Reviews for Wolf Pact
nonstop19 chapter 9 . 4/12
Ooo very good! I’m loving this story! I hope to see another chapter soon!
HARLLEN chapter 9 . 2/15
Oh my. God. Oh ... what a fanfic this is, simply incredible, I am hopelessly in love with its plot and I need a next chapter at my table now! Rose opening Tardis again and in that part of the story? They rarely put Rose in this plot, which is very sad because the master has a lot of participation and I would love to see the master interested in Rose seeing the protective doctor and still with Jenny ?! How does it get better? You are just amazing for doing that. When I saw that you started this fanfic in 2015 and updated it recently, I thanked the heavens because I would never have seen it and I'm glad I updated it because it is really good. Looking forward to the next chapter.
QueenTatooine chapter 9 . 1/26
I like the chapter. I'm only going on four hours of sleep so my critiquing ability is gone. THanks for posting, looking forward to the next.
The Doctor Rose chapter 8 . 1/20
great update!
Dreamcatcher56 chapter 8 . 1/20
I guess we were always headed for the return of Bad Wolf and saving the universe once again...honestly a bit nervous for the fallout...thank you for taking the time to update this precious story.
QueenTatooine chapter 8 . 1/19
Very nice to see this updated. I look forward to seeing what is going to happen.
laughingspider chapter 8 . 1/19
Yay! Another chapter in this story! I really like this one. Well, I really like everything that you write but this one is particularly impressive. :)


AstoriaGreengrassMalfoy chapter 7 . 12/24/2019
Bro it’s 3:40 am and I’m reading this fanfic and I’m so happy to find a fix that features tenrose Jenny as their daughter and I hope this story isn’t abandoned
Halfblood With A SIG And A Pen chapter 7 . 7/15/2018
This is great!
Saiyasith chapter 7 . 7/3/2018
How did I miss this story? This is amazing! Such emotional depth woven into the words! Incredible writing and nice story line. In a word, Fantastic!
icicle.c.cold chapter 7 . 7/2/2018
She realized Rose and swallowed.

what? That makes no sense...

he'd gotten her run in time.

her to run

A strange whoos sound


Might I also suggest putting sound effects in italics?
I do that to make it pop and really drive home the effect.

OOPS! I forgot you were writing this too! I'm glad madrebelhunter reminded you!
OK, looks good other than those three things.
Dreamcatcher56 chapter 7 . 6/30/2018
Oh thank you for not forgetting about this brilliant story...signs of Bad Wolf...I'm hopeful this means they are all going to make it out and continue their journey together.
QueenTatooine chapter 7 . 6/30/2018
Going so good so far. Looking forward to what will happen next.
gwencarson126 chapter 6 . 9/20/2017
Heather Snow chapter 6 . 6/25/2017
Very interesting...
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