Reviews for Serieux Part 2
LunaMoon132 chapter 29 . 9/20
I absolutely LOVE this story! I only just found it and it was love at first chapter! thank you so much!
PiBrain chapter 25 . 2/8
Haha, love it when author’s tell critics to piss off. Sorry it doesn’t work like that, buddy. I get why you’d be annoyed by critics, but if you wanna write an publish fanfiction, you’re just gonna have to deal with it. I get you wanting to write the way you like to write, but obviously a lot of people agree that your constant analysis of canon plot points is annoying tripe completely unrelated to the story, and therefore just padding. You write dialogue really well, and if you focused a little more on your own plot rather than the canon plot-holes (which most the time you don’t even fill, rather you just point them out in a long winded explanation that you attach to a random character’s thought process) you’re story would be a lot stronger and a lot more enjoyable. I was really impressed with the vocabulary you gave Hermione, and it shows you put in a lot of thought to the dialogue, although you seemed to go through a weird French phase over several chapters then just abandon it. Anyway, I got sick of reading the same ideas and thought process over and over in this chapter, as most of it seemed to rehash notions you’d already raised, so I skipped quite a bit. Having said that, I feel confident I didn’t miss anything of importance, which says a lot about how long-winded your writing is. I honestly believe this whole fic should be less than a quarter the size it currently is. It’d actually improve the fic to cut out all the fat, and get the fic to a reasonable size that matches the fact this fic is basically a one-shot. Anyway, that’s my opinion, which contrary to your belief, I’m entitled to have and entitled to share. I get writing is hard, so is art, doesn’t mean that when I show people what I make I reject their opinions/criticism based on whether they’ve done something similar.
PiBrain chapter 12 . 2/7
DiNozzo, not DiNotzo or DiNozto, you keep changing the spelling, please just use Google if you’re not sure, there’s no award handed out for guessing
PiBrain chapter 12 . 2/7
Loving this book, but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the author goes on long unnecessary rants, that generally rehash what they’ve already said and just waste the readers time. I’m getting pretty sick of trying to skim past these intrusions. I’m hoping I can reach the end, but I’ll probably give up beforehand. If you’ve got more patience than me I highly recommend reading this fic, even if the authors separated it into two parts for literally no reason other than, maybe, visibility.
PiBrain chapter 4 . 2/6
So far it’s been a pretty great story, though there’s so much rambling. One example of ineptitude is enough we don’t need a critical analysis of every mistake the characters have made in the entire show!
liza123 chapter 22 . 1/26
Thank you for addressing faults in everyone including Tpny/Sirius
Carneu chapter 29 . 1/22
Many thanks for your story. It's taken me multiple days to get through this fic, which is really a novel and I've enjoyed your take on MW's exit.
Fyrefenix chapter 29 . 10/6/2019
Thank you for writing this story - both parts 1 and 2. I love your idea of Anthony / Sirius /Padfoot becoming one in Tony. It is delightfully refreshing to come across such a novel idea that not only makes sense but is well described and written. I have seen quite a few, but not all, episodes of NCIS - coming to this story from the HP fandom - but I always enjoyed them because I liked the actor playing Jethro while my daughter was "in love" with Tony. I saw many of the episodes you have described and never thought about them from the approach you have taken. WOW! You really opened my eyes and made me think, made me re-examine things I had just accepted as "part of [their] character". What a thought-provoking piece you have written. Moreover, the parallels you have drawn between characters and events in the HP and NCIS worlds are so obvious now you have pointed them out, I wonder that I never saw them before.

I have only one minor criticism that stems from my roots in the HP fandom. Hermione, Dean, etc. are not muggles but muggle-born. Their parents are muggles or non magicals, while they are muggle-born or first generation magicals. Apart from that one point, your marrying of the two fandoms is great.

I went to AO3 to look for the promised (potential?) sequel, hoping to see at first hand the effects of Tony's changes in the DMLE, his cases with MI5/6 and his developing relationship with Hermione. I am looking forward to seeing how you handle Harry's disillusionment with his marriage to Ginny and whether or not she did use love potions to trap him. Is this latest pregnancy even Harry's baby? Does Harry realise that she doesn't love him but is still a fangirl? Does he come to accept Snape and Dumbledore should not be on a pedestal and does this realisation cripple him? Does he overcome his survivor's guilt and start to recover from PTSD? Does Sirius face up to and overcome his own psychological problems and depression? What happens with Bishop, does she come over to visit Tony and Harry?

As you can see, I was completely hooked by this story. I apologise that I did not review each chapter - I know it is the "right" thing to do - but at the end of each chapter I wanted to see what happened next. I rarely read stories online, but download them to read in one go when they are completed. Maybe a bad habit, but I have been faced many times with a well-loved story not being completed for one reason or another so now I try to avoid that disappointment. Anyway, I'm now going to start reading some of your other stories now that I have ventured into reading the NCIS fandom. Thank you for introducing me to a new set of stories.

PS - although I have not written any stories posted in these fandoms, I have written in the Jane Austen fandom on other sites under another name. I know how important reviews can be. I hope mine goes some way to reboosting your writing confidence. If you would like a beta, especially for the sequel to this story but also for any other work in the future, please pm me. I might not always be able to help with character consistency in a fandom I do not know well, but am a dab hand at finding errors (being an ex proofreader), and also redundancy and plot / story inconsistencies.
snuffles101 chapter 19 . 6/26/2019
Oh. Thank heaven you had some one taking out Kort. I hate that character with an absolute passion. He's such a sleazeball. Blech. I think he's even worse than Umbridge and I hate her with an equal passion. Thank you Tony/ Sirius!
Pern chapter 29 . 6/21/2019
Thank you for a great story. I wish you would continue it further. I really enjoyed the unique plot and the cross over. I'm always sad to reach the end of a story that has pulled me in as much as this one did. I hope you write more HP and NCIS crossovers.
Flutterbyqueen68 chapter 29 . 5/30/2019
I just wanted to drop a line or two saying how much I love this story. It's the second time I'm reading it and the first time leaving a review. Please know that I loved it both times I read it but didn't say anything before because of shyness and not wanting to put myself Out there. It is also the reason I don't post things I have written. My apologies and also praise for this wonderful story.
Guest chapter 29 . 5/19/2019
I love your stories and the way you write tony. You always make me think. This one was great even though I don’t do HP. Thanks for continuing to post despite the trolls. I am shocked at the rudeness not just here but all over the internet. I’m usually a lurker but your notes give me courage to comment even though it’s usually super short. Thanks for sharing your talent
Maribeth chapter 29 . 10/25/2018
I just read your wonderful story. I truly enjoyed how you intertwined the fandoms. Well done, and well written, in my opinion. I couldn't "put it down." In regards to any negative reviews, just do what I do, and don't read them. ;-)
Kitty chapter 2 . 7/8/2018
Just to let you know you keep calling him DiNotzo instead of DiNozzo . Gets very annoying.
edf-k chapter 29 . 6/27/2018
I found this story yesterday and just couldn't stop reading. Every break I had into the late evening, I picked this back up to find out about what would unfold next. I really liked this story and how you left it open at then end. Just like in real life, the journey to self awareness can often be painful..but is worth it in the end. All your characters are much healthier by the epilogue, but still show that they are still learning and working things out. Good job and thanks for sharing.
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