Reviews for Oasis
Zathol chapter 1 . 5/5/2017
Liked this different perspective since not much is done in any fic on the queen, liked the interactions to seemed spot on in my opinion on how the characters would act, even the embarrassed moments from the ladies.
Arcane again chapter 1 . 7/16/2015
I think you nailed Roger and the Queen's perspective the best in this. Everyone who would read this would like the Queen.

I wonder how much religious figures believe in there own stuff. Like, does the queen reeeeeeaally have those special eyes? Here, it's totally cool, but in the game, I squint in suspicion.

Your word choices are the best. That's what draws me in the most. I like how Maria describes things.

I always disliked how you couldn't set spells to button commands unless you were Sophia or Adray. I would have really liked using lightning blast as Fayt without having to go into the menu all the time. Which is why I don't. Because you have to menu-fy all the time for spelling.

Wish we could have seen characters actually act up like this in the game. They are all way too calm. The manga had a more well rounded presentation, but I guess it was also stereotypical in some ways. At the very least, I treasured the one or two Fayt and Nel panels.

I somehow wish there were more fun in-between scenes like this is games. SO seemed all business all the time. Grandia had some. Legend of Dragoon could do with a great infusion of stuff like this. Tales has them in the skits but that somehow isn't the same to me.
flyingfudgenuggets chapter 1 . 6/11/2015
"Why Lady Nel, what would your father say?" was probably my fave part
i agree that it's not easy to flesh out a character you don't really interact with in games that much.
on the other hand, you can fill the gap with imagination. i can totally see the queen having such thoughts in her head though. nicely done
DashRenders chapter 1 . 1/30/2015
It was by sheer coincidence last night that I decided to look up an old favorite pairing of mine, and stumbled onto your growing series. And I wound up staying awake til after 2am reading them on my phone. You paint such a vivid picture with words and such good pacing, I hope you continue filling such a small niche for this series. Kudos
Z.A.G chapter 1 . 10/13/2014
That... was friggin adorable. LOL
ArcaneMaverick chapter 1 . 8/16/2014
I'm glad someone is still writing SO3 fiction. This was cute and the ending was a great tie off. Nel is lightening up which is nice to see sometimes. I wouldn't mind reading more. You seem to grasp the game characters well. Thanks.
Vegeta the 3rd chapter 1 . 7/1/2014
I like it. We got to know more about Queen Romeria in a way as she's observing and hearing things that would no doubt fly over her head (like climate control). She plays nicely as attempted matchmaker for Nel, and has her own opinions on the other heroes that are traveling with her that come off as both biased according to her and unbiased to how the characters themselves act (if that makes sense). Basically, you do a good job keeping everyone in character from what I remember of the game.

I got an honest laugh from Cliff and Roger's "show" and how Fayt, despite not knowing Cliff as long as Maria or Mirage, just rolls with it. Shipping aside, I see this more as a one-shot with Romeria as the main character as we see and hear through her. I wouldn't mind reading more of these one shots, especially since Elicoor II is literally almost half of the game's story, and one of the biggest explored "worlds". The characters from there are interesting to look into, except maybe Adray.

I look forward to reading more stories that have this same "slice of life" feel.

-Vegeta the 3rd