Reviews for Salvation
AvalonTheLadyKiller chapter 13 . 4/21
Great chapter. I actually was able to pick right up where I left off, so that means it was one hell of a story. My memory isn't THAT great, but those fics that really knock it out of the park, really stick with you. Glad to see you uploading again. It was much appreciated and thoroughly enjoyable... until the pelt part. I am morbidly curious to know who the poor soul was. *watches beging fingers*
Raycicle chapter 13 . 4/21
*kill bill sirens*
elleinaustin chapter 13 . 4/21
Welcome back with a bang! Rereading was a lovely quarantine treat, thanks for updating!
jessnicole chapter 13 . 4/19
Girl I did a full reread and loved every second if it! This chapter was fantastic, the back and forth between everyone was excellent
Tristana702 chapter 13 . 4/19
I really love this story, I had some trouble in the beginning because I don't know the universe but now it's fine, you really succeed in making us understand without knowing everything. Can't wait for the next chapter! 3
Drosselmeyer chapter 13 . 4/18
Glad you are back and updating. Great story. I started reading this series after the fanfic, you know. How amazing it would be if Joseph or Candice got casted in it!
redbudrose chapter 13 . 4/18
Yay! I love this story so much and I’ve often reread it over the last few years. I was thrilled to see an update alert in my email. You’ve made my week! I love see Klaroline as mates dealing with her father. Can’t wait for the next chapter! Stay safe!
Guest chapter 13 . 4/18
Yaaaaaaaaaaassss. I’m so excited that you have updated! I love that the pacing of everything. Caroline has a very interesting back story so I’m glad we jumped right back in
livingdeadblondequeen chapter 13 . 4/18
Great update! Enjoyed reading more of Caroline's past, thanks for writing
honestgrins chapter 13 . 4/18
OH MY GOD, THIS WAS THE BEST ALERT TO GET AND WHAT A PAYOFF! I love to see Klaus and Caroline get a handle on how to relate to each other, and I’m living for Kol’s baby steps in the background. Amazing, so excited, so in love with this story. Thanks for writing!
chillwithJyl chapter 13 . 4/18
firstfig chapter 13 . 4/17
SO EXCITING! I loved/love this story. I went back and read chapter 12 and then read this chapter. SO GREAT! I love your writing style and I have been missing my Klaroline. Something about this lock down has had me pining for new Klaroline fan fiction. Thank you so much for updating this story.
helpfulfairy92 chapter 12 . 4/7
Hi, so I found this this morning and I read all of it instead of working like I was supposed to. BUT I have no regrets bc this is hella good!
I know absolutely nothing about the universe this is set it, but what a treat to be here.
Thanks so much for sharing! I can’t wait to read the rest xx
Rose chapter 12 . 9/26/2019
Any chance you'll update this story again? It was one of my favorites and I love to reread every so often.
Dev29 chapter 12 . 8/17/2019
please add some more! I really am intrigued by the Elijah and Katherine pairing! especially her seducing him! please give us some more! this is an amazing story!
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