Reviews for the way back home
Arachnide chapter 1 . 12/9/2017
Beautiful...this chapter was beautiful. I like how you expressed raphs feelings and thoughts, i loved how mikey was there, ready to reassure him and knowing exactly how to do so. I enjoyed reading the story and i was moved by the ending. This was beautiful. This was amazing and incredible. I loved it.
Tallithia chapter 1 . 2/19/2017
Thank you for writing this! Beautifully done!
Sparky chapter 1 . 7/18/2016
Aaaaw! Baby bro knows just what to say, doesn't he? Hooray for Cool Bro fluff!
FFX2player chapter 1 . 10/24/2015
Of all the aftermath pieces I've read of this episode, this is my favorite. It always makes me feel fiercely warm and fuzzy.
CelandineGranger chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
Wow, this was really well written! Very intense and emotionally deep. Well done!
SewerSurfin chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
This was a heartwarming and endearing aftermath to the horror Raph had to go through. Mikey was so gentle and perfect. It's very realistic that Raph would deal with a lot of inner termoil after that experience. This is awesome.
J.K.Holmes chapter 1 . 5/17/2015
Awwwwwwwwwww! I loved this! #.#
flikaroo chapter 1 . 5/13/2015
The Raph and Mikey relationship is endearing here. It's nice to see Mikey act mature and support his brother in a time of need. And this nicely ties into the episode.
PorkchopUno chapter 1 . 5/11/2015
This was really good! I love their relationship! My favorite! :3
Dead Hero chapter 1 . 5/10/2015
Fuck, if I didn't love this. I'm glad you wrote this as I thought the TMNT fandom would blow up because RAPH WAS FUCKING MIND CONTROLLED but it didn't. So, yeah, thanks.
Cute Kirby chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
Second person perspective is an interesting choice. It worked out very well, too.
bookworm563 chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
That was fantastic! The bond between Mikey and Raph is real!


Amazing work! See ya! ;)
monkey76 chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
Aw I loved this! Sweet and very insightful.
moogsthewriter chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
Okay, so I had to go watch the Squirrelanoids episode (there are many eps from season 1 I still haven't seen, curse being late to the game) before I could properly review this fic and I'm so glad I did because that episode was amazing on so many levels (and I should've maybe seen it before writing the falling fic because there was potential for some good parallels, oh well, too late now).


All that is to say is that now I reread this again for like the third time in an hour and it's so amazing and brilliant and just. Ugh. You slay me every time. The second person in this is absolutely perfect, that's something that gets underused and misused, but you nailed it here. And Mikey and Raph MY HEART THESE TWO SLAY ME ALL THE TIME AND YOU WRITE THEM SO WELL UGH THE FEELS. And there are soo soo many quotable parts but the line that really really slayed me was:

"Leo used your anger to save you. You think Mikey would have found another way."

BECAUSE IT'S SO TRUE. Gwyd did a really good job on making a fic on this, and you just sealed the deal, and it's totally my headcannon that a fight between Raph and Mikey would've gone in a whole different direction, and ugh, we HAVE to write Dark!Mikey because the level of FEELS is just infinite.

I'm getting sidetracked. tl;dr this was amazing as per usual you're brilliant I bask in your talent. Thank you for sharing.
Gwydion chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
If nothing else, I can honestly say that the quality of Dark Raph fanfiction that's popped up recently thanks to the episode is amazing, so there is at least one, lovely bright spot to come out of an episode I have... rather strong feelings against. Saying THAT, this one is far and away my favorite!

First off, can I just say that the fact you were able to pull me in with a 2nd person POV is astounding - I generally don't enjoy reading it for some reason, but the way you used it to make us feel as out of control as Raph did worked really well. You used the POV flawlessly! But then there's the story itself which just really digs so much deeper into what Raph went through. You did an amazing job of getting into his head and really laying bare for us exactly how he felt during and after the ordeal. And of course there's Mikey, who is just too sweet and absolutely perfect here! I especially love this line: "His hands tighten around your arms, strong in a way that belongs to you, strong in a way you let him borrow for now." It suits both Mikey and Raph so well!

Anyway, yeah, loved it! I'm so glad we got a Dark Raph story from you - couldn't have hoped for a better one. :)
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