Reviews for Bitter Colors In Our Space
Stirling Phoenix chapter 8 . 1/19/2017
*rolls in to leave a review here too~~* I'm so happy to see this updated love! I'll wait however long it takes for subsequent chapters, but for now, I'm elated! Thank you! Luffles!
Stirling Phoenix chapter 7 . 1/9/2016
Honestly, if I wasn't able to control myself, nearly half of this review would consist of random keyboard smashing. I've been internally screaming each time I reread this, it's really taken me a long time to figure out what to say here, because this chapter is truly one of the most beautiful things I've ever read, I loved every moment of of this. I don't care if this is a 'side story' this is the best thing ever in my opinion, and I will cherish the few moments in which Makoto let Sousuke touch and and hold him for forever. These moments were much to precious for their own good, but I'm left feeling distraught and empty, because I am well aware that this is the love story that can never be, at least not in this life time.

We've talked repeatedly on how and why you portray such a perfect Yandere!Makoto, but honestly, I cannot stress enough how incredible this, being so irrevocably in love with Nanase, that he essentially has to reject Sousuke in the process, because with the way you ended it, with Makoto realizing that Sousuke really does love him, I think we can confirm that Makoto's definitely not blind to this. I could be totally off base with this, but I think, now that Makoto has Nanase in the position he's in, there's no way he can ever give this chance up, he'll forever chase after the one shred of hope he sees in life, and there's just no room in his small world for the love and happiness Sousuke could give him. To be honest, this kind of makes everything more real for me, and it brings up a lot of thoughts/emotions that I'd rather not discuss in a public review (or at all really). Let's just say, that this chapter put my heart on an extreme emotional roller coaster; you conveyed characters' emotions brilliantly, as you always do.

It's truly difficult to pick out one precise moment that really stuck out to me, because quite honestly, this was all perfect. The dialogue was captivating, Makoto's internal monologue was powerful and flawless, I truly cannot praise you enough, and I sincerely apologize you to you, because I really don't know to express the thoughts I had for this, it's left my mind all jumbled and made me effectively speechless.

Just, you're brilliant, beautiful, and a truly wonderful person. Thank you for dedicating this chapter to me, I'll treasure it forever.
Stirling Phoenix chapter 6 . 1/5/2016
So like I told you in on tumblr just a few seconds ago, I'm trying to so desperately to hold myself together right now (of course I'm at work killing time, so I can't do anything except stew and type rapidly, and keep trying to stop myself to stop from dancing wildly) because OMGOSH! SOUSUKE'S HERE TO SAVE THE DAY AND MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER FOREVER!

Okay, okay. Honestly, I know that's not how things are going to play out, I haven't forgotten the very beginning, but for now, since I clearly do not know what's coming next, I get to dream of happiness for Makoto, like I always do.

In all seriousness, I'm super interested for this Makoto/Rin showdown. Like, I'm really excited to get a glimpse of how far Rin's devotion to Haru runs, because even Makoto's mused that it 'might' be similar to his. Also, I'm super curious to see how this face-off plays out AND HOW SOUSUKE IS INVOLVED OMGOSH!

Also, I really enjoyed the foreshadowing there: "Any consequences for my actions will be worth it. Even death'. I saw whatchu did there, bro. I'm onto you and your scheming ways!

As excited as I am for an update, I sincerely hope I don't make you feel obligated to update soon, because that's not my intention. I know you're super busy with work and batarou, so please take all the time you need, and I shall await patiently! And again, thank you for keeping this up and sharing with me, it means a lot to me!
Stirling Phoenix chapter 5 . 1/5/2016
Things definitely took a turn for the worse here, I expected it, but even so, my gosh.

Kisumi's attention didn't have the affect on Makoto that I thought it would, but I suppose, that in hindsight, by now it's far too late for Makoto to notice anyone else except for Nanase. (This is why we need to get Kisumi, Rin, or Sousuke to him AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!). I literally just had a thought, where Makoto's like a time bomb, and in the show he's fine, just tick-tocking away, and your story starts from the moment the bomb went off, I know you've conveyed this before, that suddenly something inside Makoto's 'finally snapped' but this thought just occurred to me for whatever reason.

And I see we're at the point that even if Nanase does 'return' Makoto's affection, Makoto's no longer capable of accepting them, the bathtub scene really was a fascinating read, but again, given what I know about your ties to this fic, I'm left feeling numb. /so many hugs.
Stirling Phoenix chapter 4 . 1/5/2016
All right, so I know that everything is terrible and awful and Makoto is falling further and further into a black pit of madness, but can I just say one thing, one thing?




"Your smiles, they...They are...empty..." this. This right here, was so unbelievably powerful to me, this line took my breath away for a moment. It was total perfection. Finally, someone who cares about Makoto enough to at least call him out when things aren't right. In my opinion, this part was very much needed.

Really, I enjoyed this entire chapter, to be honest with you. I genuinely wondered how Makoto would deceive Rei and Nagisa, and his family for that matter. Honestly though, he's right, he really didn't have to do too much lying, when being around Nanase the majority of the time is the norm for him anyway, it's totally believable that oblivious parents, innocent siblings, and trusting friends would believe every lie he fed them. A simple, yet elegant plan, and it works!

Not going to lie, the Kisumi part made me really happy, thank you for this.
Stirling Phoenix chapter 3 . 1/5/2016
Oh sweet Makoto, sweet, precious, angelic Makoto.

First of all, your portrayal of Yandere!Makoto is perfection. I'm utterly captivated by this side of him, but at the same time, I truly hate seeing him like this. This precious babe has absolutely zero self-worth, and it's devastating to see, it really is. He doesn't deserve to feel this way, damn it!

I also liked the way you likened Makoto's cheerful demeanor to a mask that he's carefully perfected over the years, and unfortunately, by now, he's so used to wearing said mask, that I'm certain Rei and Nagisa will be forever oblivious.

Apologies, I don't really have too much to say here really, you're making me speechless with this...
Stirling Phoenix chapter 2 . 1/5/2016
Already I can feel my heart breaking for Makoto. That's not to say I feel sorry for him, because I don't, I should have clarified that earlier I suppose, it's just, really hard to see someone so pure and precious like him break, and while it hurts, I must say that you conveyed the exact moment at which he just couldn't take this anymore beautifully. Given what I know, it's not all that surprising that you were able to do such a marvelous job with putting this moment into words, but really, this is amazingly done. The first person pov (you know how I feel about this!) only makes it that much more real. I really want to see what happens next here, but at the same time, I'm afraid this is going to make me tear up, oh well, here goes nothing!
Stirling Phoenix chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
All right, so I am severely berating myself for not checking this out sooner, because this,, this is absolutely phenomenal. This story is dark, it's twisted, and honestly, it's almost painful, but my gosh, it's perfect. From the moment I started reading, I was hit in the face with pure, raw, emotion, and that intensity never stopped. Even now, as I write, I can feel myself shaking, because I'm just in awe over this. This is so beautiful already, Ero, and I think it was really cool to start this story from the 'end' so to speak, this is an incredibly interesting choice, and I'm so excited to see where this goes!

Also, the Haruka perspective was also a wonderful read. I feel like as the 'victim' his side was portrayed incredibly well, and I thought it was really interesting to see that in the end, he kind of realized that Makoto's breakdown into,, this,, was entirely his fault. I'm trying my best to scream, because while he seems to realize it, I didn't get the sense that he felt any remorse over destroying Makoto, and to be honest, it pains me to say it, but I feel like for Nanase (yes, I'm taking the Sousuke approach to this), that's incredibly accurate.

I have a feeling that as the story develops, we'll feel so much more for Makoto, (although I already do). Fascinating read, thank you for sharing!
ToTallyPerfect55 chapter 4 . 9/17/2015
Ahhh, I can't wait for more! You're doing great!
BlueMockingbird629 chapter 3 . 9/10/2015
This is perfect!
BlueMockingbird629 chapter 1 . 9/10/2015
I like it a lot!
I think that as writers, we all have these deranged thoughts.
But, they are perfectly normal.
I really enjoy your writing style!
Chloe chapter 3 . 6/4/2015
So nice please continue this
chloe chapter 2 . 5/23/2015
so great! you NEED to update its so great Ahh!
Canvas nut chapter 2 . 4/27/2015
Dang! That was intense and I loved every word of it! A bit bummed about what Haru did, but it made it all the more brilliant. (Sobs, I love you Makoto). This seems so intriguing, can't wait for the next update.