Reviews for By the Secrets We Share
Percie Jean chapter 3 . 4/6
The understated lyricism in this chapter is really pretty, as were the hints of the bigger story being referenced throughout.
Percie Jean chapter 2 . 4/6
Another fun one-shot. You capture both Jill and Eustace's voices perfectly, and I enjoyed their very in-character banter. :)
Percie Jean chapter 1 . 4/6
This was so well characterized and well written. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Peter's reaction to Eustace's change - the fact that he can already tell there's been a fundamental transformation in his cousin merely from hearing something as ordinary as a *genuine* laugh is wonderfully simple yet so effective. Well done!
megSUPERFAN chapter 3 . 1/30
I would love to see the rest of this party told in your words! You really are a friend of Narnia, Ariyah!
megSUPERFAN chapter 1 . 1/30
This fills me with happy fuzzy feelings- I love it!
clem skywalker chapter 3 . 1/23
Well done keep going.
clem skywalker chapter 1 . 1/23
Great beginning will read the rest.
JubileeKnight chapter 1 . 7/31/2016
I absolutely love Peter's reaction to post-Narnia Eustace, and vice versa. Most fics have him learn by letter, but I really like this in person take!
rthstewart chapter 2 . 6/23/2015
Peter's shock at seeing Eustace is terrific. His cousin laughing and Edmund and Lucy being in on it and not telling him they'd been to Narnia! Very sneaky. Doing that scene from Peter's point of view is effective too because there's so very much showing, where we the reader know the secret before Peter does. Jill and Eustace are always adorable together and I really like stories that give us their friendship. The teasing is gentle and fun and this is a delightful little slice of their friendship post-Narnia.
MCH chapter 2 . 5/12/2015
Eustace has a lot to learn but the more he learns to more he becomes a human being all can like - accept maybe his mother who must be ruing the day Eustace met Jill and also the dreadful inflences of the Pevensie's show

I do like the way e feels embarrassed, but rather than the reaction of storming off as he'd done before he stayed to learn and to listen to his friend Jill.
ElvishKiwis Venerated Ancestor chapter 2 . 4/5/2015
I like this.
It is nice to think of them being friends back in our world and this seems very natural and playful for a pair who have had such strange adventures together.
I like the combination of food and music. It reminds me of eel soup with Puddleglum singing his depressing songs.
I also like the idea of Jill teaching Eustace guitar. He has come a long way from his health fads of the pre-Dawn Treader days, and yet that stubborn bravado of claiming he could play when he really had no idea, was reminiscent of the old Eustace.
Good job.
Jesus' girl 4ever chapter 2 . 4/4/2015
Love it!
MCH chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
must say I did wonder how Peter responded to the change in Eustace. Nice one.
The Hobbit's Rhapsody chapter 1 . 1/28/2015
Too funny! Very nicely done. I love the little things like Edmund smirking and clapping his hand to Eustace's shoulder, and was startled (not in a bad way) by the line about Peter thinking Susan "has improved since Narnia". What a lovely little piece. :)
Willow15Tree chapter 1 . 1/18/2015
Haha love it! Poor confused and bewildered until the story is told :P oh well...nice job!
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