Reviews for Love and War
SheyConYamo chapter 19 . 7/28
This story is AMAZING! !
Absolutely loved it! I could not stop reading it from the moment I started. The way you weaved the original elements together with your own unique twist is splendid, and the detail and absolute realism you brought to it is excellent!
Fantastic read, please keep up the good work!
theunraveledghoul chapter 19 . 4/5
Oh, what a wonderful read this was. I feel there isn't enough Marianne and Bog stories, and this was simply perfect. Thank you, thank you so much for writting this wonderful story.
Guest chapter 19 . 4/3/2019
I absolutley loved this!
nerdsandlairs chapter 19 . 3/3/2019
Hey there, just want to say thank you for writing this piece, I devoured all 20 chapters in the span of a day. I loved the slowly agonizing mutual love they refused to acknowledge until the end and I think you really captured Bog King's sense of denial and nailed how much of a prick Roland is. Good job!
QueenTatooine chapter 19 . 12/5/2018
A very nice read. Thank you very much for sharing it with us
QueenTatooine chapter 2 . 12/4/2018
The. title "your highness", generally used to address princess and princesses and the term "your majesty", used to address the crowned king and queen has been a pet peeve of mine in many a story. though I will admit, those addresses are not consistent between countries, I still grinned involuntarily to see it used here.
Sccanales chapter 19 . 8/17/2018
great writing, you depicted them both perfectly. really wanted to punch her ex myself haha. loved this story will reread. finished this in one day, which ended to soon haha
multyfangirl21 chapter 4 . 8/10/2018
Oh my gosh lol :)
It's one of those stories where we have two blind people in love , blind to the fact that their spouse of an arranged marriage is falling in love with them and all they know is that they've fallen in love with their spouse and they think that their spouse hates them , or at least doesn't love them.
Will they go as far as divorsing and then realized that they both love each other?
multyfangirl21 chapter 3 . 8/10/2018
Immediately thought of Romeo and Juliet when you brought queen Mab up.
multyfangirl21 chapter 1 . 8/10/2018
Well that's actually a promising start to their marriage if day 1 was when they started falling in love with each other.
Guest chapter 19 . 6/20/2018
I had never heard of Strange Magic before I read this, but since everything else by you that I've read was absolutely amazing I figured I might as well. You did not disappoint. At all. Quite the opposite in fact, because holy cow that was good!
I was expecting to be confused about a lot of the worldbuilding-type stuff, all the background knowledge that anyone who had watched the movie would know, but you wove the exposition so neatly into your writing that I understood everything perfectly. And your characterization is magnificent - I especially loved the way you portrayed Marianne. She's such a fighter at heart, and she'll fight her *own* heart for the sake of those she loves.
And ohdeargoodness the *pining*! I was half dead with anticipation and just wanting to shake them both by the time they *finally* got around to saying things out loud, with actual words, and basic communication skills, and not relying on easily misinterpreted gestures and a whole lot of confirmation bias to get across their meaning. (Ok so maybe the wanting-to-shake-them thing isn't completely gone. Even after 3 days and as many read-throughs.) And you managed to get the reasons for the (excruciating) mutual pining to feel not only plausible but probable with no suspension of disbelief whatsoever except that required for the whole "fairies" thing.
So, to summarize: holy COW that was really well-written. Thank you so much for writing this.
MoragOctober chapter 19 . 5/30/2018
When I finally saw the film, I was really disappointed with a lot of it. It frustrated me that the songs were long and repetitive and meant that there was hardly any screen time for actual dialogue or character development, which is something that tends to happen more in animated movies aimed at super young kids. I was hoping for a more 'adult' take on a fantasy romance and realised that this was probably an unrealistic thing to hope for, given the film's rating.

This work that you've written is legit **better** than the screenplay, and not just because I'm in the appropriate age group to appreciate it! I was so disappointed that no one's character was particularly explored in depth in the film, and I felt like I had to be told "this guy is brooding" or "this girl is ditzy" rather than be *shown* it. The time spent focussing on Bog/Marianne's interactions compared to everything else in the film is criminally short! So, basically, your fiction has completely fixed everything wrong with the original film. Thank you for doing that! :) I especially like that you called out the shitty behaviour and attitudes of the fairy patriarchy, mainly Dagda and Roland. It was honestly pretty messed up that the original script has the king just being ... randomly ok with Roland wandering around causing harm to both his family and his kingdom. Ugh.

Having read your Megamind works, I also really like how you can consistently throughout your work, regardless of setting or characters, manage to contrive misunderstandings that are believable and logical-sounding without them requiring a huge suspension of disbelief. A lot of standard romcoms require the characters to wilfully communicate poorly in order for the narrative-driving misunderstanding to exist in the first place, whereas the characters you write always seem to be smart enough to ask the questions that the audience wants them to ask, and there's *still* a plausible reason for the misunderstanding to continue. It's even more impressive that you can do this with a setting that gives you relatively little depth to work with in the first place!

It used to drive me bonkers that I couldn't find any romantic fiction to read that didn't also require me to drop my standards of what I expect from a narrative. I'm genuinely incredibly impressed wtih the stuff you write. I think I've said this before on a different review of one of your works but I would *throw money at you* if you wanted to monetise your work. I honestly think you deserve to be a published author. There are people out there getting paid for their work and you write *better stuff* than them. For realz!

(Obviously your life is your life and for all I know you may already have a fulfilling career and choose to write as a hobby, and that is also fine and also none of my business and you don't require my validation. I'm just saying, if you ever asked yourself "Am I good at writing" the answer is a resounding "Shut up and take my money!")

rem215 chapter 1 . 5/17/2018
started reading aprox 8pm last night.

phone died mid chapter 16 at half past midnight (i died a little inside too).

been at work all day itching to continue reading and i have just this second finished it.

i was HOOKED from the start. what an amazingly well written well put together story.

well done on this masterpiece
sanasings chapter 19 . 3/25/2018
Fantastic story! I was hooked from the first chapter!
Guest chapter 19 . 3/24/2018
Are you ever gonna write a sequel to this fanfic, or possibly a new story for this fandom? I'd love to read more about it, and it's all your fault, since I hadn't even heard of the movie, before you started publishing this!
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