Reviews for My Angel
Scorpio chapter 3 . 7/12/2017
Hang on, I thought there was twins? And I'm a bit confused with the Licker thing. Please update soon. I need some badassness
flutterdash28333 chapter 1 . 1/21/2017
Revise the whole damn series. Your prequel retcons the entire canon, destroying essentially everything you've worked to build. Rain also didn't know Matt, her closest friend on her squad was J.D. so even with a different backstory for Rain including Matt at random makes no sense. Matt wasn't even part of the Umbrella commando squad that went into the HIVE...

The rushed pacing destroys this story in a pretty significant way... Events happen one right after the other with very little build up, jumping from scene to scene with no real explanation of how things got the way hey are, why events are happening as they are or really anything that's going on. It's essentially one less than stellar action sequence right after the other with a romance thrown on top of it.

Your conflicts are boring and uninteresting, and your characters have very little development. Nothing about them grows and changes and throwing in a pretty generic sobstory as a background for the characters doesn't do anything to really help the reader feel connected to or attached to the characters. Without a reason there's no incentive to care about them, the situations that they're in or the outcomes of those situations.

Your characters are also really really really out of character. Ada had a few moments where her personality shined through but they were brief at best. Jill isn't he headstrong, confident and capable Jill everyone knows and loves. Your Jill barely bares a passing resemblance to Jill Valentine outside of a shared name and is far too naive and trusting. Claire isn't the snarky smartass with a 'tude that we remember either, instead coming off as just a bumbling college girl. Leon is just kinda there and is nothing at all like Leon Kennedy in even the smallest of fashions. Same goes for Chris Redfield. But it's what you did to Wesker that did the most disservice to any character so far, so he gets his own paragraph.

What you did to Wesker and how you portrayed him was atrocious and huge disservice to the character. The man is a fucking badass to the highest degree. This is a man that has gone one on one with Lisa Trevor, a woman that was literally invincible and won. He KILLED Lisa fucking Trevor... that alone earns him badass bragging rights, but that's not all he's done. He's gone one on two with Tyrants and won, fought and defeated Chris and Jill singlehandedly along with enslaving Jill, has reflexes that can dodge bullets at point blank range, has survived being impaled by a tyrant, can throw missiles with his bare fucking hands and actually cause them to explode, can stop a rocket with his bare hands by just fucking catching it, can run at superhuman speeds, has enough strength to slam Chris on a table and drag him down it while leaving behind scorch marks, is a trained martial arts master, was the chessmaster in the Resident Evil franchise for games and movies up until his death so we know he has superior intelligence to pretty much every one and is responsible for almost singlehandedly destroying the world several times... and you will him off in the most unepic way you can think of making him look weak as all hell. His actual death in the games was way more badass... he was in fucking lava and it took two rockets to the skull at the same time to finally kill him for fucks sake. A tiny piece of metal stabbing him in the chest and a building exploding is NOT going to kill this man. Not by a long shot.

This piece is an insult to any true Resident Evil fan. That's really all I can say about it and I actually ship Alice and Rain so that's saying something. A solid thumbs down on every front.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/9/2016
Keep the story going it's so romantic and sweet but with a touch of sadness. Pleeassse!