Reviews for Just Reckoning
kunoichi chapter 20 . 12/5/2018
Loved it all the way. They family dynamic among the Butlers. The relationship between them and Fowls. looking forward to read more from your hand.
P.S. Sword chapter 20 . 4/29/2016
Took me a long time to finally get back in the band wagon, even though it's now stopped. Life's been pretty hectic y'know.
Nice little way to round it off. A very satisfying ending :)
However we know Paul's still a jerk from the Christmas story in a nights work... Hmm.

Just want to say thanks for the story! And highly anticipating whatever you have in store next.
Sana Lama Samaha chapter 20 . 4/23/2016
Oh nooo it's oveeer.
That was a magnificent read in its entirety. (Butler really needs his own series.) Reading this bit of Butler's childhood suddenly makes me wonder about Juliet's. :)

It's been a great journey Looking forward to your next work!
Sana Lama Samaha chapter 19 . 4/23/2016
What a joy it is to see Paul in this state. Butlers bringing out their best always gives me thrills I can't quite describe. Ah, I really don't understand Theresa's thing for Paul.
Sana Lama Samaha chapter 18 . 4/23/2016
aha! The resolution is in reach! My sympathetic side is starting to pity poor Paul when he has to face Major, my more vengeful side is excited to see Paul get his comeuppance - not that the cage fight scene wasn't enough for me. :)
Sana Lama Samaha chapter 17 . 4/23/2016
Aw, the young Artemis Fowl was a sentimental one. Yet he grew into such a stone-cold creature - at least pre-fairy-magicks.
Something tells me this is the most praising Butler will ever get in such a short time-span in his life. I mean, you rarely ever hear Butler being thanked... It's an oddity in Fowl behaviour. :)
Sana Lama Samaha chapter 16 . 4/23/2016
What a great way to end the chapter. Too young and too mature is the contrary young Butler.

Oh, and more of Harson. I love these side-characters, important or not, even a little appearance reminds me that this is not a world for just Butler's and Fowl's. It always builds a little something to a story.
Sana Lama Samaha chapter 15 . 4/22/2016
Ah, more of grandma Butler, the poisoneer. If she's not dead yet, I really do want to meet her.
Sana Lama Samaha chapter 12 . 4/22/2016
I like Teresa, but I really don't understand her thing with Paul. She seems a lot happier among the Butlers, tbh... (btw, the previous reviews were for ch 11 and 12. This review is for ch. 13)
Sana Lama Samaha chapter 14 . 4/22/2016
I was looking forward to this fight and it did not disappoint. I had my suspicions that Kendrew might be an alias for the Major, but you never know if it isn't just a very trustworthy contact. Then again, I bet the Major would want to execute the vengeance himself.
Sana Lama Samaha chapter 13 . 4/21/2016
It's been awhile since I've been able to access this site, so I apologize for not reviewing recently.

I like this Vince. It's nice to know not all cage fighters are complete arseholes like Redwood. :)
Reading the exchange between Paul and Eddie was a joy. Can't wait to see Paul getting slaughtered in the cage. It's a moment I've been looking forward to for a looooong time.
Tantai009 chapter 5 . 3/24/2016
I love it! And you view and way of writing is great!
Alchemechanist chapter 20 . 3/24/2016
Hi! Sorry it's taken me so long; I waited 'til I had the time to sit down and enjoy this instead of reading it in between desperate cups of coffee.

I really like when you write Artemis, and jeez, the two of them together... it's like an arty party of walking thesauruses and emotional blockage. I find it hysterical. Just two awkward noodles bumbling through life.

Ahh, I was so delighted to read the piece that picked up where I left off! So exciting! Ahh, you know me and gruff!fluff. I'm thoroughly won over. I like thinking about Butler's feeling :') my tiny son...

DUDE, I am TOTALLY juiced for From The Rough. I want to know everythingggg. Loved this whole fic, as always, and still hungry for more, as always. You write the Butlers like they deserve to be written. Til next time bud!
HolidayBoredom chapter 20 . 3/24/2016
It is done. God, I want a Major and Alexandr fic. Going backwards in time. The Major is my new Butler family fav. Rabid plot bunnies abound.

I was working frantically yesterday on two updates. One has hit 10,000 words. Ridiculous. I want to post within a week. I really really want to.

Awesome, Wolfy :) Don't stay silent too long

Kath chapter 20 . 3/24/2016
I really really loved the ending just as much the whole fic, and I do appreciate all the time you put in - btw sry if I repeat anything I've written in previous reviews - and please write more about the Butlers, I'd be excited to read more and I love your version of their family background. So keep up the good work, you're amazing:) I'll really miss the notificatiin emails lightening up my day with a new chapter, it often made my whole day a lot better!
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