Reviews for A Brighter Shade of Blue
ViolettBlack chapter 1 . 8/21/2014
This is probably the best character study of Wilson (and House), which I have ever read and I love it!
SrslyNo chapter 1 . 8/2/2014
Well thought out character study. Love how the car colors lead into a comparison of Wilson and House. Spot on.
purpleu chapter 1 . 7/31/2014
A really great character study into what make James Wilson tick. The flashes back through various points in his life so well illustrate where he has been and where he is today.

A fantastic piece as always!
sara chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Best thing you have written. Seriously well constructed. Not a word out of place. And spot on character analysis... I am so so impressed
crazymadjo chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Great little story! Ended on the perfect note. Bravo!
Visitkarte chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
This is so beautiful. I love it to bits! Both characters, spot on.
Flatpickluvr chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
love it! And the Hammond organ was a perfect addition. Too bad the show's writers didn't let House stay with Wilson so he could keep the organ.
Brighid45 chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
THIS. This this this. You've got James Evan down perfectly here-his choice is not an easy answer, or a simple one with him. But the line 'He liked that bright spot of color in his life' is a legitimate answer, because it's the truth of what Wilson really wants.

This is brilliant. It's going on top of the Favorites pile and it's going to stay there for a while. Excellent-just excellent. Love this.
MissBates chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
'Blending in, was that what his life was about?'
Good question. The one time he hadn't blended in, he'd hooked House - still waters run deep. Besides, he's got his priorities right: friends are much more important than couches. I like the glimpse you give us of Wilson's past and the way he defers to other people, not because he wants to avoid conflicts, but because he enjoys seeing them happy. It's a good reason and it doesn't make him pathetic, no matter what House thinks.
menolly-au chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Nice character piece. When it comes to House, yes, Wilson does know which buttons to press, and I like his choice here :) Choosing what he wants in a friend seems far more important than choosing what couch he wants.
KKBK2 chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
I really enjoyed this story. You really described Wilson well. It is interesting that opposites attract, House and Wilson sure did, and they were both better for it.
Thank you.
Boo's House chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Wilson's essence is his caring nature. What makes him happy is to see others happy. I'm not sure that most people would consider what he chose for the apartment as being for himself, but if House's joy gave him a deep sense of satisfaction, then it was exactly the right choice!
Very nice!
OldSFfan chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Yes, that is Wilson. Exactly right.