Reviews for Genesis Plays the Sims
The Last Sea Serpent chapter 1 . 9/15/2017
"..clumsy, a couch potato, a coward, evil, disliking children, and unlucky." Sim-Reno is me...
Awesome fic! If it's okay with you, I've been considering writting my own "[character] plays the Sims" fic for a different fandom. I'd be sure to cite you as the inspiration.
Dragon MoonX chapter 1 . 4/15/2016
Oh god, Sim-Genesis is reading Loveless in the library! XD I totally cracked up at that one.

Love the plants in Sim-Angeal's room. That was rather amusing. Nice touch adding the word "honor" in the floor tiles.

[I originally had a puppy named Zack,,but then it died and you and Miranda had a baby...] Funniest line in the whole story.

Loved the surprise at the end where Genesis made Sephiroth a woman. That was hilarious.
Team Wingless chapter 1 . 3/27/2016
Good lord lol. This is the second "Genesis plays a videogame" fic I've read today, and this is the better one. Made me chuckle, esp at the wedding part lol. Genesis' cheeky dialogue is on point, but Angeal's feels a little rehearsed. Also, cut your paragraphs don't to a sentence or two esp in the beginning and get to the dialogue asap. It's funny as heck once it gets going but starts off slow. Cya!
Lyumia chapter 1 . 3/25/2016
Oh my gosh, this is instantly my favorite fan fiction EVER. It was all too hilarious, and I'm so happy to read how traumatized Angeal was by a video game :D. Kudos.
JammyWammy chapter 1 . 3/25/2016
Bwahaha! I laughed so hard when sim-Lazard entered the scene and started cleaning, my goodness! This is funny, I enjoyed it, I really liked humor fics surrounding our favorite trio, namely Sephy, Geny and Angy.