Reviews for Arceus the Critic - Season Two
TheGrunt22 chapter 43 . 12/21/2018
There was an original idea.

To plagiarize Infinity War trailer and bring together a group of remarkable authors

To see if we could review something more.

So when they needed us, we could review the stories.

They never could.

In time, you will know what it's like to dry up. To feel you could keep going forever and yet your creativity dries up. Dread it. Log off. The end still arrives all the same. And now it's here. Or shall I say, I am. Fun isn't considered when the inevitable end arrives, but the closing act...does put a smile on my face. Ecks Dee.

All in all, all good things must come to end. To what has taken many years to write out, with plenty of content to go around. Pretty isn't it? Perfectly balanced system of beginnings and ends, as all things should be. And what better Christmas present there is to go out with a big bang?

With a review made none the less by Hideo Kojima, a story written by Hideo Kojima, directed by Hideo Kojima, special guest star Hideo Kojima. Guest Starring the Skulls Parasite Unit. Smash Ultimate was a better send off to Metal Gear than its home series, even if barely any new lines were recording while Solid Snake hangs out with his brother Liquid Snake for Christmas.

The Ecks Dee trio. Get these three a shield/stage, everyone.

It would seem very hard to obstruct an Ace Attorney crime, for a crime that never happened.
Oh to heck with it, all Ace Attorney games cases involve murder until Athena seems fit to point this out when they deal with a civil case. When it comes to the Legendary Pokemon. Though the general rule of the Legendaries is, when one appears, it's almost customary that the other counterpart will show up. Or somethings, all of them. A collective assembly. Like a player's PC box.

And yet, it all ends with how it begun: the Hall of Origins in utter ruins from to probably little more than how it was in the unreleased version in the game: a single transparent platform. Who will fix it now? Nobody: they're retired!

None the less, there will always be loads of juicy stories to review. For where ones you'd wish you can fingersnap away, and the others worth dying for. It's a never ending battle and it's so easy to ignore what's flawed. But we all know what we have to do; constructively critique them, and get a load of humor out of what we see.

Not entirely my best work as I covered an overall basis rather than too much specific content, but this is the finale. A satisfying and humorous conclusion to a lengthy project; completing them is a rarity on its own and I congratulate you all managing to make it through and putting an even bigger smile on my face. The only thing missing from this is a closing song by Arceus. A fitting tale to end the legends that is, the critic series. One that started so long ago before numerous shameless copycats arose to do it better, and yet in the end, brought together. But none the less, a Perish Song induced swan song. Arceus' Way. Instead, I'll fill that in for you! A Reviewer's My Way!

And now, the end is near.
And so I face, the closing chapter.
My friends, I say it clear.
I'll state my case, none the faster.

I've reviewed, a story that's full!
I've browsed each and every webway!
Oh, and much more than this.

I reviewed it my way!

Regrets, I've had a few.
But then again, too few to mention.
I've did, what I had to do. And copied many, without exception!

I've read, each written fic!
Each careful word, along the byway.
And more, much more than this.

I reviewed it my way!

Yes there were times! I'm sure you knew!
When I wrote more than I chew!
But through it all, when there was doubt

The comments show, I took the blows!
And reviewed it, myyyyyyyyyy waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

...I don't feel so go-
Mr. Grool chapter 43 . 12/21/2018
If by "Outer Heaven" you meant "nursing home," then welcome aboard. Pills are on the left, we're glad to have you here.

As we've said many times, it's quite humbling to think about how long we've been doing this and how far we've come. More than that, though, the impact that we've all made together on this site is awe-inspiring and incredible. When you, Matthias, Niro or I first created our accounts, I doubt that any of us intended to join this critic community and become "internet famous" through a review show. Yet just like you finding the Glory for Sleep crew, I have no doubt that someone will stumble on these dusty stories years later and be similarly inspired.

And we have you to thank for this community, Justinian. You were the one who reached out to aspiring Critics besides the main four, you were the one who brought all of us together for collaborations. Because of you, I've had the pleasure to meet some of the finest people I've ever known not just on the internet, but in real life as well. Thank you.

But what's a review without a review? This review of the first season of a rip off of a rip off of a bald man who screams at a camera was just as confusing and twice as clever as the original. As usual, all of the characters were great (except that Kyurem guy, why'd you give him so much screen time?!) and will continue to serve as the basis for any future portrayals of Arceus and Mew. I couldn't be happier to work with one of the best writers and reviewers on this site.

And who says tradition has to die? The hijacking of Keldeo's 2019 Christmas special is only a year away!
Mew-the-Dark-Matter-buster1 chapter 42 . 3/21/2018
I am looking foreward to hearing those reviews about Jack Storm. (I have also seen some episodes of Zack Storm, but it is not as impressive.)
Mr. Grool chapter 42 . 12/25/2017
I demand a recount. #notmyremake

You already know that I enjoyed making and rereading this, but we have to get those reviews up so I'm sending one to you anyways.
Mew-the-Dark-Matter-buster1 chapter 41 . 11/16/2017
Mew (a regular pink Mew, with a serious personality): "Did anyone else notice that that Arceus was holding a litter bag and that apparently he missed a spot where he made a dump?"

Plaything (a nicknamed gen 1 Mew, with the stereotypical Mew personality ): "No, I was focused on Mew's funny honest trailer commentary. It was so hilariously filled with satire. "

Mew: "That was why it was rated S for satire. At any rate, I would like to see Arceus's reaction to Ultra after it comes out tomorrow, and a comprehensive review of Sun and Moon in light of the new information that comes out in or after Ultra. That is, if Kyurem does not kill him for being late. I am greatly disappointed on how negative most of the Pokedex entries are getting for Mega-evolved Pokemon in general. Verlisify does have a lot of evidence to support the speculation that Game Freak is trying to scare people from using Mega Evolution by saying that the process is harmful to the Pokemon. Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel did not exactly help when it showed forced Mega Evolution via neo-arcane-science. "

Plaything: "Anyways, I can't wait for Christmas, then I am going to be able to get a lot of candy in my stocking. CANDY CANDY CANDY CANDY CANDY!"

Mew: "It is not even December yet. Shouldn't you worry more about making sure you are not naughty first? Our author did say if you were naughty with trying to stalk DarkFOxkit's Lady Mew you can get a bunch of coal in your stocking."

Plaything: "But I am a Mew, the cutest legendary ever. He would not even dare do that. Besides, I recently learned Attract. I can surely use that on him to make him less aggressive."

Uxie: "You obviously do not know our author very well. He did defeat Dark Matter, and he did not use very many items during that fight. It would not do to get the biggest Mew fan of the Pokemon fandom mad at you. He could easily replace you if he wanted another Mew who is either more serious or a greater fanatic than you. He could even remove you from becoming part of the story he is periodically writing. OR from any AN's or skits he is thinking of putting out there."

Plaything: "Err... yeah. He does have quite a leverage over us."

Mew: "Especially since it was he who brought you and I out of his Pokemon Red virtual console into the imaginary universe he has created before he restarted the game. "

Plaything: "Yeah, I probably should be glad I am even in this review right now."

Uxie: "Especially since your favorite spot in his heart might get replaced by _ because of Ultra."

Plaything: "Why the _?"

Uxie: "Because if I said it's name, I could be providing spoilers for those who have not been watching either leaks for Ultra, or those who have not been watching the trailers. Our author and I are the only ones who know what has changed in Ultra, since he spoiled himself, and has told me what he has found out. I am the being of knowledge, so it is only fair that he share it to me to make sure my knowledge base is updated. However, he is planning a meeting between us legendaries sometime after tomorrow when he feels safe to reveal it to the rest of you. He wants to wait until after Ultra has been officially launched. He does not need to go underground from social media now at least."

Plaything: "Is there anything you can tell us about what he expects from us or what is going to be said in the meeting?"

Uxie: "Only this: Prepare for trouble and make it sextuple. To protect the worlds from devastation. To unite people in the omni-verse. To renounce the evils of plot holes and discontinuity. To extend out protection past the stars beyond. Beating evil teams down onto their faces. Nostalgia... in your face."
DragonNiro chapter 41 . 9/16/2017
Hey, this is pretty good! I don't follow Honest Trailers that much but I can see you like them. I would have personally done a jab at Gladion's edgeyness but that's me and this is what YOU done, so I can say great job!

Guest chapter 40 . 9/11/2017
This was so hilarious
Mr. Grool chapter 41 . 9/8/2017
A very accurate portrayal of Sun and Moon, though the trailer, itself did feel a bit cluttered at times. Perhaps it's just the way I read it.

The initial surprise I had that you used "Extra Thicc" and "Press A to Pound" as jokes only made them funnier for me. The titles for each character were especially accurate.

I'm looking forward to actually getting that collab finished. Let's make it a good one.
ReaperTMWrites chapter 41 . 8/31/2017
Gary Mother(bleep)ing Oak
I'm not getting Sun and Moon. I spent my money on Town of Salem's Coven Expansion and Undertale lmao
OseanSoldier chapter 41 . 8/31/2017
Totally read this entire thing in the Honest Trailer guy's voice. Laughed hard throughout it. Also, you left out an 'on' after them and before social media.

I agree on your opinion of Sun and Moon though. I own Sun and am still on the second island. Just really uninspired to play it. Honestly, it will probably be the last Pokemon game that I buy. Nintendo is intent on not aging up Pokemon with its audience and sticking to the kid demographic. In my opinion the games have been dumbed down too much. Also, I just hate Team Skull... Punk gangsters? really? I miss the days of the Italian mob, world destroying ninjas and pirates, and galaxy destroying evil organizations... Now we have PETA, fashion designers, and skull...

My rantings aside, great chapter! Literally dropped everything I was doing to read it. Keep up the awesome work!
Jack Storm 448 chapter 41 . 8/31/2017
Well, Osean and I read this together and I did my best trailer-guy voice. We were laughing out butts off the whole time XD
So yeah. Was fun. Fix up dat typo (which Osean is gonna be putting in his review even though I was totally the one who spotted it). And keep up the good work. I can't wait until the next chapter.
Cynthia chapter 40 . 7/4/2017
This exceeded expectations, so funny and well-written! I learned a new word ("midichlorian") and enjoyed the many humorous references (especially the Renaissance Fair comment, "Avatar: The Last Waterbender", and the Supertramp lyric at the end.) Speaking of the end, the final section with the Ace Attorney turnabout- and Mew with a PINK lightsaber- is hilarious! Glad you're back!
OseanSoldier chapter 40 . 7/3/2017
Observation: Many meatbags were harmed in the making of this review.

In all seriousness, I loved this chapter. Many many great references. Most of them Star Wars as you said. I only understood the HK-47 one cause you introduced me to Knights of the Old Republic. I must say that I did enjoy having my story roasted along with Jack. It was an eye opening experience. While I know I am not the perfect writer, it is nice to get some feedback, even if it is in the form of sarcastic Pokemon critic form. Also, I agree with Mew, chapter 32 will be glorious. #Ishipit
TheGrunt22 chapter 40 . 7/3/2017
Dunna nunna na! It's a beautiful day in the critic-hood, a beautiful day for a review. Would you be mine? Could you be mine? It's a criticy day in this beauty, what a beautiful for a review. Would you be mine? Could you be mine? I have always wanted to have a critic, just like you! I always wanted to live a critic-hood, with you! Lets make use of this beautiful fic! Would you critic?

One important detail was forgotten about. If they were watching a movie, much less ushered into a movie theater, then where was the THX logo and sound effect? And the Lucasfilm captioned above it? Dem ripoffs, never getting anything right! Heh.

Before we get started, if there's one aesop to be learned here throughout this entire saga of reviewing one fanfic, it's that Arceus should work at cinema sins. *Ding* By the Arceus, there is no try. There is only do or do not, and only Sith deal in absolutes: I'll do what I must. Wait a minute... Well then I guess sometimes things are just that important.

Observation: One does not simply hope to make an HK-47 reference without his verbal tic. I would still like to crush that Irodiarian's neck, master.

Wait a minute, what? Tolkein is fiction? You mean my Smaug the dragon get-up and subsequent incineration of an entire Renaissance fair to steal all their gold was actually a federal crime? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Fine. I guess I might as well try hiding in a magical wardrobe to a mythical place. It worked with those four kids.

Yes you do need a reason. Why? SCREENTIME! Aura can do everything you want and more. It can invoke fanfiction powers! To certify badass credentials, do everything Darth Vader does, only better! It's the textbook definition of Chaotic Good! I mean, they're the bad guys; they don't even have any names, they only serve as mindless fodder in limitless quantities! And the 'elites' that have some variety of customization just linger in a room all day waiting for the protagonist to show up so they can execute their only purpose in life.

Stubborn commanders with complete insistence they have everything under control. Uh huh. No they do not; they never do when there's a shogen protagonist running around! Otherwise, that would be stealing the after-mentioned protagonist' spotlight! This run true for all such anime and games; otherwise, there would be no plot now if people just did their jobs! To quote Team Rocket: "We have thirty minutes to fill, after all."

Now with that story out of the way, you should've listened to Dooku all those years on Genosis, Arceus. Disney controls everything, you just don't know it.

Arceus the Original rip-off. DONUT STEEL! But I say we're all guilty of making references and memes, twenty four seven. Search your feelings, you know it to be true!


Oh yeah? If Mew's the jury, then I am the Senate. Are you threatening me, Master Critic?

One of these days, given Mew's undoubtedly absurd attitude, I just might wake up to this show with Dean martin's Everybody loves somebody sometime playing. You all know the scene of which I speak of! This whole court-set up was likely just to get his attention or pester him to no end; because that's what friends are for, right? Or failing that, her releasing from Arkham Asylum with a certificate guaranteed complete sanity in big bold red letters. I only know a few that can use this insane breed of logic and gets away with it; these people and creatures hate justice and obviously deserve this.

Ah Eduard Khil, Mr. Trololololo, I recognize you anywhere and time. Alas June 4th, the day that tragedy struck trolldom world wide... Reminds me once in a 'conquer anything you like' starcraft 2 map did I erect a giant monument to his glory and the song flaring on the microphone on a ventrilo. Good times, depending on your point of view! Oh hahahaho! Hahaheho! Hohohoheho! Hahahaho! Lolololololo, lololololol, lolololo LOL! *dununununa* AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *ding*

All in all, that's one heck of a long but hilariously entertaining saga worth many laughs from start to finish! Well done. As pre usual, I don't have anything constructive to place down, other than pokes for the laughs, as there's nothing really that needs to be fixed. Like, at all. So! Well done again, with this long and length project! See you next time!
Jack Storm 448 chapter 40 . 7/1/2017
Personally, I thought this chapter was absolutely glorious. I regret not being able to review it sooner, but I was working today. At any rate, I totally did not see the twist ending coming; and I have to say, I was laughing my head off for a good five minutes when Arcy broke out into song XD

Overall, I really enjoyed this review; and, as much as I was licking my wounded pride at some points, overall I think you were pretty fair with your criticism and your final judgement. I am also satisfied with your portrayal of Jack. You may live another day :)

I can only hope that you will continue to read my story, and enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. For all I know, you might've read the next chapter already; I'm pretty sure Mew has. Anyway, thanks for the review; it was a wild ride, but I only regretted my life choices a few times so that's good.

Also, we don't mention midi-chlorians! .
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