Hello again my good people , here's the revised chapter one of My Angel. Happy reading

Home…we're finally home. It's strange to see people walking around without the look of hunger in their eyes, or going that extra mile to dine on our flesh, I think it's safe to say that we no longer have to worry about our safety anymore…we're safe, although we have to stay at a military base for a while. When me and Rain were rescued along with our friends, all of us had to be examined for contamination and of course, they found something, but they won't tell us what's wrong, instead we have to wait. I hope they tell us sooner or later.

Inside of the infirmary, Alice lied in one of the stretchers, waiting for the medic to gather her things, while Rain sat at her side looking slightly anxious.

"You alright?" Alice asked the woman beside her, causing her to snap out of her phase.

"Yeah I'm okay" Rain replied.

"Hmmm that wasn't very convincing, what's wrong?"

"I'm just nervous, about becoming a parent, because what if our child doesn't like me?" Rain explained.

"Listen, first time parents always say this, whether their child is going to like them or if they're going to be a good parent. You don't have to be afraid, you'll be a wonderful parent, you were meant to be" Alice replied, giving Rain a smile.

At that moment, the female medic returned with a monitor and a bottle of transmission gel.

"Alright, let's see how the little one is doing, and this may be a bit cold when I apply it" the medic said while she squeezed the bottle until blue gel came out.

She turned on the monitor, placing the probe onto Alice's stomach, everyone's ears immediately being filled with the sound of a heartbeat.

"Well, from the sound of it the baby's heartbeat sounds amazingly strong, and it's developing very well" the medic said.

"Would you like to know the gender? It's completely up to you" she asked, Alice looking in Rain's direction.

"Your call, we can keep it a surprise or she can tell us right now, I'm with you on whatever is chosen"

"Alright, we would like to know" Alice replied.

"Let's see, from the looks of it, you're going to have a girl" she said, smiling at the parent's faces.

The medic turned the monitor towards the two women, pointing to the figure of their child.

"Like I said before she's developing very well and her heart sounds strong and healthy and I understand that the both of you along with your friends went through hell before we found you but I say this to every mother, avoid stress if you can. And that includes you, don't aggravate her too much" she said in a joking manner towards Rain.

"Don't worry, I won't" Rain replied with a small chuckle.

Once the medic left the area, a long silence formed between the two soon to be moms, until Alice felt movement.

"Oh, come here" Alice said, grabbing Rain's arm.

"Why what's wrong?"

"Our daughter's moving, give me your hand" Alice replied, placing Rain's hand onto her stomach.

Alice applied a small amount of pressure, Rain feeling a tiny force hit her hand.

"Yeah...I feel you sweetheart" Rain whispered in a sad voice.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Alice asked, gently bringing up Rain's face.

"Just the thought of me, almost experiencing this...but it didn't happen" Rain replied.

It broke Alice's heart to see Rain so broken. She couldn't even imagine the pain a mother goes through after losing her child, she didn't even want to experience it, but the look in Rain's eyes was a look she'll never forget, it was a never ending feeling of pain-filled sadness.

"Rain...you can experience it now" Alice said, tightening her grip on Rain's hand.

"Thank you for giving me that chance" Rain replied, smiling at the blue eyed woman.

"So, what do you want to name her?" Alice asked.

"I haven't thought about that yet, do you have anything in mind?" Rain asked back, Alice taking a couple minutes before answering.

"Well, I never told you this but I had a twin sister"

"Wait what? Really?"

"Yeah, it was funny because we'd always confuse people because both of us were identical, and are names started with A's"

"Where is she? Maybe we can visit her"

"She passed away when I was sixteen...she had cancer" Alice replied in a sad tone.

A long silence formed between the both of them again, Rain noticing the blonde's eyes started to well with tears.

"Jesus...I'm sorry, I didn't know"

"No it's okay, ever since that day it has always been a hard topic for me, I miss her"

"I know you do, I'm sure she misses you just as much. What was her name? If you don't mind"

"Her name was Anna, and I was thinking that we could name the baby after her"

"I think that's a great idea, she'd be really happy that you're doing this for her" Rain replied.

It wasn't long before the medic came back only this time she was holding a couple of papers and had a worried look on her face.

"We've got the results back from your tests and...one of them worries me" the medic said with a shaky voice.

"Why what's wrong?" Rain asked.

"Well, our lab discovered another mutation in your cells Ms. Ocampo, and we're worried that it can become unstable"

"But what does all of this mean, is she going to be okay?" Alice immediately asked.

"It seems stable enough for now, but if that changes...she'll have the ability to destroy us all" the medic finished with fear.

"What will it do to her?" Alice spoke after a while.

"Before the military found the both of you and your fellow teammates, Umbrella did some experiments with a few test subjects, animals, even humans and I'm sure you've encountered a good sum of them. One of them was named the "Licker" I'm assuming?"

"Wait, are you saying that...Rain is one of those creatures?" Alice asked.


"But you said it's stable, so something must trigger it in order for it to become unstable" Rain said, waiting for a response.

"It's triggered by anger, so we've witnessed" the medic replied.

"What am I the Hulk? I can't possibly be one of those things" Rain replied in slight anger.

"Those cells you have are the same exact ones from one of the creatures, I know this is too much to take in but you have to listen, the only way to keep it stable is to control your anger"

"What if she learns how to conquer it?" Alice said.

"I'm not sure if I understand what you're asking me"

"Let's say something bad was happening, in her personal life or the city and she was in danger, she can learn to control her power and use it at her will"

"Ummm well I'm sure it's possible but at the same time it could be dangerous, I mean...you've seen what those creatures are capable of"

"We know but it's worth a shot, I'd rather go through whatever it is to contain it than severely injure or kill the people I care about" Rain replied.

"I'll see what I can do. Until then, we need to focus on releasing you and your friends back into the city, so you can live the rest of your lives without the military bothering the hell out of you. Speaking of which, I have the papers for your ho-"

"Wait! Not here, it's kind of a surprise" Rain whispered, secretly pointing to Alice.

"Oh I see, come with me" the medic said, walking towards the entrance.

"I'll be right back; I've got to deal with something"

"What's going on?"

"It's nothing bad don't worry, she just has the papers about my mutation, they explain a little bit more than what she told us" Rain lied.

"Anyways, I'll be back" Rain said, quickly getting up to leave.

As soon as she was outside, the medic made her way over to the brunette, holding out a couple of papers.

"So, I have the papers for your house and it says it's ready, you can move in"

"Does that mean I can leave with everyone else?"

"Yup, I think we've pestered all of you enough" Rain laughed.

"Well, I appreciate everything you've done for everyone, especially Alice"

"It's no problem, that's my job. And hey, congratulations" she said with a smile.

"Thanks" Rain replied, walking back into the infirmary.

Rain walked back to Alice's side, with a huge smile on her face.

"I haven't seen a smile like that before, something happen?" Alice asked.

"Yeah, something I hope you're going to like, but I can't tell you what it is" Rain replied.

"I'm scared now, excited but scared"

"Don't be and hey, we have permission to leave with everyone"

"Seriously?" Alice said in shock.

"Yeah, after three long months we can, let's go" Rain replied, helping Alice up.

Once they were outside again, both women met up with their friends.

"Hey guys, how are you feeling Alice?" Claire asked.

"Great, the baby's growing very well and it's healthy. Me and Rain also found out that we're having a girl" Alice replied with a smile.

"Oh my god, congratulations" Claire said, hugging her friend while everyone else congratulated Rain and the blonde.

"Thank you, we can't wait for her, I think it's about time for her to come out" Alice replied, rubbing small circles on her stomach.

"Anyways, we were all granted permission to leave, they're done testing"

"Really? That's great, about time I'd say" Chris said.

"I know, now we just need transportation" Rain replied.

"Oh don't worry about that, I already took care of it" Leon said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well it turns out my captain is stationed here and offered to help me with getting all of us a car, so we talked a bit and we all have a car" Leon finished.

"Wow ummm, thank you" Jill said.

"You're welcome, I think right now we should be on our way, you'll find your cars in the lot near the entrance, we'll keep in touch with each other" Leon said to everyone.

"Of course we will. I love you all" Alice said, walking away with Rain.

Once they were both at the entrance, Rain spotted a car with her and Alice's name on a card that was left leaning against the windshield.

"He even put our names on it" Rain said, letting out small laughs.

"Well, here we go, and I'm going to need you to close your eyes"

"Why?" Alice asked slightly worried.

"I want you to be surprised" Rain replied.

"Alright" Alice said.

After a while, Rain arrived at her new house, smiling to herself as she looked towards Alice.

"Your eyes closed?"

"I can't see a thing; all I see is darkness"

"Don't worry I won't let you fall" Rain said, grabbing Alice's arm as she lead her towards the house.

As soon as they both step foot into the house, Rain slowly closed the door and went to Alice's side.

"You can open your eyes now" Rain said, watching Alice open her eyes.

"Oh my god...this is beautiful. Is this ours?"

"Yeah, I bought it for us" Rain replied, receiving a bone crushing hug.

"Well let me show you around" Rain said, walking into the kitchen.

"This is the kitchen, and behind me is a door that leads into the backyard" she said, sliding the door open to reveal a large yard, that continued into a forest.

"Then if we step inside again, the dining room is right beside the kitchen"

"Wow, and behind the dining room must be the living room right?"

"Yeah, I think out of everything the backyard is my favorite"

"Mine too" Alice replied, giving Rain another hug.

"Thank you so much"

"You're welcome, I hope you like the rooms upstairs"

"Let's go, come with me" Alice said, grabbing Rain's hand as she walked upstairs.

The blonde stepped into a small room, noticing there was still boxes everywhere.

"This is the baby's room, I didn't decorate it yet because I had no idea what we were having, but now that I do I'll start it soon"

"This is really sweet of you, what's in the room across from it?"

"Why don't you find out" Rain replied.

She stepped into the room with Alice, leaning against the wall as she watched her get lost in the beauty of the room's décor and the comfort of the bed.

"Are you trying to make me cry?"

"No, do you like it?"

"I love it, the wall color is beautiful, the furniture is gorgeous, I just can't believe you did all this"

"Well for those three months we were at the base I wanted us to go home to our new house, plus I wanted to do something special for you"

"Well this is more than special" Alice replied, snaking her arms around Rain's neck.

Rain wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist, moving forward until their lips were connected.

It was a soft kiss but it held so much passion, it was a kiss that made you feel alive and loved.

The dark haired woman lifted her shirt, letting it fall from her hand before sliding Alice's shirt from her shoulders, fully exposing her swollen stomach.

Alice let out a gasp when Rain lifted her, sitting on their bed while she sat in her lap.

The blonde placed her hand onto Rain's face, trying to savor the moment. Rain left hot, passionate kisses across Alice's neck, hearing the other woman moan softly in her ear.

Rain stopped her actions due to feeling something hit her abdomen.

"Did you feel that?" Alice asked.

"Yeah I did" Rain replied, placing her hand onto her wife's stomach, feeling their daughter move again.

Alice placed her hand onto Rain's, keeping them there for a while longer.

"She's going to be here soon, I can't believe it" Alice said looking up, her eyes locking with Rain's.

"What are you staring at?" Alice asked with a smile.

"The beautiful woman before me, I love you Alice…I really do" Rain replied, resting their foreheads together.

"I love you too" Alice whispered back, sharing a lingering kiss with Rain.

Both women stood in that position for a long time, just staring into each others eyes, basking in their lust until they both fell asleep in each others arms.

"That sharp pain is back…probably just morning sickness, but it's getting worse by the second…almost like it's clawing to get out…"

Alice opened her eyes, slowly sitting up to hopefully ease the pain a little, but nothing helped. Everything was becoming more painful.

"Oh god…" Alice groaned with both hands grabbing her stomach.

"What's wrong?" Rain asked in a tired tone.

She only heard Alice groan in pain again, causing her to quickly go to her lover's side.

"What's the matter?" Rain asked again, quickly wrapping her arm around Alice's waist before she hit the ground.

"Woah…this is starting to scare me, are you okay?" Rain asked, moving in front of Alice.

Alice didn't say a word, she just starred at Rain with a look of fear in her eyes.

"What's going on?" Rain asked, Alice finally speaking after a while.

"My water just broke…"

Oh boy, here comes the baby. Sorry to leave it at such a cliffhanger, but I'm working on the revision of the second chapter, so I'll try to get it up soon. Peace ;)