Reviews for All Those Sleepless Nights
Reymoni chapter 1 . 11/27/2019
This story is adorable! So beautiful ~
CarolineKenello chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
Nice cute little story! Ed and Al are so great!
alittleklarolineobsession chapter 1 . 3/14/2018
Al is my favourite character too!
I loved how you addressed that he of course would have nightmares after everything he's been through and how wrote him dealing with them. Ed and Winry worried for him and tried to help. I loved how Ed and Winry worried for him and tried to help. It tagged on my heartstrings
I also loved that Ed told Al that he always looked up to him (I loved the joke he slipped in to! Hahaha ) It made my heart go AAAAWWWW!
Also, the scene at the end ended me! Thanks!
Stress baking seems like a thing Alphonse would do!
JayReads chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
So good! Baking really seems to suit Alphonse for some reason.
Really like that line "His body didn't know the fight was over"
wrongnotes chapter 1 . 1/10/2018
I loved this! You write them all so well, and I love seeing some Al-centric stories every once in awhile. The baking was a nice touch, and all the little nuances that I can picture happening after the Promised Day. Well done!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/26/2017
I LOVED THIS SO MUCHHHH. Thank you for wtoting an Alphonse centered story. I don’t see a lot on those site
And it’s impossible to write a great FMA story wIthout both Elrics so thanks for adding Ed too. Awesome brotherly story :)
26 Combo chapter 1 . 12/27/2017
That was perfect! I loved how you wrote Ed and Al! I also really liked that Al used baking as an escape, creating all the smells and tastes he was deprived of. I don't know if that's what you were going for, but it worked perfectly! The brotherly love was well displayed and it felt like it could have been apart of an after story of FMA! Great work!
Gotaru chapter 1 . 12/26/2017
I just love your writing so much... and, between you and me, I'm eternally grateful to you for everything that you are doing for Al. 'Cause when you write stories like this, you're make justice out of his amazing, and so, so beautiful character.

From the bottom of my heart: thank you. Please, NEVER stop writing.
