Reviews for Total Drama Cruise
Iveya Jade's psycho mind 08 chapter 11 . 8/6/2015
I want to see Mal and Val interact. Maybe a challenge in Brazil where the teams have to do something like from Fast 5
EAE chapter 9 . 10/20/2014
I love technologic! Maybe you made CAmeron mess up because it's so long. Haha. This story is super gun. Keep up the good work.
JVM-SP150 chapter 7 . 8/14/2014
Fashion challenges are very TD-y so glad to see them back!
BlackButlerFan4Ever chapter 7 . 8/13/2014
please continue I like this story a lot!
BlackButlerFan4Ever chapter 6 . 8/8/2014
please continue love the story!
JVM-SP150 chapter 5 . 8/5/2014
At least you didn't make Zoey into a bitch like a lot of people might if their OC was going for Mike, so kudos there.
BlackButlerFan4Ever chapter 5 . 8/5/2014
you should continue I like the story!
Si vera sunt chapter 1 . 8/3/2014
This entry is a non-story and therefore goes against the site's rules. Delete it and then either put the form into your profile or create a forum. From that point on accept submissions from PMs or forum replies. Accepting an OC from a review counts as interactive and violates the site's rules.

Si vera sunt
2BrokebackGirls chapter 4 . 7/30/2014
I find your decision to use not only one MPD person but three very risky. It's a very offensive/triggering thing to write about and if you don't do it correctly you can really upset some people. I hope you can manage to do it in a way that isn't offensive. Plus They all seem a bit like mike.
Nerd girl chapter 2 . 7/28/2014
Name: Jada Cummings
Nickname: Jay
Unwanted nickname: Sassy
Age: 17
Height: 7.5
Personality: She's nice, sweet and can be tough.
Hair style/color: dark brown, braids tied in a ponytail.
Eye color: a little brown-ish
Skin color: a little cafe but, has a dark spot on her left arm.
Clothes: a blue tanktop, jeans and blue tennis shoe.
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Like: Horror movies, vampires and psycho killers
Dislike: Chris.
Strengths: Running, swimming and the music "Animal I have become"
Weakness: Losing her friends.
Disorder: P.T.S.D
Added info: when she see a dangerous things were going to happen she goes a crazy, her clothes change to black, her hair style changes to straight hair.
Why do they want the money: for her school and go to military school
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28/2014
Name:Luna Rose
Nickname:dark angel
Unwanted nickname:Lon
Personality:she is very nice smart and helpful and she has lots energy
Hair style/color:white flat hair that goes down to her waist
Eye color:red when she gets mad it turns black
Skin color:pale
What do they clothes look like:a black hoodie that has a big red heart that has a arrow going threw it. A black skirt and black army boots
Likes:video games,all animals,total drama,fairs
Dislikes:blood and death
Strengths:smart,agile,can tell bad from good
Weakness:her younger sister
Disorder or sickness:no
Added info:she always bring her bow and arrow and she never misses her target
Would you like a relationship:no
Why do they want the money:she wants to move out of her treehouse
Briar 4 chapter 1 . 7/28/2014
Name:Briar Monroe
Height:6'5 ft
Personality:Briar's a very sweet, kind, honest and intelligent girl with an IQ of 199.8 so she's extremely smart, would never lie to her friends and always stands strong and firm in the face of adversary.
Hair style/color:Shiny black hair that reaches her waist.
eye color:Grayish-purple
skin color:African-American
what do their clothes look like:Gray hoodie that's kinda ripped up over a red tank top, army green camoflauge skinny jeans and sparkly white high tops along with thick rimmed large round glasses.
State:New Orleans
Likes:Learning & studying many, many subjects and languages in order to get into Harvard, sweets, dogs, ice cream, listening to music, Disney movies and reading.
Dislikes:Spiders, black licorice, meanies and dream crushers.
Strengths:Soccer, gymnastics, being intelligent and challenges that involve intellect.
Weakness:Hot tempered, strong willed and can get VERY protective over her friends.
Disorders or sicknesses:Allergic to black licorice, bees & shellfish and has Asthma.
Added info:Speaks Louisianan French and a little bit of Cajun.
Would you like a relationship:Why yes!
if yes with who:Cameron Corduroy aka Cameron.
Why do they want the money:Her parents think that she needs to make friends and she needs the money to get into Harvard.
Total Drama Queen Fortress chapter 3 . 7/30/2014
i like it! but does this mean there are 3 people with M.P.D? It is kinda confusing about who's who and who exactly is talking...
no more Zoke? interesting... :3 even though Zoey broke up with Mike, it seems like she still DOES love him. Don't worry Zo, Tamara will cheer you up! :)
JVM-SP150 chapter 2 . 7/28/2014
Well then, I tried. I'll keep an eye on where t his goes anyhow.
invaderzimdibfan chapter 1 . 7/28/2014
Name: Allison Michelle

Nickname: Allie

Age: 16

Height: 4' 11"

Personality: Allie wants to be a scientist. She is constantly trying to invent, and comes up with some great ideas. Unfortunately, she is a bit of a klutz, and this leads to failure in most of her inventions. She loves anything new or surprising(unless it hurts). She doesn't do well under pressure, and when she is pressured to do something she becomes stressed out and distracted.

Hair: Shoulder length, brown, and messy

Eye color: Gray. She also wears glasses.

What do their clothes look like: A magenta sweater, a lab coat, black dress pants, white flats

State: New York

City: New York city

Likes: Science, spontaneity

Dislikes: When things are too predictable, taking orders, conflict, being put under pressure
Strengths: mental challenges, doing things on her own, computers

Strengths: mental challenges, doing things on her own, computers

Weaknesses: Physical challenges, taking orders, working under pressure, her klutziness

Would you like a relationship: Okay

With who: Someone smart

Why do they want the money: For her scientific study
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