Reviews for Kiss You
Lover of Emotions chapter 7 . 11/15/2017
that is good. update soon please.
dandelionsanddaisies chapter 7 . 4/17/2017
since having moved on from the death note fandom i was in the mood for a bit of lawlight this evening and i decided to look through my old favourites and oh god im like actually screeming im so in love with this and i'd be reading and then remember the scene that happens next and just be like aaaaaa oh god i love this fic :D
Kaizen Kitty chapter 7 . 8/1/2016
This is now my guilty pleasure fic. XD ~ guilty because of how cheesy this situation is, and I know this is not how canon-L and canon-Light would act; pleasure because it's a good story nonetheless, with a satisfying dramatic tension buildup and a nice crowning moment of awesome. So yeah, the characters are a bit OOC - notably Light acts a little bit too girly here and there... But on the plus side I do like how you write Misa: you show her as the mature and experienced young woman she is in canon. (it baffles me why some LLight fans like to bash Misa, she's really not that much of an idiot as they make her out to be)

And some of the dialogue L and Light have here does sound fairly in-character for them. The reason I can't fall completely and utterly in love with your fanfic is (for me) because it lacks conflict. The conflict is resolved too easily

(Soichiro readily accepting Light's orientation without question or drama - Soichiro sounded a bit like a robot there, continually reapeating the same sentence, that he only cared for Light's happiness. I severely doubt canon Soichiro would do that, ...and it takes a lot of the conflict away.

And that L would forgive Light for being Kira that easily... I do have a hard time believing/convincing myself that L would be okay with that. Or that canon-Light would simply give up on being Kira for that matter. Light seemed pretty set in his ways, and he'd need a lot more convincing to drop the Kira-role.)

So in this story, well there was conflict - but it came from a rather unexpected source: the conflict that drives this story is the clash of L's lack of social etiquette with Light's inner emotions. Which strikes me as odd, because Light is not a girl, and as such, he didn't appear to be much bothered by inner romantic turmoil in the canon. But okay...

Light seemed rather weepy, emotional, and perhaps a little bit naïve in this story. I do agree that canon-Light is naïve, (I mean: the guy thinks he can 'make the world a better place' all by himself - definitely naïve). But canon-Light didn't strike me as being naïve in love or relationship related matters. And his (younger) sister Sayu is definitely more naïve than Light (in canon).

So I enjoyed your story for the character-driven conflict, despite the cheesiness and OOCness. :) It's a well plotted and well written rom-com story, imo. Thank you!
Zareth chapter 7 . 7/27/2016
Sappy love letters are adorable. I want to squeeze Light and L, and likely annoy the hell out of them both by telling them how stupid and cute they are. XD
MafiaMarshMello chapter 7 . 6/4/2016
(Formal british computer accent) Now, ye are goin' teh—

BE GLOMPED. On second thought...I'll just give you a chocolate bar. (Snaps a third) Here. That's for a touching story.
Morlana chapter 7 . 4/16/2016
Wow, I was scared in the beginning. Thought this was a dreamscape, then I really thought it was a dream when I remembered they were still in the cafe. L was so easy with the confession and his confession. What are they going to do with the journal? Light is so careless with it, he almost left it behind!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/10/2016
Nice job.

Guest chapter 7 . 4/9/2016
awww,I'm dying so hard (-but in a really goodway). Nice victory at the end, tho
nesciosed chapter 7 . 4/7/2016
I so needed this today. Thank youuuu D
Willpup chapter 7 . 4/7/2016
Lindsey Stirling is fantastic. As is this chapter. That segue! ;)

Loved L's returned letter, it clears everything up and ties up loose ends. Brilliant use of vocab there as well, your extra effort to maximise the British-ness was lovely.

I'm 'squee-ing' in excitement for the next chapter like the filthy perv I am. :P
Beist chapter 7 . 4/7/2016
This was so cute! I love that L don't make a big fuss about Light beeing Kira, and the understanding he shows for the temptation to use the Deathnote (even though I can't see how he possebly could explain to the other investigation members why they are no longer trying to hunt down the first Kira)
But I do not see this as a problem since the only thing that matters is that L and Light are together :D
Great story! :)
Missingwings chapter 7 . 4/7/2016
Oh my god. Okay... Better. Though you had me concerned for a few minutes there. And you were dressing me out during the cafe scene when they didn't move somewhere else... I know what happens. I loved L's journel entry, and how he explained and responded to Light! So adorable~! Haha, and L had to talk to Misa. Well done, can't wait to see other people's reactions!
0100011100010101 chapter 7 . 4/7/2016

L was disgusted about THAT.

Geez, talk about a heart attack last chapter. Whew.

Have to admit, I was biting my lip a fair bit reading this. Although I do like the canon story and ending, this is the ending that I secretly wish happened.

Lindsey Sterling is amazing. L's British English was perfect, by the way :)
FanfictionWomanForever chapter 7 . 4/6/2016
Guest chapter 6 . 4/6/2016
Update. This has extreme potential, you are very talented. End this with a wedding, hmm?

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