Reviews for Feral
GuestGirl chapter 4 . 9/9/2018
Kagome, you is annoying! Leave he clearly was going for the kill, LEAVE GIRL! Im sorry but im not big on kagome, she is whiny sometimes and doesnt deserve Inuyasha or Koga, go for Hojo i mean come on!
Ty Batto chapter 23 . 3/4/2018
that was so Kawaii. I loved it. good job.
NikkiS71 chapter 23 . 1/6/2018
That was cool!
Sesshoumaru was so OC! That was extremely unexpected! He was so attentive and caring! For a second, he was a bit unrecognizable. However, his true nature showed when needed. Like when the Black Inu was mentioned, and then showed up. I just knew Sesshoumaru would have ripped his head off to protect InuYasha and the pups!
The Black Inu was a surprise as well. He didn't turn out the way I thought he would. Instead of a violent terror, he's more along the lines of a loner nomad. It was strictly by chance he happened to be there when InuYasha was in heat. Even more interesting is that he is related to Sesshoumaru, on his mother's side! That threw me! But, it was a good idea that he didn't tell InuYasha of that. Lord knows how he would have acted!

Amazing story!

B reading U!
NikkiS71 chapter 4 . 1/4/2018
That was very stupid on Kagome's part. She has an extremely hard time listening to reason!

B reading U!
Doris chapter 23 . 2/20/2017
Loved it! Thanks for sharing.
Gayle Nightingale chapter 23 . 10/23/2016
Good job. GN
jennifer.haleokeawe chapter 20 . 10/18/2016
awww please continue this story! Dont let it end lol what did you mean by sess not thinking he would have children was something wrong? or just because he did not want a mate?
KnightOwl247 chapter 5 . 8/18/2016
Since inuyasha is producing milk he needs food with a higher fat content. Rabbits have no fat so just eating them will do nothing to keep inuyasha from starving and producing milk.
Black Fox34 chapter 20 . 6/23/2016
I'll be looking forward to reading more on Feral. I've already read Submit and Burning. Anticipation will be like sitting on a hot fire poker. Keep up the good work.
DiahKu chapter 20 . 5/7/2016
please update soon~ the story is lovely
Luvis Blynd chapter 16 . 4/18/2016
oh mannnn... why did you have to stop there it is getting soon good... lol oh well can't wait for an update so please do it soon. Pleaseee!
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 15 . 4/17/2016
OH, I love it! So beautiful. Just wonderful how he let's Inuyasha get his way. So sweet. Sesshomaru really does love his brother. Do the puppies have or get marks too? I feel a awesome love story here. Please continue to write for us. Thanks for the reads. LOVE YOU! LOVE SESS/INU! SO AWESOME! I will keep reading now.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/14/2016
That was kind of sad I wished he could have been with his friends until they died
Gayle Nightingale chapter 20 . 4/14/2016
sad for the humans but realistic. good job
DiahKu chapter 20 . 4/14/2016
thank you for your hard work
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