Reviews for Jaune's anxiety
blaiseingfire chapter 1 . 11/12/2018
I remember that WG prompt. Very nice to see it as an actually short story
Lupus Macbeth chapter 1 . 7/23/2018
interesting. i quite like this fic. any chance you could write more? perhaps a sequel where velvet takes an interest in Jaune when he works up the courage to apologize for shoving her and explain at least a little of his problem, and maybe expand on what made him afraid in a flashback or something.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
Yep, Yang is still a raging cut no matter what.
AKhaos chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
The premise was really interesting. We've all heard of Faunus racism before, and even an extent humans harboring a justified caution towards them. But a phobia of them. I'm glad someone brought this idea to light.

However, I think the execution was rushed. Many of the jump cuts rapidly changed the tone and pace, some of Jaune's moments where he had the opportunity to explain himself but didn't, it weirded me out. And team RWBY, particularly Yang and Weiss, were aggravating here. I partially understand that Yang was aggressively defending her partner, and that she's irrational when peeved, but it was still annoying how she hardly gave Jaune and JNPR an opportunity to clearly explain. And Weiss was incredibly hypocritical in this story. Her hatred of the White Fang, and by association Faunus, was born out of the harassment they initiated on her family; she wasn't outright racist, but it wasn't difficult to find the prejudice in her analyses. If anyone were to understand, or at least offer the benefit of the doubt to anyone avoiding Faunus, it would be her. I feel that she and Yang were uncooperative more for the sake of drama than actually based off their character motivations.

This is my opinion, although I enjoyed reading. Besides the jumpiness and occasional odd and sappy moment, I think this one-shot is a reminder to everyone not to forgot the other side of arguments and everything else in-between. This story has a good theme, and I'm glad you brought it to my attention. Well done.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
Personally I would have like to see yang and Weiss get tolled off for thier attitudes. But otherwise it was good l.
X3runner chapter 1 . 10/12/2017
Cool story (, exposure therapy helps with phobias also associating pleasurable (good/happy/elated , not nesesaraly sexual pleasure) feelings with phobias also helps. Also phobias are irrational so having another more rational part of the brain react to stimulus can often temporarily over ride a phobia the fight reflex sometimes dose it so jaunes logical side of the brain reacting to Cardin bullying another person would trigger the overriding reflex prioritizing that rather than the fear that’s connected to the phobia. I would be happy if this story grew.
ZenithTempest chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
It was nicely done. The Fauneophobia seemed to manifest strangely though, as I imagine someone who's frightened of Faunus wouldn't be willing to get too close to one even to help them.
Either way, it was a nice read. Hope you feel better and can't wait for the next chapter in your main story!
Knibble chapter 1 . 10/11/2017
A faunus phobia, that's new, at least it's new for me
You should continue it
Maybe Blake and velvet will try to help cure his phobia