Reviews for Serendipitous Saturation
Maryfans chapter 15 . 6/7
Absolutamente enamorada de esta lectura... Mil felicitaciones
Maharadaffny chapter 15 . 6/7
Muy linda historia aunque diferente, en un universo donde apenas se conocen y se atraen, una relación naciente. Me gustó mucho ver a patrick con charlotte eso fue hermoso. No obstante debo reconocer que me gusta más el universo donde ellos llevan años de conocerse y amarse en secreto aunque con más angustia pero los amo. Felicidades por tu gran talento como escritora y sigo esperando con esperanza la continuación de tus otros fics¡ por favor broken, reconectarse y decepcion.
impatricialp chapter 15 . 12/9/2017
I love it, one of my all-time favorite fics. I've reread it for the umpteenth time and I've enjoyed it just as much as the first one. It's such a beautiful story, absolutely perfect. An AU well worth revisiting every once in a while. Thanks for creating it.
jbadillodavila chapter 1 . 5/29/2017
Genial b
Guest chapter 15 . 12/13/2016
Absolutely beautitul! I loved it!
Guest chapter 15 . 11/17/2016
Fantastically done!
Snuffles229 chapter 15 . 9/16/2016
Hi mayzee !br
I'm so sorry I haven't been reviewing your chapters since a month I guess.
I've started college and hence been really busy. I didn't even have time to read the updates. But somehow I did.
I loved how you ended this story ! Everything you wrote is totally believable. Even the backstories ! *.* AMAZING! All the time I've been imagining the story inside my head. And it almost seems so real. As if I've watched it on Tv xD
And..I think you've mastered understanding Jane and Lisbon's emotions. I've already told you alot of times but I need to mention again that you write beautifully *.*
And I truly this Fic alot !
The breakup was kind of unexpected. And thats why it was really interesting!
Loved it ! :)
Annihatesusernames chapter 15 . 9/8/2016
One of my all time favorite stories! I'm really grateful to come across to this splendid Story! Seriously you're a extraordinary writer!
Cutebeekeeper chapter 15 . 8/30/2016
Cutebeekeeper chapter 14 . 8/30/2016
Awwww. It was worth all the angst to get to this! :)
French Pumpkin chapter 15 . 8/30/2016
Haaaaaaa! I love your ending on that story. Yes it's sweet but not sickeningly so. I love the picture you painted of Charlotte and Teresa: very sweet but realistic and true to Lisbon's character.
As for the happy ending, well, I'm a sucker for romance so I absolutely loved it. But you managed to incorporate lots of "everyday/normal" hurdles though, and that makes the sweetness all the more entertaining and pleasant.
All in all, I loved that story. Thank you very, very much for writing it!
MartyMc49 chapter 15 . 8/30/2016
Seriously - I might have to go to the Dead Sea and take a swim for a break from all the sweetness right now. But I do so love sweet endings for our Hero and his Lady.
TunneyBaker chapter 15 . 8/29/2016
It's done! It's over Mayzee! As a one-shot it was purely fluff! I loved this one-shot last December! But in the meantime my fanfiction reading habits have changed! I love angst/drama (and fluff)! Pure fluff is boring for me although at times I love pure fluff when I am in the mood for it! So when you started turning this into a multichapter I was like "oh no more fluff"!I am probably getting bored! But nope! I started to love the story when a bit of angst came into the story! After the sweetness it was necessary that they broke up because of Janes's fears! It was in character! In addition in this story we shouldn't forget that Jane wasn't in law enforcement for a decade! So I defintely see that he needed to break up with Lisbon! All in all it was a great charming sweet story with working on a not so normal relationship! I am sad it is over now! But every story will end at one time! I loved and enjoyed this story as a multichapter and I also loved the sweet epilogue! As always this story is well written. It is no secret that I love your writing!
Mar.azul.14 chapter 15 . 8/29/2016
Thank you for this different but so sweet story, it was my pleasure to read it till the end & surprise surprise I'll write a few more quotes :1)You meet thousands of people and none of them really mean anything to then you meet one person, and your life is changed forever .. 2)Life is too short to hide your feelings, don't be afraid to say what you feel.. 3)I know I'm not the easiest one to love, but I swear I'm worth it.. 4)You see, I love you and I don't want to lose you because my life has been better since the day I found you.. 5)You live, you learn, you move on.. 6)Good relationships don't just take time, patience,and two people who truly want to be together .. 7)Life only comes around once, so do what makes you happy and be with people who make you smile.. and a partly funny one.. 3 most important parts of a relationship:1)Respect, 2)Honesty, 3)Pizza ! & a last one I promise.. Don't your the rest ! Well Done ... No Doubt !
Mar.azul.14 chapter 14 . 8/29/2016
Well..b/c english isn't my native language I've difficulties to find the right words to express my thoughts properly, so I'm going to do it through quotes ... here we go: 1)If you stay, stay forever. If you go do it you change, change for the better. If you talk, make sure you mean what you say.. 2)Missing someone is heart's way of reminding you that you love them.. 3)The hardest part of leaving is remembering what you left behind.. 4)I never thought letting go would be so much harder than holding.. 5)I want to let you go, but something always pulls me back to you.. 6)In the end we only regret, the chances we didn't take .. 7)Find a heart that loves you at your worst, and arms that will hold you at your weakest .. and a funny one ... never give up on your dreams keep sleeping !
Amazing chapter .. strong & honest emotions .. great writing .. well done ... No Doubt !
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