Reviews for Ship Of Angels
Rowan Seven chapter 1 . 2/26/2002
Hmm, wow. You've successfully managed to blend Angel and Voyager with a plot that actually makes some sense. Amazing. The characterizations were pretty good too, and while Neelix being able to send them home with a spellbook seemed a little contrived the explanation behind his actions earlier in the story was intriquing. The liola root joke was amusing as well. Great job.
Azurite chapter 1 . 3/9/2001
I like! 'Specially as a Trekkie/Angel fan. Maybe there could be a sequel featuring the two gangs in the later seasons? After all, Voyager is just ending, so maybe one with the ST:V crew on Earth and Angel being there, on his home turf? How weird would that be- Trekkies in 2001! _

Keep up the good work!
Marianya chapter 1 . 3/7/2001
Wow... That's what I have to say about it. Wow, now I used to be an Angel and Buffy fan. But then I stopped watching television, now I just read fanfiction to saturated my thirst for imaginative things. I never expected to see a Voyager/Angel crossover, but when I did, it was so much better than I thought. Continue writing.
Huge chapter 1 . 12/4/2000
Good plot line, although I would have liked to have seen a better explanation for the creation of the planet than the one given.
Louie Pastiche chapter 1 . 12/2/2000
Great one-shot! Just a couple questions: was that planet, Drakulon? And, if so, will Vampirella be in the sequel?
Hellcop chapter 1 . 12/1/2000
For a story mixing two shows so different this isn't bad. However, the description is lacking in a lot of places, there where several times when I wasn't sure exactly what was going on and the actions scenes need some work. Still, not bad. With some polish this could be a *great* story.
Melissa chapter 1 . 11/30/2000
I liked that! Interesting and well written, and I think the characterization was good, especially with the Voyager crew. I loved it when Janeway and Angel were sitting there staring at each other...and Belanna and Doyle becoming friends because of their being halfbreeds was a good touch. Oh, and go Neelix - no one gives him enough credit...booting Tuvok-vampire in the face like :P