Reviews for Helping Hand
Guest chapter 1 . 1/6
C. S. Lewis said God used pain to get our attention because we cannot ignore it.
MagiclaryRocks chapter 1 . 3/26/2018
I winced while reading this. Imagining what it would have been like was hurting enough... Luckily there's Nat by his side. Thank the gods!
Number Girl chapter 1 . 5/25/2016
This is something I've legitimately pondered time and again, how it would be for Steve to undergo surgery.
Even if they tried drugging him up, it would either not phase him at all (hell, the guy fiwbed a whole bottle of vodka without a twitch), or maybe fuzz him up. He would wake confused and hurting, not understanding what was going on, or just have to grit through the pain of his body being sliced and picked apart, and then seen back together. And stitches hurt like mad dog, even numbed.
That would be a living hell until he finally passed out when it got to be too much for web his super enhanced body.
You did this so well, I was stuck between tears and a sick stomach, just imagining that awful pain. Plus he's had enough crap going in his mind, he'd have a time even if he hadn't been stressed out.
Capitol job.
Nana56 chapter 1 . 4/9/2015
Poor Cap! What a horrible thing to not be able to have help from pain relievers!

Natasha did a wonderful thing for him here.

Well done. :)
Bombshell1701 chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
Poor Steve. Someone really needs to work out some anesthetic for him. Good story, solid and interesting.