Reviews for It Gets Better
GeezerWench chapter 1 . 5/5
Hi! I saw this Leah/Bucky and thought I'd give it a shot.

It was really good. I did see some mistakes here and there - words repeated, or some left out - bit that happens no matter how many times you try to edit yourself. Sometimes it helps when you just change the font.

I like the idea of Leah hetting away from everyone and everything. It was so nice of Carlisle to help her, but not be hovering over her shoulder.

I'm puzzled about why Bucky spoke to her in Russian, bit okay. Maybe he was afraid to open himself up fully. I guess they didn't need to speak to comfort each other. Sometimes all you have to do is be there.

So yeah, I quite enjoyed the fight there toward the end. Figured something really crappy had to happen. He *was* a wanted criminal, after all. (I like action movies)

But, I am glad they finally got back together, and I'm sure Harrison James was a beautiful child!
cornholio4 chapter 7 . 3/2
-we sonally I am team cap
Leah chapter 10 . 6/13/2019
And then Thanos snaps his beafy fingers and the little family of three gets dusted.
blackcatcoffe chapter 10 . 1/30/2019
Dose your done know he name after Harry potter
blackcatcoffe chapter 2 . 1/30/2019
Bucky don't mess with or you will regret it
rissbenzo chapter 3 . 11/15/2018
Im starting to really like this story but to be honest i think it would be better if leah didnt really have any contact with her family or the people in la push. This should be her new life with people who actually care about her. dont you agree?
bleeb90 chapter 10 . 10/7/2018
I loved it! What a beautiful fic 3
bleeb90 chapter 7 . 10/7/2018
I love your fic and while I never would have thought to pair Leah and Bucky, I find them very ship-worthy! Also, even though the fic is 2,5 years old I feel I have to respond to the question in the middle of your chapter:

"Real Life Questions from the author: Has anyone else felt this? And if you have does this feeling ever go away?"

Yes I felt like that when I was 15 and depressed. It turned out that besides depression I was also coping with camouflaged female autism. It turned out that knowing how I was different played a large part in accepting how and why I feel like an alien in much social situations. The feeling of not belonging being named (and learning that that very sense of not belonging did in fact belong somewhere) helped me a lot.

It's been 13 years since I was a lost 15 year old, but now I have a significant other who also has autism (and often feels just as alien) and together we don't feel alone or different at all. Somehow we've managed to gather a large group of friends consisting of a lot of people with AD(H)D, autism, depression, borderline, and tons of other conditions. We've seen that having such a story to tell makes you view life differently than 'normal' folk seem to do. Being open about our differences also ensures we can anticipate stuff we or our friends might have trouble with. That takes a lot of pressure away from social situations which makes them infinitely more enjoyable.

I do hope that you have found your niche by now, or if you haven't you will soon. 3
Shamille101 chapter 10 . 4/27/2018
Congratulations on finishing the story! I've really enjoyed reading this couple. Gotta say I didn't expect the pregnancy turn there. I like how protective everyone is. Thank you for writing it!
Beauty Eclipsed chapter 10 . 4/16/2018
Beautiful ending. I wish Jamie had found out sooner about the birth of his son, though.
LeahMfkn'Clearwater chapter 9 . 1/17/2018
Oh Jaime! Leah, don’t screw this up. I hope they can get both of their priorities straight. Jaime maybe can finally meet the pack.
Marine.chan94 chapter 9 . 1/16/2018
This is SO Mean! It is not only leah's heart that is broken, but also mine. How could you? Hehe Seriously though, you have a way with words and I find myself immersed in the story everytime. I can just hope that it gets better (pun intended) and we'll get a somewhat happy ending because I don't think my heart will be able to take it otherwise. Anyways, great chapter! And I am impatient to read the next one!
Beauty Eclipsed chapter 9 . 1/15/2018
The first time I fell in love (and only time) I was 28 years old. It was unexpected and I had given up on the concept of love and kids and marriage. His name was Joe and he made me believe that we had a future. He made me believe in him, in us and slowly tore down my carefully cultivated walls. I trusted him.

One day after not hearing from him for over a day and a half I went on Facebook, ready to send him a scathing message when I see that his father had written on his wall “R.I.P. Joey, you were a great father and a great son.”

He was an ex-soldier and neither he nor I realized he had PTSD. He took away his life and my dreams of any kind of future together with him.

Love is so many things. It can make you feel like everything in the world is perfect and together you can do anything and it can also destroy you from the inside out. It’s a very powerful feeling.

The point: Life isn’t guaranteed for any of us. None of us have tomorrow or the next day or the next few hours guaranteed. Shit happens. But you can’t live in fear.

And like both Leah and Jamie learned, ignoring painful memories or making pretend that it never happened to you or don’t mean a thing isn’t the solution.

I miss Joe like crazy and if he were in front of me I would kiss him until we both needed to breath and then beat the shit out of him. I’m not sure in which order. But I don’t have him in front of me and I never will again.

But I don’t regret any of it. At the beginning I did, but now, four years later, I’m grateful to have at least known what love feels like, even if for a few months. Knowing what real love feels like I now know that I won’t settle for anything less.

I regret that I couldn’t save him, but no point in living in regrets. But I do not regret having ever met him. I got a taste of love that I would not have felt before if it weren’t for him.

Life isn’t guaranteed for any of us so embrace it and make the best out of every minute, every second.
FavFan chapter 9 . 1/15/2018
Well this was sad.
Shamille101 chapter 8 . 11/13/2017
Lovely chapter! I'm really enjoying how the story is going. Whyyyy? Why a cliffhanger? Now I'm picturing all these scenarios instead of doing my paper. Who's bleeding? I don't know which would be worse, Leah or Bucky. Looking forward to the next chapter!
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