Reviews for The Ground, She Is Hard
sakarrie chapter 1 . 6/17
Oof poor boys! But Dean would do whatever he needed to save Same. Lovely work!
cfccfc chapter 1 . 12/23/2017
I love this piece. After reading it for the umpteenth time, I realized I'd never left a comment. Unforgivable.

You always write the boys so beautifully and perfectly. So much so that I can see them in your stories almost as clearly as I do watching an episode on TV. (I've probably said this before, but so what, it bears repeating repeatedly.)

Thanks for sharing.
Shazza chapter 1 . 8/6/2017
I thought this was a great idea for a story and you really c are through on the delivery! You give the boys very true voices and great dialogue! The ground, she is hard, awesome!
Jenjoremy chapter 1 . 8/26/2016
Wow - this was an awesome story. Loved seeing most of it through Dean's confused point of view. Lots of fun to read, but I could really feel his pain. Loved him being hurt and still having to save his little brother's ass. Great read!
JaniceC678 chapter 1 . 8/26/2016
Great piece from an interesting perspective...barely conscious Dean and incapacitated Sam. Nifty idea. Love Sam talking Dean through the pain and the desire to just be unconscious and not move. But Dean will always come through.
akaStoryteller chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
You do hurt/comfort so very well. The hurt!Dean junkie in me so appreciates it! I can't get enough. Great work!
BlackIceWitch chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
The use of truncated thoughts and single-word dialogue works well here to show the affects of pain, disorientation and action without requiring description. The reader is close to the characters, feeling the abrupt shifts in consciousness and the titanic effort required to hang onto a single thought, to find coherency in the maelstrom of pain.

While the references used are (now) in canon, at this time they were not and that did jar a little with each use. It is, however, a matter of opinion on characterisation. As a whole structure, the nature of the situation, with the non-supernatural explanation of their predicament, could have had some more detail added, no more really required than a paragraph each way which would have rounded out the scene more fully. It was clear enough in delivery as to what was occuring, but the tension raised from what promised to be a "case" was thrown away without any explanations or conclusions as to why they were there in the first place. It might only be a tiny plot point in a more compelling exploration of character and stoicism, but every plot point does need to be resolved or at least acknowledged to provide a conclusion for the reader or it dangles there to irritate the reader after the story is finished.
SPN Mum chapter 1 . 12/27/2015
Supernatural Fan Fiction Monthly Awards Review - December

I enjoyed the Star Wars references between the brothers, but I would have liked to see a little about the squatters that took out Sam. There wasn't even any anger from Dean when he found out that Sam had been attacked and cuffed by the squatters. I understand that Dean had difficulty thinking clearly after his fall, but he always reacts negatively to anything bad happening to Sam, yet you didn't show that. The story felt a little disjointed to me, maybe because there was a lot of talking, but not a lot of insight to what the brothers were thinking. Not enough action to flesh out the story a little more. The threat of the squatters returning was made, but never really felt relevant, because they weren't really in the story except for the initial attack on Sam. I think you could have built up the story more if you had the brothers have to deal with the squatters directly.
TheYmp chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
Supernatural Fan Fiction Monthly Awards-Short Story/Drama-Dec 2015

I just about tore my way through this, it was so gripping. I loved the sparse use of language and fragmented thoughts, which told us far more about the extent of Dean's injury than several detailed paragraphs could have.

You really had me-like Sam and Dean-at the mercy of my imagination in the dark, thinking the very worse. So stressful! And through it all, just like the show, there was still that thread of humour.

Nicely done.
Woman of Letters chapter 1 . 12/22/2015
Supernatural Fanfiction Monthly Awards Review:

For Dean to decide not to move, even to save his brother - well, it almost felt OOC. I think you pulled it off though. The extent of Dean's injuries were nicely shown here, between his resistance to waking, his crawling on his belly. He went back to being Awesome Dean later on, with his snarkiness somewhat restored.

This was a nice little hurt comfort story that showcased the banter between the brothers. While the story was obviously post season 8, noted by the mention of Henry Winchester, it could have been set earlier without a problem.

I kept waiting for the shoe to drop and for there to be some kind of haunting or spirit. The squatters also seemed to be in the story just to have handcuffed Sam, but I kept expecting them to show up and have a larger part in the story. You even foreshadowed them coming back - but then they didn't.

These are small criticisms. I enjoyed the story very much, and would love to read more of your stories.
No Demand for Truth chapter 1 . 12/5/2015
Totally riveting read. I like the way you grab scenes and moments and punch them in. Maybe just a couple too many Star Wars references for someone who wouldn't have seen it except on tv but they were in context and worked. Thanks for writing!
7kstar chapter 1 . 11/28/2015
Just one nitpick - I've never seen Dean be bad with the lock picks. lol

But I could believe that Sam thought that...sort of.

Nice tension and build.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/13/2015
Jeanne chapter 1 . 7/15/2015
Poor Dean. But he still saved the day.
chrissie0707 chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
I really like this! Good H/C but there's GREAT dialogue throughout, wonderful exchanges and true to character humor. I love that this wasn't just another Dean-has-to-save-the-day-and-Sammy-feels-bad story, but you actually have Sam not only having to tell Dean that he has to come help him out, but he's doing so KNOWING how screwed up it is as he's doing it.

I'm really enjoying this stroll through your one-shots, and WILL get to the multi-chaps - probably tomorrow - and I just want to reiterate that I am so completely BUMMED that I didn't find your fic sooner!
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