Reviews for Total Drama Fantasy Life
Queen Becc chapter 2 . 8/4/2017
Thank you for choosing Billy~~! I can't wait to see how the other contestants act and what goes down (:
cinnamonstick17 chapter 2 . 8/4/2017
Thank you so much for accepting Jesse on, and I'd thrilled to read what you have to say about his app. I'm super hyped for this puppy to start!
WhiteFour chapter 2 . 8/4/2017
Thank you for accepting my characters. From the looks of it, this season will be epic.
I would like to get some feedback and I hope you will have fun with writing.
POMForever chapter 2 . 8/4/2017
I'm happy you chose Kali, I'd gladly accept feedback on her!
Bloodylilcorpse chapter 2 . 8/4/2017
Thank you for accepting some of mine, and I'd love to hear feedback on what you think! :D

Looking forward to what you'll do with the cast!
Syldove chapter 2 . 8/4/2017
Yay Claire made it in. Can't wait so see what you do with her and the others
Lime-lensed Lord chapter 2 . 8/4/2017
Thank-you for accepting Basil:) With such a choice of characters, this looks like it will be good.
Aleister Bloodrive VII chapter 2 . 8/4/2017
Amazing! I'm glad that Maddie was accepted! n.n

And I always appreciate any feedback :D
n00bsl3yR chapter 1 . 7/28/2017
Oops. Age:17
n00bsl3yR chapter 1 . 7/28/2017
Hey, I'm n00bslayr. I'd like to request an OC. Name: Joseph Daniel Moore Nickname: Joe Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight (likes girls) Race/Ethnicity: White LOOKS Hair (Style, Color, hair, in front his hair is up with gel, the rest of it is down. Eyes: Hazel brown Appearance (Height, Body Type, is 5'5, he has sort of a muscle tone. Has a slight six pack. CLOTHES Everyday Clothing: Joe has red t-shirt, along with black shorts, and black shoes. Swimwear: He wears blue swimming trunks with a black outline, along with tropical flower patters colored white. Sleepwear: He sleeps in his underwear, along with a black tank top. PERSONALITY Title: He is a gamer, he wrestles in the indie scene a little. Positive Personality Traits: Slacker, trustworthy, and friendly Negative Personality Traits: Short temper, hates losing, hates when things don't go according to plan Bio: Joe was born and raised watching wrestling. His dad worked in a brand of professional wrestling, while his mom was a big gamer. Things didn't work out and his mom and dad divorced. His dad took him to all his wrestling shows, his mom on the other hand took the divorce pretty hard. She blamed him for everything and abused him. All in all, he had a rough childhood. He's always wanted to make video games. Interested in relationship? If so, what is there type: Joe is looking for a girl that shares a knack for gaming and wrestling, just like him. Favorite Color: Neon Blue Favorite food: pizza Favorite animal: Fox Pet peeve: Annoying people Biggest fears: Joe is afraid of Spiders/Tarantulas and snakes. Likes: Video games, wrestling, riding his bike. Dislikes: Losing, and people who annoy him Deep, dark secrets: he has secretly drank alcohol. MEDICAL Mental Disorders: none Physical disorders: none Allergies: Allergic to bees OTHER Religion: none Notable family members: dad, little sister, and baby brother Plans for winning money: he hopes of making his own video game franchise. He hopes of joining professional wrestling. Stragety: being underhanded when needed, playing hard, and most of all strategizing. Audition/TranscriptA room with white walls covered in wrestling posters and video game posters, white carpet, a desk with a rolling chair under it, a TV atop a brown dresser. Joe is using his phone so you can see his arm in the right of the screen. He is , I'm Joe. And I hope to be on your show. I'm not so good with my hands, but, I'm pretty fast, agile, and strong. I hope to be on the show. Goodbye!The screen turns black and the video ends]
LazerShaman chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
Name (First, Middle, Last):
Malcolm Sexton
Nickname(s): Mal, Dad

Age (15): 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi

Race/Ethnicity: White


Hair (Style, Color, Etc.): Close cropped blond hair in a crew cut. Very utilitarian. Hairline slightly receding even despite his young age.

Eyes: Brown eyes.

Appearance (Height, Body Type, etc.): Malcolm is short and stocky, built wide rather than tall. Take your average dad bod and squish it down into a 5'6 frame. That's Malcolm.


Everyday Clothing: Malcolm dons work boots, jeans, a white T-shirt, and a red plaid flannel every day. He also wears a red bandana around his neck and has a rag hanging out of his back pocket. Small tools line his pockets and hang from his belt, like screw drivers, a multitool, and a small hammer.

Swimwear: Red swim trunks a little too big for him. Bandana from regular wear stays around his neck.

Sleepwear: Clothes? For sleeping? Hah! Malcolm laughs at the idea.


Title (i.e. The Cheerleader, The Stuck Up Swede, etc. Points for creativity!): The Handyman/Dad Friend

Positive Personality Traits (3-5): Responsible, good problem solving ability, trustworthy, makes friends easily.

Negative Personality Traits (3-5): Easily frustrated with people when they act irrationally (even if he's being irrational himself), somewhat short tempered, can be overly protective of friends and start conflicts

Bio: Malcolm was born with a knack for creation. He's not quite a creative type, but when it comes to your old hammer and nails or welding things together, he's got it made. His dad wasn't in the picture when he was younger, so he's largely self taught. High school proved difficult for him, but he struggled through with the help of his more mathematically inclined friends. Now he attends a trade school, currently looking to become a contractor and start his own firm.

Interested in relationship? If so, what is their type?: Malcolm likes people who let him work when he wants to work. He's not looking for a relationship, but if he stumbles into one he's not the type to run away.

Favorite Color: Red

Favorite Food: Steak and baked potatoes.

Favorite Animal: White Tailed Deer

Pet Peeve: people who never stop talking.

Biggest Fear(s) and explanation: He's most afraid of abandonment, a fear left over from his father and from an incident with one boy he dated in his early years of high school.

Likes: tools, raw materials, grilling, mechanics, building, BLACKSMITHING, friends

Dislikes: being left alone for long periods of time, people who talk too much, edgy people

Deep, dark secrets: really likes getting his nails painted, and sometimes worries that he's going to get involved in crossdressing


Mental Disorders:None

Physical Disorders: None

Allergies: None


Religion: Roman Catholic

Notable Family Members: His mom is his hero, but he does a lot for his little sister too.

Plans for winning the money: Use the money to help his family get a better education and a better life.

Strategy for winning: play nice, play fair, and most of all, play hard.

And send me a description/transcript of their audition!

[A dimly lit workshop in what looks like a basement is the backdrop for Malcolm's audition. There's a faint haziness to the room. Malcolm is seated in front of the camera holding a neat, somewhat ornate little birdhouse he just finished]

"Howdy there! My name's Malcolm. I'm not a fancy actor-type but I am pretty skilled with my hands. I made this here birdhouse and I really think that having a no-nonsense hard working kind of guy would be great to have on your show! I work hard and, if I'm being real, have always wanted to be on one of your shows! Here's hoping!"

[Malcolm waves and nods, there's a fumbling and a moment where a female voice can be heard and then the camera shuts off]
DSX62415 chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
Alright, lemme see what I can come up with.
Aleister Bloodrive VII chapter 1 . 7/25/2017
Mmm... well the app isn't too difficult to fill and I'm always interested in Syoc stuffs so yeah..! I'll submit someone xD