Reviews for An Act of Love
Guest chapter 1 . 9/16/2018
Poor Cissa.
Lorybock chapter 1 . 8/19/2018
I loved your story! Congratulations!
AlwaysPadfoot chapter 1 . 10/31/2017
Sob. This fic is gold. Honestly all your fics have been truely a pleasure to read. I love when people write Narcissa like this; detirminded and strong willed. I also love that you’ve shown and explored the strong sibling bonds between the black sisters. The point about being able to go to Andy for help was a brilliant little addition. Similarly I quite likely Remus’ character; his self-loathing did it for me really as I headcannon him to suffer somewhat with mental health issues and this fitted perfectly. I loved this pairing and this story. Brilliant job x
Cookies and Ink chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
Oh this broke me!

I am a huge fan of rare pairings and both Remus & Narcissa are favourite minor characters of mine. Having them put together was genius but also tragic, so bittersweet.

You wrote the party so beautifully. I was also extremely impressed by how you wrote the two characters so clearly differently. I think how you wrote Narcissa was something I fell in love with, her melting emotions and realising who she was falling for, that she was falling so deep...

This was just absolutely fantastic.

I only wish there was more, a resolution. They’re such tragic characters that deserve happiness damnit!

But oh I loved this. Thank you for the absolute pleasure.
The Feisty Rogue chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
I can only think of the mischief the Marauder’s would get up to with polyjuice of Dumbledore! Dressing up as him for fancy dress is one of the most tame... I really want to read some fluff and humour where they have a cauldron of the stuff and get into lots of trouble.

Right, onto the meaty stuff: I swear I've already review this fic btw? But OMG you know I adore it. A pairing I'd never have thought of, and one that I now can't live without. Please, please can you write a sequel to this that has a happy ending? Narcissa deserves more than Lucius' cold heart and Remus has truly let himself down in his usual manner. What he needs in that place is for Narcissa to push just as hard as Tonks did, although now I've said that I'm drawing some weird comparisions.
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
This was an interesting read. I had to laugh at the idea of Remus polyjuiced as Dumbledore for the party. It's so randomly picked out and the idea was brilliant. I like the idea of them falling for each other without knowing who the other is. I think that works because otherwise Narcissa wouldn't give any of Sirius' friends the time of day.

I loved that she was willing to run away with him but Remus was too noble to allow that.

I love your characterisation of the Marauders, especially Remus, and that you showed the nicer side to Narcissa - the younger, more naive version of her.

I didn't notice any mistakes in your fic and the ending was so sad - poor Narcissa.
DobbyRocksSocks chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
Before I review, can I just say that the last line is beautiful. Like, actually perfect.
Remus kinda made me want to punch him here, though I understood his reasoning for backing off. I just... I wanted them to have a happy ever after, dammit!
The way this was sectioned was really good, it made for a good flow and easy reading of a pairing I'm not overly fond of.
I loved your characterisation of Narcissa. You kept her true to canon, but made her your own at the same time, and I really liked that. The private side of her, and the public, cold persona that we're already familiar with.
The bit with the Marauders with the picture made me chuckle as well.
Well done, love :)
Cheeky Slytherin Lass chapter 1 . 10/27/2017
I had so much hope for them, and then you took it away. My feelings are hurt.

I love the idea of Remus being the type that needs a little help unwinding and loosening up. It seems very fitting for him. The Dumbledore Polyjuice disguise was an interesting touch, and I couldn't help but giggle. Especially when the photograph surfaced.

Your Narcissa was wonderful. She's always seemed more of a grey character to me, but you gave her a little more light than I'm used to. It was different but very much enjoyable.

Dammit, Remus! Screw your chivalry! Ah! This really broke my heart because it's such a Remus thing to do. Of course he wouldn't believe he's good enough. Of course he would cut things off before they got too serious, before Narcissa could learn the truth. But that didn't make it any easier on me! I loved that Narcissa was willing to run away with him just to have a chance. It was such a beautiful touch that made the whole thing that much more bittersweet.

Gorgeous and well written, as always
Zivandre chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
Oh my, this thrilling and heartbreaking! I love the Remus/Narcissa pairing, and I feel that this could have totally happened in canon as well. This was so wonderfully written, I could feel the heartbreak for both parties. If only Remus let Narcissa talk him into running away with her! But, we wouldn't have Draco! I would love if you ever expanded this, or made an alternate where they did run away, but even if you don't this is amazing! Keep up the great work!
isaacswolfsbane chapter 1 . 10/25/2017
Emy! How could you, this was so beautiful and so heartbreaking.

First off, I love the Halloween costumes. They were so perfect. I can totally imagine one of them asking Dumbledore for a hair for the costume and him just going along with it and offering up his favourite set of robes and everything to make it more believable.

The relationship you built between Remus and Narcissa was beautiful. I loved how it started so timid and the feelings so quickly escalated into something much more forceful and powerful. I loved that Narcissa already knew enough about the Marauders for her to work out it was Remus, too.

The end broke my heart! I did love that you had Remus care about blood purity and Narcissa not, though. I know we know Remus does care, but it almost seemed to be flipping the situation on its head. Normally, you'd see a Gryffindor not care and a Slytherin care, so it was nice to see it shown the other way around.

Great job :)
Fire The Canon chapter 1 . 10/25/2017
I really liked this. I've seen this pairing before, and I am kind of a fan in a way. I thought you wrote this really beautifully - the build up and their concurrent meetings and then like a love at first sight type story.

The kissing someone disguised as Dumbledore was... interesting. I mean, if James and Sirius managed to get a picture, how many other students saw it? I'm sure a few questions would have been raised after that haha. I would have loved to have seen the real Dumbledore's reaction upon hearing of it.

I really enjoyed the ending. It was heartbreakingly said and beauifully written. You did such a great job with portraying their emotions. What a lovely job! Well done :)
MaryandMerlin chapter 1 . 10/24/2017
Well. I never knew this was something I needed but apparently it was! I have always imagined Narcissa as a sort of ice queen by I loved the twist you put on her and I love that she and Remus bonded over their similarities. It’s just a shame that he can’t get past his furry little problem because I really believe that Narcissa could have gotten past it. I would have liked to see them go on the run and ask Andromeda for help, that would make a cute continuation. All I really want is fluff haha. Beautifully written, well done :)
Duke157 chapter 1 . 10/24/2017
Forgive me if I've missed it, who was Narcissa disguised as? Because I couldn't find an answer to that.

Though, I must commend you for the change in Narcissa's perception when it comes to love. You've managed to project that perfectly in your story, showing the change from indifference to interest to infatuation to love and finally to hatred. I loved that aspect.

Remus was just fine, his character didn't play as much of a role, but he was not OOC. So it's all good on that front. I like this.

Keep writing.
ipsa dixit chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
n. EMY HOW DO I CHOOSE MY FAVORITE AHAHAHAHAHAH. i've been putting this of the pairing but oh my god i love this so fucking much. bloody hell. first off, the way you made it canon compliant was great. it felt like this could've happened for real in canon and that made me love this more. i also love the switching pov's and the characterization of everyone, especially james and sirius and just everything omg ahhhhh. :"")
Maisie Malfoy chapter 1 . 10/5/2017
REMCISSA! A pairing I love, but see far too little of.
Even without the Remcissa, I'd have loved your plotline. It's so beautiful and hopeful...and then so heart-wrenching. I'm beginning to think the fanfaves exist only to mess with my heart.
My one question is...what's going to happen now? I'd be very interested in a sequel.
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