Reviews for Broken Systems, Bending People
TheTrueOverlordBear chapter 1 . 9/8/2019
Considering how her characterization and development went here and eventually matched her name a lot more than just a modification of the word "therapist," you certainly thought Hera Pyst through, hahaha~
orpheus-under-starlight chapter 1 . 2/16/2019
So, I don't think any single review is going to do justice to how good this is, but I really want to say that I admire how deftly you wove the games together through the experience of Hera as an outside observer/professional, as well as how you characterized her and her growing rapport with the cast (especially Miles). This was excellent and a pleasure to read-thank you for sharing. :)
saphira54325 chapter 1 . 9/15/2017
I finally found this fic again and man I forgot how well you captured each of the characters in this scenario. My poor babies Apollo and Klavier just need a big hug and a blanket, they've been through so much and you wrote it so well! I almost teared up when reading Klavier's part!
Brock's Geodude chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
This is beautiful.
anonymoussy chapter 1 . 4/8/2016
i really love this. i think you should put this on ao3 or something because this needs more views! fantastically written, everyone is in-character and i love that you're exploring the fact that so many of the characters in this series have severe trust/emotional issues. great work :)
Guest chapter 1 . 10/20/2015
Even though I haven't played all the Ace Attorney games and don't know the full backstories of all the characters featured in this, I love this fic! The way you used Hera to help these characters not only bring to light their traumas and help them with it. But also flesh out the characters more and make them more three dimensional and complex. It helps to see them as not just a villain (in some cases, it seems) or to bring to light that they /are/ affected by the trauma they've endured. I'll stop now because I've rambled on long enough. But the jist is: You're an awesome writer and this is one of the best fics I've ever read!
Loki chapter 1 . 10/19/2015
I am everywhere humans.
Luckenhaft chapter 1 . 9/13/2015
This was awesome. Nuff Said.

I've got to learn this psychology stuff.

I a
tezmilion chapter 1 . 8/31/2015
Perfect character analysis, beautiful portryal of dialogues, great character developments as the story goes by, and precious moments made me actually cry. This can be the textbook example of "great fanfiction." Thank you so much for writing this! You are the best of best.
JordanPhoenix chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
I swear I am not trying to sound condescending but - I cannot believe you are only 19. This is my favorite piece of yours thus far - it's perfect. Either you are an old soul or lying about your age! lol.

Regardless, age aside, this piece was pro-worthy, and was unbelievable. Such a unique angle to go with.

Truly, you are an incredible writer, and handled this serious topic with just the right amount everything so it was entertaining, and touching but not overly sentimental. The depth and emotions you got for everyone - just amazing. I tip my hat to you Miss.