Reviews for One Hundred Beats
Reiko x 3 chapter 100 . 11/27/2019
Okay, this chapter... It makes me want to cry. I'm SO happy it all resolved well in this AU. still hurts a bit knowing I'm going to have to hunt so much harder for new friendship stories with these two. Mixed emotions confuse me. Gonna go cry now. Man...what an ending...
NSBK chapter 100 . 11/26/2019
Absolutely wonderful. I read it out loud to myself and got happy chills at the end. Great work. )
Bizzy chapter 100 . 11/23/2019
This is a wonderful end to these prompts as a whole and the AU itself as well. You've done such a great job crafting the story around their friendship, highlighting it even when you push the story in different directions. It's been great, and I'm so glad I found this. Thank you for an exceptional read!
Bizzy chapter 96 . 11/23/2019
I don't have words for this AU except that it's amazing
Bizzy chapter 89 . 11/23/2019
I could put you in a jar and tie it to my head is the most...Link-like suggestion I've ever heard. Practical, but also ridiculous. I love the detail that he'd never been able to *see* her smile before and how precious that made seeing it now seem.
Bizzy chapter 88 . 11/23/2019
I always worry when Navi starts healing things, since it isn't her usual strength. This time though I could appreciate how sweet the whole gesture was as it was neither life or death and they both get through it without catastrophe.
Bizzy chapter 87 . 11/23/2019
Link eating poisonous berries despite fending for himself for approximately forever will never not be amusing to me (that he didn't know better, not that he got himself sick). I love the details of her having to adjust herself to his bigger size (flying higher, his deeper voice, realizing he needs more food now). It's all very sweet, honestly. And the detail that, even though he enjoys food, he can forget when hyperfocused is a great detail and very believable.
Bizzy chapter 86 . 11/23/2019
Sometimes I really do wonder how Link manages *without* having this exact reaction, but I'll admit even I was thinking "yikes" when the result of that rage was Dark Link.
Bizzy chapter 70 . 11/22/2019
Oh, oh this is great and better than I anticipated! I didn't play Skyward Sword so I don't know much of Fi, but I have heard enough to get the reference here! I really liked the use of a different guide as what drove Link to really accept that he screwed up!
Bizzy chapter 69 . 11/22/2019
I'm bad at this but I'll guess the next chapter has something to do with a green-card hero asking for forgiveness.

Because his stubborn butt should be asking her for forgiveness. Honestly!
Bizzy chapter 54 . 11/22/2019
And the fallout. You paint his frustration amazingly here through actions more than words-the violence with which he fights, the pacing, and finally the resignation. This is fantastic.

I should apologize for leaving you 20 or so reviews in short succession...sorry! It's just that good
Bizzy chapter 53 . 11/22/2019

I like the idea of Sheik saving Link, of frantic moments where he realizes who she is but that he won't remember later. It really drives home the precarious nature of the situation, of the risks. That Navi ends up "in" on the secret is perfect.
Bizzy chapter 52 . 11/22/2019
As soon as we encountered teenage Link, wacmxing poetic, I realized we were looking at him fractured by the Triforce. I thought that maybe all three of his...selves...were actually missing their respective traits associated with the Trifirce, but the end showed me I was wrong. Child Link was afraid, but he came along anyway showing his courage. And teenaged Link had the wisdom to come with and di the right thing. And the adult Link still had the strength to carry on. Brilliantly done!
Bizzy chapter 38 . 11/22/2019
Link cupping his hands around Navi to hug her is the sweetest thing, and the absence of her being so much that he'd give up trying to survive is so painful and so real it breaks my heart. He gets so screwed by the end of OoT '( He loses everyone and everything he cares about. Of course he'd consider ending everything
Bizzy chapter 37 . 11/22/2019
I'm a sucker for hurt/comfort and angst and this was executed perfectly. Being unable to tolerate the potion. Sheik's swearing and reaction to what had happened are so perfect when you know that he's actually Zelda, witnessing the horror of what had happened to Hyrule's only hope. The detail of drops of blood, not tears, just gave me the right amount of that pit in my stomach feeling because suddenly I knew why everything was dark and oh no. Wonderfully done!
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