Reviews for Crimson and Gold
alex chapter 17 . 7/27/2019
Aww its okay .Im a writer and Ive had plenty of writers blocks even though Im only a tween! but I succsesfulluypublished a book so youll get through !
alex chapter 12 . 7/27/2019
wow. dis is … how you say?( ) totes AMAZE also YES DAT AUTHOR WASBEING DISRESPECTFULLLLL SOMEONE JUST GAVE THEM A COMPLIMENT AND THEY JUST PUT THE POOR PERSON DOWN THE TRASH! sorry some times I get too passionet. but u r so good writing!
upwiththebirds33 chapter 5 . 12/10/2018
oh my goodness this is awesome!
Rainy Spirit chapter 17 . 11/18/2018
I really love this story! You have done a great job with it!
Avese23 chapter 17 . 11/14/2018
OH MY GOSH. I thought you were gone forever and I was so sad :(
I appreciate admitting places where you might have made an error, and want you to know that I support you. As someone struggling with their own fanfics, blocks are hard to get past. If you had been continuing this story I would have kept reading no matter the wait between chapters- I don't do that for every story but this one was worth it.
Please do not let this eat you away, it's okay to make mistakes and as someone who's friends will make sure to call me on mine, don't feel hated. You tried your best and are admitting to defeat and you are a good strong writer and person for it. I know nothing about DID but I do not think you were trying to portray it wrong or with anything but respect and trying to bring attention to it is not a bad thing.
Thank you for writing this if that is what you felt was write. Thank you for listening to others when they said what they thought way right. Thank you for leaving it if that is what you are okay with being right.
I can't wait to see where your imagination takes you, your characters do not die with the story, you tried your best and it's time to move on. We love you- don't forget any mistakes you have made but also don't let them stop you from writing something new. Something better. Something with less, or different mistakes. I don't know all the context of what happened, I'm in the dark about everything in between this and your last update- but I hope this was in anyway helpful and I did not say anything wrong. If I did- we are in the same bus. Now we can live with our shame, and what is left with our pride, knowing we're not alone.
FamdomSwitch chapter 13 . 11/13/2018
... just so you know, DID isn't all horrific and scary like it is in the movies; people who have DID are more likely be victims than perpetrators. Not all alters are "inner demons". DID is usually caused by childhood trauma and there are always reasons for each alter to be there, and for what the headspace looks like. I'm not trying to criticize your work in a negative fashion, but I have done some research and Hought I should inform you about this. Though it is logical for a persecuter alter, aka the voice Peggy is hearing in here head "Mariah", to be thought of as an "inner demon", this is not always the case. Nothing is random with this disorder. I'm not a professional, but I just Hought I'd imform you about what I know, so maybe you could improve future writings and make it to your full potential. But, lastly, I would recommend you not write about something you have not experienced yourself. Thank you for your time.️
A.Ham- A.Burr chapter 13 . 10/3/2018
Can you do more please?
Ranger-Corpses chapter 16 . 4/26/2018
Aaaah I love it! And also, was that a sneaky little Logan reference with the slang flashcards? And the timeskip? I love it when people put stuff like that in their fics, like sneaky little eastereggs that only certain people can spot and understand. Loved this chapter, I loved that Laf learned a song for Peggy! And the surprise party was great!

Okay, Crofters the Musical or Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning? Because I want to make sure that I don't accidentally give away spoilers. Speaking of spoilers, perhaps we could PM each other about this, so that I don't take up the reviews screaming about it- I mean so I don't type too long of a paragraph about something other than the actual chapter.
MindAboveMadness chapter 16 . 4/20/2018
Laf serenading Peggy is adorable! They're definitely one of my favorite Hamilton ships now
MindAboveMadness chapter 15 . 4/20/2018
It sure did!
Guest chapter 16 . 4/17/2018
ShaymieTehShaymin chapter 16 . 4/16/2018
The thing that stood out to me most in this chapter is the Doctor Whukulele, it's the true MVP. Real talk though, this chapter was precious and it was the best thing to read before going to bed~
RandomFandomsGirl chapter 16 . 4/16/2018
Thomas's purple hair yaaaass, shipping trash! Laurens is me. Virgil is my fav too
BuddyIsNotADog'sName chapter 15 . 4/11/2018
YES. Jasmine being the new personality...just YES. Great work as usual! :D
JADBZWILDCHAOS chapter 15 . 4/11/2018
Aw You ROCK! I wouldn't be able to Favorite if you didn't make such a great story!
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