Reviews for Mother Bird
Guest chapter 15 . 11/14/2019
Caver Floyd chapter 15 . 4/3/2019
Good story. To be continued eh? I'll watch.
Marcus S. Lazarus chapter 15 . 2/21/2019
Bold choice for a storyline, I’ll give you that.
When superhero films focus on escalating the stakes and pitting their characters against impossible enemies, you deserve credit for creating a crisis that just required the Black Widow rather than the ‘big-league’ Avengers even while acknowledging the existence of the rest of the team. The crisis might be comparatively small-scale, but it pushes Natasha to her limits while also affirming her worthiness to be on the team with the more powerful Avengers.
Pitting Natasha against others of the ‘Red Room’ program was an absolute masterstroke in its simplicity, and while I had a few doubts about how she was able to go back and forth that often before the plane crashed, I certainly can’t fault the emotional roller-coaster you put Natasha through as the storyline unfolded. Ranging from facing her former ‘classmates’ to the moment of temptation concerning the potential fate of the Barton family, every step of the crisis tested Natasha without giving her more than we could have expected her to handle on her own.
Of course, as a Bruce/Natasha fan, I particularly appreciated the concluding confrontation with Madam B, setting the stage for their later relationship while also allowing Natasha to affirm how she’s gone beyond the expectations of the original Red Room programme while becoming something better than her former masters could have anticipated.
Look forward to seeing whatever you come up for a sequel; an obvious possibility is that Madame B will make a new effort to establish herself after SHIELD falls, but that still leaves the question of how and/or why the other Avengers will/won’t get involved in her new attack on her former protégé…
doctorjay chapter 15 . 8/30/2016
Fantastic story! Great fighting scenes, lots of suspense. And that psycho zombie Madame who keeps popping back up makes a wonderful villain. Black Widow kicks major ass, saves Clint's family, and looks amazing while she does it! This is the next Avengers movie, right Marvel?
Prince Pondincherry chapter 14 . 8/22/2016
Hmm...I don't think they have elephants in the Philippines, so that's probably not it, as delightfully silly as that would be.
Maybe the first black widow who got thrown out of the plane somehow made it there?
It occurs to me that the other black widows should have had more of the serum than Natasha, so it's surprising that they didn't seem physically better than her.
Prince Pondincherry chapter 13 . 8/22/2016
I really like the on-the-ground perspective of the high-level chessmasters plotting against each other with their large organizations. Fury and Madame are both genius spies with great resources, so it was interesting to read about Natasha's perspective of them conflicting.
It was also neat how you had Natasha and Madame fight, where they both kept one-upping each other. It's a peculiarity of fighting someone with the same skillset and similar ability levels, and it's been one of the cool things about this story as Natasha fights all these black widows.
I have to say, I somehow didn't think of the Hulk helping (after they left the hotel) until the plane crashed.
Prince Pondincherry chapter 10 . 8/22/2016
It sure is lucky the Helicarrier happened to be in the area. Unless it just means SHIELD has multiple of them. Because I REALLY doubt the Helicarrier can fly fast enough to get to the Philippines from America faster than a jet aircraft can get from the mid-Pacific to the Philippines.
Prince Pondincherry chapter 7 . 8/22/2016
What's she going to do if/when she boards the plane? Maybe she just wants to find it so she has a location for rescue ships?
Prince Pondincherry chapter 6 . 8/22/2016
It's good to know that even in her "evil" scheme, Natasha doesn't even consider doubting that SHIELD will rescue her.
Prince Pondincherry chapter 3 . 8/22/2016
Ah, you did have a good explanation for how the wisdows found her. Great. Or, well, still bad, but Natasha can at least do damage control.
Prince Pondincherry chapter 2 . 8/22/2016
It really seems like it s a trap for Natasha, but if so, that means they know a terrifying amount about Clint's family or were absurdly good at predicting how Shield would react to a plane being hijacked, either of which is quite worrying.
Mellia Bee chapter 15 . 8/18/2016
Yessss! Aw, that was epic. Have I told you before how much I like the way you write Bruce? Because I do. And I like the interactions between him and Natasha. And I like the Barton family, ketchup smoothies and all - and I especially like the fact that you'll be writing more! You should have heard the exultant cheer that went up in my head when I read that. Good work - I've really enjoyed this, and I'll be eagerly watching for more. Thank you!
Mellia Bee chapter 14 . 8/13/2016
Wow. That was epic. You did such a good job building Madame into a terrifying, almost legendary character (from Natasha's point of view anyway), that the showdown between her and the Hulk was actually quite exciting. I like the teamwork between Nat and Bruce/Hulk too.
Mellia Bee chapter 13 . 8/4/2016
Oh, boy. Wow. Another cliffhanger - you're way too good at those. I will have you know though, that I gleefully clocked out of my work for a lunch break as soon as I noticed you'd updated - and I barely remember what my sandwich tasted like because I was too engrossed in your chapter. Also, I very nearly cheered when you-know-who showed up! I was really hoping you'd bring him in.

Anyway, good work! I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
Winter-Soldier-88 chapter 12 . 7/28/2016
This is AMAZING...simply AMAZING.
You know...this needs to be sent to Marvel so they know who to hire for penning the Black Widow movie.
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