Reviews for We Can Fix This
K00kieDokie chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
great job,
wencho17 chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
I had to go to your page and look for more after reading that last chapter of Only Human haha. My fix needed more :) Again, another great story. Not gonna lie though, after that last story update, I can't cheer for anybody but Seth and Dean haha. But this was still great, well written, characters spot on. And the angst was just at the level I enjoy. On that note, I kind of wanted to see Dean not forgive Roman but they do say when you love someone you can pretty much forgive anything so I'm somewhat glad those two worked it out haha. Keep up the good work!
june3law chapter 1 . 5/8/2016
Great story. Glad they were able to fix it.
Christina chapter 1 . 5/4/2016
Great job on the story. Can u do a story with John Cena and Jimmy Uso as a couple and John is the president of the untied states with four kids that are ten,nine,eight and seven years old and John becomes pregnant with twin boys with Randy Orton the youngest and smallest of the kids and one when Jimmy and John are middle of sex when John starts getting contractions but doesn't feel it because all he feels is the pleasure that Jimmy is giving him but once they are John starts to feel the contractions then his water breaks Randy's older twin birth is easy but Randy's birth is much harder and Randy is mentally disabled and he can't talk and stays the size of eighteen month old.
stingerette1975 chapter 1 . 5/3/2016
Wow...very well written...honestly...involved how these two were in this...great jjob
ilzehs chapter 1 . 5/3/2016
Aweeehhhh my Ambreigns heart is all fluttered and swelled! THIS WAS FREAKIN' AMAZING! I got some much needed Ambreigns angst, a hurt Dean with over protective Seth and Sami (SO FUCKING CUTE), a guilty yet determined Roman and a wonder. This is one example of Ambreigns done extremely right...Dean's characterization was spot on. This is exactly who he is. He wants to be feel wanted but won't voice his hurt...He's vulnerable despite the facade he puts on. He wants love and attention. Being company's A man can do that to you. You wrote Roman beautifully too. He was an asshole but it can happen to the best of us. He's only human. What was beautiful was how he realized how wrong he was and made up to his babe. Didn't back down. Didn't let his ego ruin the best thing in his life. I wanted to read something like this since Roman became the champ and both went on their separate ways.

I cannot get over how lovely it was to see Sami and specially Seth so protective over Dean. Dean deserve such good friends and love after the shit he has endured in his young life. Seth was so cute with those threatening messages to Roman. Sami's mean streak was hot.

The image of Dean lying on the couch crying made my heart break. But Roman made it okay. I think he has learned his lesson.

Aw adorable ending. This was seriously so cute and such a nice read. Wonderful writing. Hope to see more Ambreigns from you with this characterization of Dean. Thanks so much for writing this!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/2/2016
Only a Reigns fan would even dream that Roman has more talent than Dean.
plebs chapter 1 . 5/2/2016
Awwwwwwwww so cute hope you write more awesome