinning the whole time. This is utterly delectable so far!
Langas chapter 5 . 2/17/2018
Great story. Sounds interesting
Mullach21 chapter 5 . 1/24/2018
I'll admit I had put off reading you fics for a while. Not for any malicious reason, but simply because I always found it...awkward to read through what you normally wrote about. However, when I saw you had finished a new story, I decided I'd finally take the plunge.
Once I got past that initial reaction in chapter one, (which honestly took me about ten minutes to read) I quickly got lost in the story. I absolutely loved the idea, and was one I had considered writing myself, although this is better than anything I could come up with. Your, what I would call late-stage Zuki, relationship was really fun/interesting to read, and your descriptions of their emotions were fantastic. All in all, I loved this story.
I'm annoyed I hadn't read you work before now; I have a lot to catch up on!
Dee-Money chapter 4 . 1/20/2018
Truly amazing
Dee-Money chapter 5 . 1/20/2018
Very nice I liked this
Dee-Money chapter 2 . 1/20/2018
This is pretty good
green-jedi chapter 3 . 1/16/2018
Man, you are the master of infatuation! The tension you are able to write is spine-tingling! :D Can’t wait to read the next chapter.
thestutz chapter 1 . 1/15/2018
I love all your Avatar stories they are great. Keep up the great work. More Toph and Sokka stories.