Reviews for Demonic Intervention
wolf-master321 chapter 6 . 5/13
I must have read this about a dozen times each time I die laughing I have to ask do you know of any stories that are similar to this and if so can you drop links thank you
TheLoud chapter 6 . 5/12
What a delightful story! I’ve seen fanfic writers messing with canon in a lot of different ways, but I’ve never seen this before. Well done!
DeadFish37 chapter 1 . 4/25
Amusing, if nothing else
YuunaFiction chapter 6 . 2/4
I loved it. Freaking hilarious
Guest chapter 6 . 1/29
Awesome read, throughly enjoyed this. Thanks!
Caddi chapter 6 . 1/23
lovely story!
The Feisty Rogue chapter 6 . 10/28/2019
Great fic!
Yuliya K chapter 6 . 6/30/2019
Dear author,
Thanks for the fun ride. I liked the originality of the tooth-fairy idea. I'd love to read a short fic like a day in life, or an interraction with someone like Dumbledore, or an origin story of how a class of demons decided to get "requalified".
I also loved the mishap with Rita that toned down Harry's god-like ingenuity. I would have loved to see more of her coping with being a champion: maybe her nerves messed something up, maybe the tapping of her shoe distracted Dumbledore and Fudge from an argument in the side chamber at the begging.
I think overall the story was fun and not too long but it could have benefited from some more detail in describing how people process and show emotions. Also, Dumbledore bashing was laid on thick and quite unnecessarily so, which spoilt the experience for me a little .
Prince Pondincherry chapter 4 . 6/26/2019
I LOVE this. (I really do not enjoy the weird fairy framing device, though.) I think Rita is my favorite part, both for the hilarity and the cute interactions with Harry. And how she seems like a surprisingly real character. But Dumbledore being a Champion and Fudge not wanting to compete against him is also great.
Melikalilly chapter 6 . 4/21/2018
I love this story
missgsmith51 chapter 6 . 3/24/2018
The little Rita girl was the surprise. I figure Dobby might have put in Draco's name. Anyway, it looks as though Harry, Cedric, and Rita are the only ones who know how to work together to reach a common goal. The adults all looked stupid. I'm just glad nobody good was killed, Sirius is free, and Harry is free of the rotten Dursleys.

Cute story!
missgsmith51 chapter 4 . 3/24/2018
This was even better than Harry's plan! As to choosing teams, I have to agree with Cedric - one teacher, one original champion, and one of the "extras" would have been the fairest way. Oh, well. I was rather surprised at Snape choosing Harry instead of Draco. Hehehe! He's always calling Harry incompetent. I guess he sings a different tune when his life is on the line. Sadly, Madam Maxine seems to have messed it up well enough. I wonder who the third person is for Harry's team.
missgsmith51 chapter 2 . 3/24/2018
"Cornelius Fudge," he wrote, "Magical School for Incompetent Ministers and Pathetic Nincompoops." He rolled up the parchment and pushed it out from under the hem of the Cloak.

"There, Dobby. Put that in, please."

He summoned another sheet and wrote, "Bartemius Crouch Jnr; Magical School for Death Eaters in Disguise."

"First British Magical School for Spiteful Gits Holding Grudges for Decades and Taking Out these Grudges on the Children of Dead People." (Even without the name, I think we ALL know who that one is!)

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Harry wrote, carefully recalling the inscription on the chocolate frog cards. "Supreme Magical School for Supreme Mugwumps and People With Too Many Names."

"Rita Sketer," he scribbled hastily. "Magical School for Annoying Reporters." (Okay, he noticed and fixed the spelling error.)

I must say, I laughed so hard I nearly fell off the bed!

Too bad he didn't Accio! his own and Cedric's name slips out of the cup ... and enter Ron's and Draco's instead. After how Ron treated him, I think I might have done so in his shoes. (I guess I'm evil.) Draco just plain deserved it. Besides, he could be at the rebirthing party with his daddy.

I can't wait to see the reactions when those names come out of the Goblet. I wonder why he didn't enter Voldemort's and Peter's names? Wouldn't they have to show up?
cosmic-cube-keeper chapter 6 . 9/23/2017
Oh, but damn, was this not a fun read! Take THAT, crazy Fudge, Dumbledore, Crouch, Pettigrew... who else?

Thanks for sharing!
katmom chapter 6 . 7/24/2017
Excellent twisty story. Thanks for sharing.
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